Posts Tagged ‘Magic the Gathering’

Wizards of the Coast Announces Sweeping Changes to ‘Magic’ Organized Play




Wizards of the Coast announced yesterday sweeping changes to the Magic the Gathering organized play program as a result of unprecedented growth in both it’s Grand Prix program and Pro Tour Qualifier programs. Based upon feedback from the community at large, including judges, players, and local-game-store’s alike, the following changes were announced:


A New Path to the Pro Tour

The take away:

  • New path to the Pro Tour will now feature a two-tier event series to qualify – a Preliminary PTQ feeding a Regional PTQ;
  • Winners of Preliminary PTQ’s are invited to participate in the Regional PTQ;
  • Preliminary PTQ’s will be run by local game stores;
  • Qualified players may play in any Regional PTQ they wish;
  • The top four finishers of the Regional PTQ qualify for the Pro Tour, including airfare;
  • If a Regional PTQ has 128 participants or more, the top eight players qualify for the Pro Tour instead.


Improving Grand Prix Events

The take away:

  • Amount of Grand Prix events increased from 46 to 54;
  • The top eight (top four for a team event) will receive invitations to the Pro Tour regardless of event attendance;
  • Everyone with 39 match points – or a record of 13-2 – will qualify for the Pro Tour;
  • Total prize pay out increased to $70,000 if attendance is 3600 or more.


Changes to the Pro Player’s Club

The take away:

  • Pro Points at Pro Tour’s will now be awarded based upon final match point score instead of final swiss standing beyond the top eight;
  • Pro Points at Grand Prix events will likewise now be awarded based upon final match point score beyond the top eight;
  • Players at the Pro Tour finishing with 33 match points or more will receive an invitation and airfare to the next Pro Tour;
  • Minor changes to the threshold needed to reach Platinum Pro-level status;
  • Gold Pro-level no longer awards a $500.00 appearance fee. Instead, Gold Pro-level now awards airfare to all Pro Tours for the season.



What do you think of these sweeping changes? Is this better for the Magic the Gathering organized play program or worse? Tell us what you think of the new changes effective beginning in August in the comments below!







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‘Magic the Gathering’ at San Diego Comic Con

Every year at San Diego Comic Con (SDCC), Wizards of the Coast always makes some amazing announcements for upcoming products. This year, they did not disappoint. Check it out!




Duel Decks: Speed Vs Cunning coming September 5th, 2014!

Duel Decks: Speed Vs Cunning coming September 5th, 2014!


Five new mono-color Commander decks coming November 7th, 2014!

Five new mono-color Commander decks coming November 7th, 2014!


Khans of Trokair is to be a "wedge" set!

Khans of Trokair is to be a “wedge” set!


Here’s some other sweet tidbits announced at SDCC:

  • From the Vault: Annihilation will be released August 22 and will include Armageddon, Wrath of God, Rolling Earthquake,Cataclysm, and Living Death.

  • Unknown products were announced too: The original four Duel Decks will be released as Duel Decks: Anthology. These were Jace vs. ChandraElves vs. GoblinsDivine vs. Demonic, and Garruk vs. Liliana.

  • Khans of Tarkir is going to be a large set—small set—large set block structure (like InnistradDark Ascension, and Avacyn Restored, with a special consideration for Limited and “a time travel element” yet to be revealed.

  • Tarkir itself is a plane of five warring clans, each worships a different aspect of the plane’s (now extinct) dragons.

  • There will be more than just the clans on Tarkir: Djinn, Efreet, and Bears will be featured.

  • Seeded Prerelease boxes are returning, one for each clan, but this time the Prerelease promo for each will be one of eight different cards at random, easing some of the “one seeded box is much better for Limited than the others” concerns from recent prereleases, and hopefully resulting in more a even selection of boxes.

  • Finally, each clan will have its own mechanic, with morph returning for the block.


So, what do you think of this exciting announcement? What are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments below!


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GP Boston-Worcester Top 32 Deck List: U/B Teachings by Carl Godon

knowledge pool


In case you missed it, GP Boston-Worcester came and went this past weekend. Several of our local players went on to make Day 2 of the event, including Nick Blake and myself. Carl is a local player who frequents the Abington store. He’s well know for his “unique and interesting” deck lists. So, it’s no surprise that people are wanting to know what he played this past weekend to a Top 32 finish at GP Boston-Worcester. It even peaked some interests when his deck got tweeted about. Here’s the list:

3x Snapcaster Mage
2x Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
1x Treasure Mage
1x Wurmcoil Engine
3x Thoughtseize
2x Inquisition of Kozilek
1x Damnation
1x Repeal
1x Smother
2x Disfigure
1x Hero’s Downfall
1x Darkblast
1x Mystical Teachings
2x Mana Leak
1x Consume the Meek
1x Slaughter Pact
1x Syncopate
2x Far//Away
3x Cryptic Command
2x Spell Snare
2x Think Twice
1x Knowledge Pool
1x Misty Rainforest
2x Scalding Tarn
3x Tectonic Edge
2x Dreadship Reef
2x Snow-Covered Swamp
4x Snow-Covered Island
4x Watery Grave
4x Creeping Tar Pit
2x Dark Slick Shores
1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
1x Devour Flesh
3x Pack Rat
1x Duress
1x Tectonic Edge
1x Thoughtseize
1x Mindbreak Trap
1x Grafdigger’s Cage
2x Shadow of Doubt
2x Threads of Disloyalty
1x Damping Matrix
1x Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver


That’s a lot of one-ofs and two-ofs, but it definitely looks like a “Carl” deck as we like to say. The most interesting part of the deck is Knowledge Pool, and, yes, you’re reading the deck list correctly. There is only one copy in the deck. Some of you who follow Jackie Lee on Twitter may have seen her post about how her “opponent casually” locked her out of the game with Knowledge Pool.



The obvious question people had was, “What’s Knowledge Pool?” The next question was how Carl locked people out of the game with the card. The short version of the card is this: when the card is played, both players must exile the top three cards of their library. This is through the card’s “Imprint” mechanic. The card goes on to say that, now, whenever a player plays a spell, that spell is exiled. If the player exiles the card, they can cast any card that was originally exiled by Knowledge Pool and play it without paying it’s casting cost.


Sounds great, right? Well not if Teferi is in play. Confused? It’s okay. We all are. The lock is so obscure, I even had trouble forming words to explain it. Here is the best explanation thanks to the internet. “Knowledge Pool’s triggered ability is on the stack at the time they could cast an exiled spell from it, as the stack is not empty, that player could not cast a sorcery at this time. Thus they cannot cast any spells at this time due to Teferi’s effect, meaning knowledge pool exiles any spell not cast from hand without any return for opponents. So they only spells they cast not from hand (flashback for instance or via madness) can resolve and also land drops are unaffected.”


The strategy actually originates from EDH. This was one of the most interesting facts I found out while researching about the lock.


Well that’s it for now. I’ll be writing about my own experiences from this past weekend’s events, and, if you’re lucky, maybe we’ll even get Nick to talk about his time at the event as well.







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GP Boston-Worcester Preview: Mental Challenges by Dylan Klett

Hey everyone!



Grand Prix Boston (which is secretly Grand Prix Worcester, for those who haven’t been before) is coming up this weekend, and I’m very excited. Not only is this the same venue where I attended my first Grand Prix ever, but instead of the format being M13 Sealed like the last time I was able to attend, it’s Modern!


Modern is the format I most enjoy playing; I feel like the youth of the format combined with the enormous card pool lends itself to some really sweet game states, and it feels like there’s plenty of room for innovation.


Instead of talking about specific cards or decks today, I wanted to take some time to go over some of the more subtle challenges you’ll encounter as a player at a competitive tournament of any size (although this will be especially true at one as large as a Grand Prix). These are often challenges to your mindset, or obstacles that have little or nothing to do with your skill as a Magic player. Your ability to deal with them can sometimes be the difference between coming away from a tournament feeling like you had a great day and a positive experience, or wishing you had spent the time doing literally anything else.


Be prepared for mental fatigue

This becomes particularly relevant when you get into the later rounds, where both you and your opponent have been playing Magic almost non-stop for the past five, six, seven or more hours. Abundant playtesting will be greatly rewarded here; the less you need to think about the fundamental lines of play and choices your deck will present you with, the more brainpower you will conserve in the long run to deal with those tough, win-or-lose situations.


The more familiar you are with the format and your deck, the better. Make no mistake, you will get tired, and the temptation will be there to just jam your cards in the most straightforward way possible. Try to slow down, catch yourself before doing this, and force yourself to think your options through. It will pay off. Nothing makes you walk away from a match feeling quite as miserable as losing to a mistake you would never have made in round one.


Keep the smaller picture in mind

While playing your match, try to block out as much information as possible from coming in that isn’t relevant to the match. Don’t bother checking the text from your friend to see if they’ve won their match or not, don’t worry about what the players next to you are arguing with a judge about.


Don’t think of the match in front of your in terms of how much if left – if you let yourself worry about how many more matches you have to win, you will focus on results, stress yourself out, and risk losing the focus necessary to win the game at hand. Boil your concentration down to a single goal: there is a match of Magic in front of you, right now, and you’re here to win it. Do it.


Keep the bigger picture in mind

Gerry Thompson wrote an article recently where he described all Magic played competitively or with “a mind to get better” as “one big session.” This has stuck with me over the past week or so; I really like the way this is phrased, and the mentality that this implies. Magic is an endlessly complex and difficult game, and to do well requires of us not only that we learn, but that we learn well.


We must put a conscious effort into our improvement as players, and a large part of this means maintaining an openness to being wrong, to making mistakes, and to stop doing something we are comfortable with in favor of doing something new. We must re-evaluate ourselves. Most importantly, it means failing, and failing even when we feel most sure that we can not or should not.


It’s great to win and winning feels great, but when we win, it is easy to gloss over mistakes we may have made on our way to victory, because we got the result we wanted. The real prize is always noticing something you could have done better, and realizing that you will make that decision better next time. When we lose, we are forced to do this — if not by our curiosity, then by our pride.


When playing at an event and you lose in frustrating fashion — that lucky topdeck the turn before they would have died, or your opponent drawing their one sideboard card against you and you not seeing a single one of seven you put in — it’s fine to feel angry, but keep it to yourself or your close friends, let it pass, and let learning from that loss take its place.


To wrap things up, let me give a sweet example:


At a PTQ I was playing a couple weekends ago, I was playing UB Faeries against Splinter Twin in Round Seven. This is an awesome matchup for me, and I know it — the only thing I know I need to watch out for is Blood Moon out of the sideboard, which can completely ruin me if he gets a chance to resolve it. Other than that, it’s very difficult for the Twin player to win, and one of the reasons to play Faeries in the first place.


Game One goes about as planned: I play a Bitterblossom, cast a couple discard and counter spells, and kill him before he can get even close to the combo. Game Two starts off much the same, and I feel very confident; I play turn one discard spell, turn two Bitterblossom, turn three Vendillion Clique, and pass turn four holding up my hand of one Smother, one Dismember. I know his hand is two Pestermites and a Splinter Twin. At my end step, he plays one of his Pestermites. I kill it using Dismember, paying four life despite having four lands available so I can bluff the maximum amount of other possible tricks. I know every card in his hand, and my last card deals with it nicely. He’s dead in two turns. What could go wrong?


blood moon

Blood Moon. That’s what.


Suddenly, I am locked out of casting my Smother because my three basic Swamps in the deck had zero of them in play (which is of course, completely reasonable). My opponent breezily deploys his last Pestermite at the end of my next turn and casts Splinter Twin on it while at three life, with my Smother in hand and helpless to resist. Initially, I was frustrated. I had played as much disruption as it was possible to play against one of my best match-ups and still lost to what felt like dumb luck.


Blood Moon is a stupid card, I wanted to rant. Why is it legal in Modern? It never leads to fun games.


It took me about 10 minutes of being on 45-degree tilt before I realized how I could have won that game, Blood Moon be damned. If I had cast Smother instead of Dismember on his first Pestermite, using my black spell while I still had black mana, I would have still had Dismember in hand when my opponent plucked that Blood Moon off the top of his deck like a ripe fruit. Go ahead, cast your Splinter Twin. I’ll tap my newly minted Mountain and pay four life. Kill it. Kill you. No black mana required.


Instead, I let my confidence in the matchup and my exceptional series of draws cloud my judgment, and I allowed myself to stop thinking of what could make me lose this game. When I stopped thinking about how I could lose, I stopped playing around it. And I lost.


If that isn’t proof that Magic is a wonderful game, I don’t know what is.


About the Author

Dylan Klett is a local competitor who can usually be found at the Plainville store for Friday Night Magic. To request more articles by Dylan, let us know by emailing




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Tempo-Twin for Grand Prix Boston-Worcester

Greetings Magic the Gathering fans. This is my first actual article for and in it, I’m excited to be writing about the ever-evolving Modern format — a format I use to very much dislike. Thankfully, I found an archetype I can get behind and now fully support this really interesting format. Can you guess what it is?



Yup, that’s the one – Splinter Twin; the Blue-Red Tempo version, to be exact. There’s nothing more exciting that creating four-billion 2/1 or 1/4 creatures! This will be my weapon of choice for Grand Prix Boston-Worcester 2014 tomorrow morning.


The deck plays essentially like a control deck with a combo finish, utilizing the Splinter Twin (or Kiki-Jiki) plus Deceiver Exarch or Pestermite combo in order to make an infinite amount of token creatures. Here is the final decklist and sideboard:



5 Island

1 Mountain

4 Scalding Tarn

4 Misty Rainforest

1 Desolate Lighthouse

1 Stomping Ground

4 Steam Vents

3 Sulfur Falls



4 Deceiver Exarch

2 Pestermite

1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker

4 Snapcaster Mage

2 Vendilion Clique

1 Spellskite



4 Splinter Twin

2 Electrolyze

2 Flame Slash

4 Lightning Bolt

1 Dispel

2 Cryptic Command

4 Remand

4 Serum Visions



2 Anger of the Gods

2 Blood Moon

2 Ancient Grudge

2 Keranos, God of Storms

1 Counterflux

1 Negate

1 Echoing Truth

1 Dispel

1 Batterskull

1 Vedalken Shackles

1 Spellskite


Essentially, a fairly standard list, all things considered. When compared to most other versions out there, I have an extra Steam Vents (for the Vedalken Shackles in the sideboard); only one Spellskite; an additional Electrolyze; and no Peek/Gitaxian Probe. Spellskite seems to be increasingly mitigated of late as a lot of matchups are increasingly prepared for this card. However, having an 0/4 blocker can be useful and it’s redirect ability is still randomly useful and has a wide range of applications. Electrolyze has been amazing lately and I play the deck as a control deck that wins with a combo;  Electrolyze helps with that goal. Finally, Peek/Probe felt far too low impact and often times, regardless of knowing my opponent’s hand, my lines of play were the same regardless.


Why Splinter Twin?


This goes back to Grand Prix Richmond 2013. After the banning of Deathrite Shaman, I immediately gravitated toward the Blue-White-Red Control deck that Shaun McLaren won Pro Tour Born of the Gods with. I’m a control player at heart and this deck felt perfect to me. Despite this, I put up a very disappointing 2-1-2 record and dropped, disappointed. What happened? The metagame had shifted; Lightning Helix just wasn’t cutting it and the deck has an awful lot of trouble actually finishing a game (hence the draws). So, I went back to the drawing board.



Never underestimate this little guy.


I knew I wanted to play something powerful, especially given the amount of combo decks in the format. I owned all the cards for Splinter Twin and I played the deck when it was Standard-legal. With that, I didn’t see that I had any other choice; Splinter Twin it is.


Ultimately – aside from card availability and basic familiarity – I chose the deck because it’s inherently powerful, consistent, and has positive match ups against the other combo decks (though Scapeshift is a bit closer) and Affinity. Furthermore, the mana is solid and allows for the use of Blood Moon (a very powerful trump in a lot of matchups, especially the Jund/Junk/Rock decks). I briefly tried the Tarmo-Twin deck popularized by German professional Magic player Patrick Dickmann, but I hate losing to my mana base, despite gaining some powerful cards and – I think – a better sideboard. Overall, consistency goes a long way to generating wins, especially in long tournaments.



I’m excited to be doing battle with Splinter Twin and very much looking forward to the Grand Prix. I’ve put a lot of practice into the deck, so I feel confident for big things. Wish me luck and look forward to an after-action report following the Grand Prix! If you’re in attendance, please say hello!


About the Author

Chris Alexander is the Online Store Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. He has a vast amount of experience in the industry having stints with other major internet companies. He is a lover of games and Islands. He dislikes Mountains and anything associated with them except for Splinter Twin. When he is not playing “Magic: The Gathering” or board games, he can be found with his two loving dogs; typically cleaning after them.



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This week in Magic: A Modern Primer



Is it still Grand Prix Boston or is it Grand Prix Worcester? Even worse, do we call it Grand Prix Boston/Worcester? Actually, according to the official site of “Magic: The Gathering,” they have it listed as Grand Prix Boston-Worcester. Well, however you see it, the Grand Prix is finally here. Are you ready for it?


I’m as ready as I have ever been for a tournament. Never have I ever prepared this much for any kind of tournament. I have the attention span of bubble gum. For me to stick with a deck this long is unheard of. There is, of course, plenty of time for me to call an audible and switch decks the night before.


If all goes as planned, I will be running Mono Red Burn. This is slightly different from Red Deck Wins as this deck runs fewer creatures and a heavier burn package. This also should not come as a surprise as I have been writing about the deck for the past several weeks. Note: I do plan on finishing that series. I’ll most likely do it once the GP ends and will have final thoughts about it.


What about you? What are you planning on running? Don’t worry; there really is no wrong answer to that question. Here is a quick breakdown among the three different types of meta: Combo (37%), Control (27%), and Aggro (36%). Now that we know this info, let’s break things down even more. We’ll go a little more in-depth with each meta and look at the different decks that are the most popular within their meta.



To no one’s surprise the top dog here is Affinity. This deck is so good and very fast. When you’re on the other side of things, there is no greater fear than watching your opponent drop their hand on the first turn of the game. Who knew that something like Signal Pest, such a small and very un-intimidating creature, can be so deadly? When he’s teamed up with his buddies Memnite and Ornithopter (even Inkmoth Nexus) things can quickly get out of hand. Knowing your opponent is playing Affinity is not always the end of all things. I’ve seen plenty of these decks sputter out and run out of gas. Keep your head cool and things will be okay.


Next up is Jund. This is one of those decks that took every powerful card in the format and smooshed them all together. Take a look at its creature package for example: 4x Tarmogoyf, 4x Dark Confidant, 3x Scavenging Ooze, and 3x Courser of Kruphix. A very strong creature package teamed with a very disruptive spell package, and you have the makings of the one of the best Aggro decks in the format. Thoughtseize, Inquisition, and Liliana are the best in the game. Get ready for a fight and have a well prepared backup plan ready when these are pointed at you.


I played against a UR Aggro deck at a recent GPT. I remember staring down a Young Pyromancer on turn two and had the choice of burning my opponent or killing the creature. It was early on in my Mono Red Burn experience, so I opted to burn my opponent in the face. I can definitely tell you that I paid for that mistake in full. The next time around, I did not hesitate to burn it and I went on to win the match. This deck is just a conglomerate of Delvers and a spell package tune for tempo. Don’t let this deck’s appearance fool you. It packs a solid punch.


aether vial


Merfolk rounds out the top five decks in the Aggro meta. This deck takes full advantage of the Aether Vial and shows why this card is so powerful, no matter what format it’s in. You need to take these fish seriously. In it’s entire creature package, half of them are lords. Each one pumping the other up. Add Aether Vial into the mix and you have a recipe for destruction. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that while the Merfolk player is playing islands, they don’t play many counterspells. Don’t be afraid to run a spell or two out out there.



I’ve always been a big fan of Tron decks. Therefore, to see this as top deck in the Control meta makes me very happy. Playing with the Urza Tron lands almost feels like cheating in a way, but you’re not. Being able to produce seven mana on turn three allows the player to do many silly things. One of those things is being able to cast Karn Liberated. At first glance, sure, he’s a pretty powerful planeswalker, but on turn three it’s not fair. After his first positive activation, he sits there at ten loyalty and almost impossible to kill with creatures. Even worse, he exiles permanents getting around any kind of indestructibility they might have. If you let things get too far, he just resets the game.


Tron decks have numerous ways to have fun besides Karn. If they need to they can play Wurmcoil Engines and even CAST Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.


In the recent weeks, I’ve seen GB Rock decks pick up in popularity. With their package of hand disruption, I’m not surprised, especially since Twin is one of the most popular decks in the format. I know what you’re saying, though. “Jund runs a similar package.” Yes, but now we’re dealing with two colors. In a format where mana can be a serious issue, having stability can be more appealing than added aggressiveness. Obstinate Baloth is a nice touch. Not only is it great against Mono Red decks, but it helps Rock players with sustainability, and Liliana is a real threat. Imagine discarding a Baloth to a Liliana? Ouch.


I’m going to put UW and UWx Midrange decks together. This color combination will always be a very popular choice. The strat is a little simple: control the game until late, then let your man-lands take over. It takes a special person to pilot control these kinds of decks. However, once mastered these decks can prove to be very powerful. With the splash of Red, the player gains access to spells like Lightning Bolt, Electrolyze, and an endless amount of ammo for your side board. The obvious difference between the decks is how aggressive the UWx Midrange decks can be. In the end, it really comes down to your play style.



This meta has some of the most powerful and popular decks in the format. However, while it may be difficult, they are not unbeatable. First up is Birthing Pod. This deck was a house in Standard. With an expanded line-up, there isn’t any surprise that it’s, once again, running the show. Although, from what I’ve heard, there hasn’t been much spotted in the Massachusetts area – at least in the South Shore. This is one of those tool box decks that plays numerous one-ofs. These “one-ofs” are enough to win a person the game and match. The creature package from casting cost one through three are almost the same every time: Birds, Voice, Finks, and and Hierarch. Getting a Pod out as fast as you can is key and once it’s out, things can start to turn in favor of whoever played it first.


One of the most popular versions was the Melira Pod combo. This aimed to get a creature like Viscera Seer out with Melira, then continuously sacrifice Kitchen Finks to scry through your entire deck and gain millions of life. Another cute combination I came across, recently, was the interaction between Archangel of Thune and Spike Feeder. I was lucky enough to stop this frightening combo, but I emptied my hand in the process. It was worth it. There are even version of Pod that play Kiki-Jiki. This has the same premise as the Twin Control decks, but uses a Birthing Pod to get the tools into play.


Speaking of Twin, this is one of the most popular decks I have seen in the area. Again, there are a couple of versions people like to play. There is the regular Twin Exach combo deck and then there is Tarmo-Twin. The regular version of the deck plays a strong control game, while it try to get it’s combo pieces. You know your opponent is trying to go off if they play either a Deceiver Exarch or Pestermite at the end of your turn. This tends to lead into a Splinter Twin being played the following turn. The Tarmo-Twin decks play (if you couldn’t tell already) Tarmogoyfs as an alternative win condition. At first sight it seems a little weird, but this just proves how powerful this little guy is. Having trouble with a deck your playing? Play four Tarmogoyfs and all your troubles will go away – even if you’re not playing Green; force it in there.


splinter twin


So how does it work, really? Well, once your opponent has either a Pestermite or Deceiver Exarch in play, they will cast a Splinter Twin onto it. The aura gives the creature the ability to tap itself and put a copy of itself into play with haste. The neat trick here is that when either of these creatures comes into play, they can untap a permanent they control. Can you guess what get’s untapped? That’s right, the original creature with the Splinter Twin attached to it. The player goes on to make enough copies to get through your defenses and kills you via a swarm of creatures.


Scapeshift is another very popular Combo deck in the area. There is a little bit of math involved here, but if you understand the timing (and the person who plays this deck will, most certainly) then you can control one of the most devastating decks in the format. Scapeshift is a sorcery speed spell that allows the caster to sacrifice any number of lands. They then search their library for that many lands and put them into play. Sounds boring, right? Well you’re partially correct. The key card they have to get is Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle. Without this card, the deck plays a lot of lands (specifically mountains) for nothing. Be a little cautious though, Scapeshift sometimes packs a small package of counterspells. I learned the hard way that this deck can have up to four Izzet Charms. This is bad when you’re a Mono Red Burn player.


The last of the Combo decks are Infect, Living End, and Storm. Infect is one of those decks that you know right away if you’re playing. You don’t know how many times I’ve heard people groan at the turn one Glistener Elf. It could potentially kill you on turn two. As long as you keep it off of anything it can pump up, then you should be okay. Living End is one of those decks that can just show up and win a tournament. A big reason is because no one knows how to play against it. For some, the Cascade mechanic is still a bit of a mystery to them. Just remember this, you can still counter a spell that is being cast via Cascade.


Finally, Storm reminds me a little like Scapeshift. Although, I guess the same could be said for any combo deck. Basically, I’ve seen plenty of Storm decks fizzle while attempting to combo off. As a Mono Red Burn player, I hope to cast an Eidolon of The Great Revel before they go crazy. However, if you’re not in my position, then hope to kill them before they kill you. Thanks to the ridiculousness in high variance for these decks, not many people choose to run them.


Well, that’s it for now. I really hope you enjoyed this “small” primer of what to expect this weekend at the GP. The Modern Format is such an open format, though. I remember someone mentioning to me that it all depends on what the flavor of the week is. Considering how many decks do well time and time again, that person may have a valid point. Remember to get plenty of sleep and, most importantly, try to have fun. I’ve missed these big events the past three years due to either illness or something else. I’m going to do my best to have as much fun as possible.


PS. Don’t forget to say hello if you see me this weekend. Let’s take some photos together!


About the author

Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!


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