Posts Tagged ‘Largest GP’

Wizards of the Coast Responds to ‘Crackgate’ Scandal

In an announcement made last week, Wizards of the Coast Director of Global Organized Play Helene Bergeot released a statement that the individual responsible for the now infamous “crackgate” photos taken at Grand Prix Richmond 2014 – the second largest Magic the Gathering Grand Prix to date – is suspended from participating in Magic the Gathering events for a period of 18 months. In case you missed it, a individual whom attended Grand Prix Richmond posted these photos, depicting numerous unknown gamers and their rear-ends, facilitating the stereotype that gamers in general are unkempt. This triggered a huge uproar in the Magic the Gathering community both on Twitter and Reddit. Many argued that the photos taken depict a form of bullying. While others believe this to be humor and a funny reminder for gamers to pull up their pants. No matter where you stand, the individual responsible is banned from participating in sanctioned Magic the Gathering events.

What do you think? Is this justice? Are the photos a form of bullying or simply humor? Let us know in the comments section below!

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