Posts Tagged ‘Pro Tour’
Saturday, October 11th, 2014

During the live stream of Magic Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir this weekend, Wizards of the Coast announced a Magic the Gathering board game! Unfortunately, other than this announcement, details are hard to come by. The only other information give is the date October 16, 2014, which just happens to be the large Essen game show in Germany.
What do you think this board game will be? Will it be a RPG-in-a-box game, in which you assume the role of a Planeswalker trying to gain power and defeat evil?
Will it be a deck building game like Netrunner, DC Deck Building game or Ascension?
Or perhaps a economy-based strategy game or a cooperative game?
What do you think the Magic the Gathering board game will be? Sound off in the comments below!

Tags: Board Game, Essen, Khans of Tarkir, Magic the Gathering, MTG, Pro Tour, TableTop, Wizards of the Coast
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Store Related | 2 Comments »

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

UPDATE: Ari Lax, from Boston, Massachusetts, WINS Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir!!
UPDATE: Top 8 Decklists and Profiles
UPDATE: Day two of Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir has come to an end and with that, we have our final eight players who will do battle tomorrow on the Sunday stage:
- Shaun McLaren – Canada
- Ari Lax – USA
- Ivan Floc – Slovak Republic
- Lei Shi Tan – Hong Kong
- Mike Sigrist – USA
- Tiago Saparito – Brazil
- Ondrei Strasky – Czech Republic
- Yuuya Watanabe – Japan
UPDATE: Local Magic Pro Mike Sigrist lone undefeated player after ten rounds!
UPDATE: Join in for day two of the Khans of Tarkir Pro Tour!
UPDATE: Additional Disqualifications announced. What do you think of this unprecedented number of reported disqualifications at Magic the Gathering‘s highest level?
The Magic the Gathering Pro Tour returns to Honolulu, Hawaii this weekend after a long hiatus. Players will be testing their mettle in Khans of Tarkir booster draft and showcasing their hard work in a brand new Standard format.
Day one an day two are now in the books with the final eight players announced. Who will emerge victorious? Join in tomorrow for the top eight! Tune in all weekend along to follow your favorite pro Magic player and watch the action live!
Big Announcements:
Featured Articles on
Don’t forget to follow the action all weekend long and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Tags: Booster Draft, Event Coverage, Khans of Tarkir, Magic the Gathering, Mike Sigrist, MTG, Pro Tour, PT Disqualification, Standard, Wizards of the Coast
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts | 1 Comment »

Monday, August 11th, 2014

In case you missed it, earlier this month during Pro Tour Magic 2015, Wizards of the Coast – publishers of the popular card game Magic the Gathering – released the schedule of their 2014-2015 Premier Organized Play schedule, which includes the Magic the Gathering Pro Tour and Grand Prix events. However, this announcement caused quite a stir when it was relvealed that the format for each of the Pro Tour events next year would include only the “Standard Constructed” and “Booster Draft” formats.
Fans took to social media and reddit to complain in droves, most often stating that this is the “death of the ‘Modern’ format.”
Well, Wizards of the Coast must be listening to their passionate fan base. Last night, Director of Organized Play Helen Bergeot released a statement that the increasingly popular “Modern Constructed” format would indeed be showcased at the Magic the Gathering Pro Tour in 2015, as well as the addition of changing Grand Prix Vancouver to Modern as well.
Here is her statement, in it’s entirety:
“During Pro Tour Magic 2015, on August 2, we announced the schedule, locations, and formats for the 2015 Pro Tours. The Constructed format for all Pro Tours in that announcement was Standard.
Since then, we have received comments and concerns from the Magic community regarding this announcement, and the omission of Modern from the 2015 Pro Tour schedule. After evaluating all feedback and after further discussion, we have decided to add Modern to the 2015 Pro Tour schedule.
The Pro Tour in Washington D.C., which will take place from February 6–8 in 2015, will feature Modern Constructed and Booster Draft as the tournament’s formats. This is a change from the previous schedule announcement of Standard and Booster Draft.
In addition, the format for Grand Prix Vancouver, taking place February 21–22 in 2015, will be changed from Limited to Modern.
In order to address the community’s questions regarding this change and other changes related to the direction of Magic, its formats, and Organized Play, we will also be hosting a CoverItLive chat session on Tuesday, August 26, where Director of Global Brand Marketing Mark Purvis, Senior Director of R&D Aaron Forsythe, and I will answer the community’s questions. We will have more details—including the time for when this CoverItLive chat session will take place—later this month.
As always, we appreciate the feedback that you have provided us regarding recent announcements, and we will address the community’s questions accordingly.
Helene Bergeot
Director of OP Programs & Operations
Wizards of the Coast”
What do you think of this change? Is this a good idea? Are you excited that the Pro Tour’s next year will have some format variety? Please let us know is the comments below!

Tags: Helen Bergeot, Magic the Gathering, Modern, MTG, Press Release, Pro Tour, Pro Tour Magic 2015, Wizards of the Coast, WOTC
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Store Related | No Comments »

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

Wizards of the Coast announced yesterday sweeping changes to the Magic the Gathering organized play program as a result of unprecedented growth in both it’s Grand Prix program and Pro Tour Qualifier programs. Based upon feedback from the community at large, including judges, players, and local-game-store’s alike, the following changes were announced:
The take away:
- New path to the Pro Tour will now feature a two-tier event series to qualify – a Preliminary PTQ feeding a Regional PTQ;
- Winners of Preliminary PTQ’s are invited to participate in the Regional PTQ;
- Preliminary PTQ’s will be run by local game stores;
- Qualified players may play in any Regional PTQ they wish;
- The top four finishers of the Regional PTQ qualify for the Pro Tour, including airfare;
- If a Regional PTQ has 128 participants or more, the top eight players qualify for the Pro Tour instead.
The take away:
- Amount of Grand Prix events increased from 46 to 54;
- The top eight (top four for a team event) will receive invitations to the Pro Tour regardless of event attendance;
- Everyone with 39 match points – or a record of 13-2 – will qualify for the Pro Tour;
- Total prize pay out increased to $70,000 if attendance is 3600 or more.
The take away:
- Pro Points at Pro Tour’s will now be awarded based upon final match point score instead of final swiss standing beyond the top eight;
- Pro Points at Grand Prix events will likewise now be awarded based upon final match point score beyond the top eight;
- Players at the Pro Tour finishing with 33 match points or more will receive an invitation and airfare to the next Pro Tour;
- Minor changes to the threshold needed to reach Platinum Pro-level status;
- Gold Pro-level no longer awards a $500.00 appearance fee. Instead, Gold Pro-level now awards airfare to all Pro Tours for the season.
What do you think of these sweeping changes? Is this better for the Magic the Gathering organized play program or worse? Tell us what you think of the new changes effective beginning in August in the comments below!

Tags: Changes, Grand Prix, Magic the Gathering, MTG, Organized Play, Pro Tour, Pro Tour Qualifier, PTQ, Wizards of the Coast, WOTC
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts, Store Related | 1 Comment »

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

Wizards of the Coast has announced plans to expand live video streaming coverage of all North American, European and Japanese premier, pro-level Magic the Gathering events in 2014 via Furthermore, video coverage will come to Australia for the first time, too.
Wizards plans to partner with production companies/teams in numerous countries in order to produce this coverage, including ChannelFireball and Star City Games. For Japanese events, a company called NicoNico will produce the content. Events with out video coverage will continue to have text coverage on
In addition, they announced that Luis-Scott Vargas and Ben Stark of ChannelFireball fame will come on as commentators for this coverage.
To read the article in it’s entirety, click here.
About Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAS), is the leader in entertaining the lifestyle gamer. Wizards’ players and fans are members of a global community bound together by their love of both digital gaming and in-person play. The company brings to market a range of gaming experiences under powerful brand names such as MAGIC: THE GATHERING, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and KAIJUDO. Wizards is also a publisher of fantasy series fiction with numerous New York Times best-sellers. For more information about our world renowned brands, visit the Wizards of the Coast Website at
What do you think? Are you excited for expanded video coverage and potentially higher production value? Let us know in the comments!
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Tags: Event Coverage, Grand Prix, Magic the Gathering, MTG, Pro Tour, Wizards of the Coast, WOTC
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering | No Comments »
