Wednesday, October 15th, 2014
Game Salute will distribute Green Eye Games’ strategy/horror board game Cthulhu Wars to the trade in Q1 2015, according to hobby news website
The Lovecraftian big box game tied to the Cthulhu mythos raised more than $1.4 million from more than 4,000 backers in July 2013 and still holds a spot on the Top 10 Tabletop Game Kickstarter chart.
Players take the role of gods and alien races out to expand their power base in the earthly realm, as well as complete six tasks to acquire their faction spell books. On their turn players Gather Power, and in a series of Action Rounds, spend the Power to accomplish goals: moving units, battling others, summing monsters, building gates, awakening their Great Old One. Each faction has a unique set of monsters, special abilities, spell books and requirements, and there are multiple strategies open to each faction to accomplish them. The first player to accumulate 30 points on the Doom Track wins.
The box contains 64 miniatures including the 5 Great Old Ones (Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Hastur, The King in Yellow) which range in size from 20mm to nearly 180mm; as well as: 24 Cultist miniatures (six in each color: blue, green, red, yellow), 4 Deep Ones, 2 Shoggoths, 2 Starspawn, 3 Nightgaunts, 3 Flying Polyp, 2 Hunting Horror miniatures, 2 Ghouls, 4 Fungi, 3 Dark Young , 6 Undead, and 4 Byakhee.
Additional components include a map board of Earth (in two pieces, printed on both sides), 4 Faction Cards, 4 Power markers, 4 Doom track markers, 1 Ritual Annihilation Marker, a starting player tile, 24 Spell books, 12 Desecration markers, 22 Gates, a Player Hints & Tips guide, and a rulebook.
The game is for 2 – 4 players, ages 12 and up, and plays in 90 minutes. Green Eye Games plans to release additional factions and maps in the future as expansions, so the game will eventually support up to 7 players.
Tags: Board Games, Cthulhu Wars, Game Salute, Green Eye Games, Kickstarter, Lovecraft, New Release, TableTop
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Monday, October 13th, 2014
Fantasy Flight Games will release the third deluxe expansion for its Android: Netrunner Living Card Game, Order and Chaos, in December, according to hobby news website
The expansion story focuses on the Weyland Consortium’s ambitions to take humanity to the stars, and the Anarch’s attempt to trash Weyland’s safeguards for that future. The 165-card set (three copies each of 55 cards) focuses primarily on the Anarchs and Weyland Consortium, though all factions will find use for the new ice, assets, programs and resources, including six different neutral cards. Both Anarch and Weyland factions gain three new identities for their decks.
Netrunner was the top hobby channel non-collectible card game in Spring 2014 and has been a top seller since it was re-launched in 2012.
Tags: Board Games, Expansion, Fantasy Flight Games, Living Card Game, Netrunner, New Release, TableTop
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Saturday, October 11th, 2014
During the live stream of Magic Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir this weekend, Wizards of the Coast announced a Magic the Gathering board game! Unfortunately, other than this announcement, details are hard to come by. The only other information give is the date October 16, 2014, which just happens to be the large Essen game show in Germany.
What do you think this board game will be? Will it be a RPG-in-a-box game, in which you assume the role of a Planeswalker trying to gain power and defeat evil?
Will it be a deck building game like Netrunner, DC Deck Building game or Ascension?
Or perhaps a economy-based strategy game or a cooperative game?
What do you think the Magic the Gathering board game will be? Sound off in the comments below!
Tags: Board Game, Essen, Khans of Tarkir, Magic the Gathering, MTG, Pro Tour, TableTop, Wizards of the Coast
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Store Related | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014
Asmodee will release a new expansion for Antoine Bauza’s 7 Wonders series, 7 Wonders Babel, in November, according to news website
The 7 Wonders Babel expansion adds a new dimension to the card drafting and set collection game, centered around the construction of the nearby Tower of Babel and other monuments. Babel actually contains two expansions, which can be played individually or together, or combined with other 7 Wonders expansions.
At the beginning of a game, players draft quarter-circle tiles before drafting anything else. The tiles are “laws” that affect all the players while they are displayed after being played on the circular display wheel. They may be infinite resources from a single card, or an effect on how many points winners of military conflicts receive at the end of a round.
In the first expansion, players have the option of playing a new tile rather than collecting three coins, but once four tiles have been played, the next tile will cover the first existing tile (as the tower ascends), so laws can change throughout the game. Players also earn points at the end of the game depending on how many tiles they placed throughout the game.
The second expansion involves a laws card which is chosen at the beginning of each age, with tokens placed on it corresponding to the number of players in the game. The tokens are a tax on players who wish to play cards of a certain color, and as they are played, a player collects a token for paying the tax. If all the tokens are removed by the end of the round, players receive a bonus for tokens they collected, or conversely, if tokens remain, then players who did not pay the tax are penalized.
The box contains 1 Tower of Babel board, 24 Babel tiles, 15 Edifice cards, 1 Participation marker, Edifice chips, a score book and a rule book. The game is for 2 – 7 players, ages 13 and up, and plays in 45 minutes. As an expansion, it requires the base game to play.
Tags: 7 Wonders, 7 Wonders Babel, Asmodee, Board Games, Expansion, New Release, TableTop
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Tuesday, October 7th, 2014
White Wizard Games has announced two expansions for its popular Star Realms Deck Building Game. Star Realms: Crisis will arrive in November, with Star Realms: Gambit planned for winter 2015. This news is first reported by
Crisis is a 48-card expansion which consists of four 12-card non-random packs, each sold separately. The four packs concentrate on different aspects of the game–Events adds gaming-changing event cards, Heroesintroduces new character cards, Bases & Battleships and Fleets & Fortresses both add powerful new ships and bases. Each display will include six of each expansion pack.
The Star Realms: Gambit set is currently only available as a second place prize in the organized play tournament kit, but will be made available for direct sale sometime this winter. The 20-card set includes 13 Gambit “special ability” cards, 4 Challenge cards for solo and co-op play, and 3 Merc Cruiser cards.
White Wizard has a third printing of the popular game due to arrive in mid-October, and a second printing of playmats available now. Licensed deck boxes and card sleeves are also planned for winter release from Legion Supplies.
Tags: Board Game, deck building, New Release, Star Realms, TableTop, White Wizard Games
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Tuesday, October 7th, 2014
WizKids has entered into a license agreement with Wizards of the Coast to publish a new Dungeons & Dragons Adventure System board game, with the first, currently untitled game planned for March release, according to news website
WizKids posted a preorder sell sheet last month (which has since been removed) announcing details of D&D Adventure System Game #4. The game was touted as “(c)ontinuing the grand adventures of Wrath of Ashardalon, Castle Ravenloft, and The Legend of Drizzt,” which were all hot sellers in their day (Wrath of Ashardalon even made our Top 10.
The game will include multiple scenarios, quests and cooperative game play, and can also be combined with the contents of previous D&D Adventure System games. WotC Senior Manager of Dungeons & Dragons R&D Mike Mearls explained in an August interview with Clever Move that the rule set for future D&D board games will remain very similar. “That game system is very adaptable with different storylines,” Mearls said in the interview.
WizKids is not designing the game; the sales sheet states that “Wizards of the Coast… is designing and developing the game.”
The box will include 40 figures, 8 Hero cards, 4 Villain cards, 200 cards, 55 interlocking tiles, 4 double-sized interlocking tiles, 168 tokens, a 20-sided die, an adventure book and a rulebook. The game is for 1-5 players, ages 14 and up and plays in an hour. Release is planned for March 16th.
Tags: Board Games, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, New Release, TableTop, Wizards of the Coast, WizKids
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Dungeons & Dragons, Featured Post, Role-Playing Games, Store Related | 1 Comment »