Friday, March 27th, 2015
Welcome back to “This week in Magic.” This week we’re going to tackle the upcoming Fat Pack Challenge. If you’ve never taken on one of these challenges, they are a fun spin on the 6-pack sealed events stores sometimes host. However, the spin on this even is that players will be opening the entire contents of a Fat Pack, which is nine booster [packs. Additionally, they’re also going to be confined to the contents of that Fat Pack. So, if there happens to be a very weird printing error where they don’t get a certain land in their land pack, well, they won’t have access to that land.
Fat Pack challenges can have huge upsides and downsides. A big upside is that you are given more options than normal. It may only be three more packs than normally opened, but it actually ends up being a lot. At the same time, this can also be a downside. This is where you, as a player, really need to know where to cut down on cards to play.
Another small challenge to the Fat Pack challenge is that there are no seeded packs. Gone is the head start in the color combination you wanted. So here you have nine packs and each of them is totally random – all other rules in regarding Sealed still apply. Once you’ve gotten your Fat Pack my advice is to lay all out you’re cards according to color. Some like to do it by converted mana cost, but I think by laying them out by color, you get a real good sense of what you’re working with.
Once I’ve got my colors sorted, I still go through each one to make sure I didn’t miss anything obvious like killer dragons or giant bombs. Looking through each pile, I can easily get a sense of what I have to play with. In most cases, the piles with the fewest cards I can easily set aside. The colors with the biggest stacks are the colors I tend to play with since they’ll usually have the most options for me to play around with.
There have been a few occasions where the biggest pile didn’t mean I was automatically playing that color. Something important to remember is the theme of the block. Remember, in Khans of Tarkir, players were introduced to five new clans – Abzan, Mardu, Temur, Jeskai, and Sultai. In Dragons of Tarkir, we now have the clans of Dromoka, Ojutai, Silumgar, Kolaghan, and Atarka. When putting your deck together, I think it’s important to keep these clans in mind. They were designed for a reason that goes beyond storytelling. Try to stick to two colors, and don’t got more than three.
Now that we’ve got some of the basic ideas behind deck building out of the way, let’s talk about some of the things I learned from this past weekend’s prerelease and how I can apply it to the Fat Pack Challenge. I finished with a final record of 3-1 this past weekend in my only prerelease event. To start things off, I chose Atarka as my clan. However, after building my deck, I ended up with a Mardu deck. I ended up losing my first match. Once that was over and done with, I took the deck apart to re-evaluate what I may have done wrong.
One of the games I had lost to my first opponent was to a vanilla 5/6 green creature. I got stuck in a loop where I had to play a creature to block it every turn and could not draw one of my removal spells. It was then I had realized that my deck was too small to compete against some of the silly dragons and larger creatures in the set. I reconfigured the deck to find the right balance. This was important because now I know I can’t build a deck like I was playing Khans of Tarkir sealed.
Something I learned is that you can never have too much removal. It seemed like everyone had a Roast in their hand just when they needed it. I’ve also come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate Morph creatures. To burn them or not to burn them, that is always the question and I’m always wrong. However, I guess it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Better to have a 1/1 rather than a 6/5 staring me down. Finally, there is no such thing as enough flying. There is nothing more annoying than playing against someone with mostly flyers for creatures. Just imagine yourself in a field being attacked by a wonderful flock of hummingbirds. Each one slowly pecking at you and there is nothing you can do about it except admire how cute they are and say, “ouch” out loud.
Well, that’s it for me this week. I have to admit, I’ve been struggling a bit to come up with some specific content. I am very open to suggestions you, the audience, may have though. With that said, if any of you reading this has something you’d like me to write about then let me know. You can either email me you ideas at or hit me up on Twitter via the Battleground Games Twitter handle. Until next time!
Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!
Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!
Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!
Tags: Dragons of Tarkir, Fat Pack Challenge, Simeon Cortezano
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Author, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts | 0 Comments
Tuesday, March 24th, 2015
Dragons of Tarkir (DTK) will be released on Friday, March 27th and we will have a full line-up of events for you to crack packs, build decks and play Magic at both of our stores! The weekend will kick off with our flagship Sealed Deck-style event, but with a Fat Pack!
The Battleground Games & Hobbies Dragons of Tarkir Fat Pack Challenge is taking place THIS coming Friday night at both locations (run as our FNM). These are the ultimate sealed events – where you open packs, build a deck and play with just the contents of a Dragons of Tarkir Fat Pack!
The concept of a Fat Pack Challenge is pretty simple. Each player will receive an Dragons of Tarkir Fat Pack with which to build a 40-card deck. Players may use ONLY what is inside of their Fat Pack to construct their decks. 23
We’ve got two of these events for you, one at each Battleground location:
Abington and Plainville:
Format: **Fat Pack Sealed**
Date: March 27th – THIS FRIDAY
Time: 7:00pm
Entrance Fee: $40.00
Abington: 1423 Bedford Street Abington MA 02351 781.261.9669 | Plainville: 25 Taunton Street Plainville MA 02762 508.316.1195 |
Tags: Dragons of Tarkir, DTK, Event, Fat Pack, Fat Pack Challenge, Magic the Gathering, MTG, New Release, Sealed Deck, Tournament, Wizards of the Coast, WOTC
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts, Store Related | 1 Comment
Friday, January 23rd, 2015
The high-anticipated second set in the Khans of Tarkir block, Fate Reforged has finally arrived TODAY at Battleground Games & Hobbies! Pick up the single cards you’ve been waiting for, booster boxes, packs and more. Battleground Games & Hobbies is you one-stop shop for all your Magic the Gathering needs! You can also order all these items from our online store and have them shipped right to your door, too.
Plus, please don’t forget to join us this evening for our special Fat Pack Challenge event, held the release day of every new Magic set! Check out the details below. We look forward to seeing you there!
Battleground’s Fat Pack Challenge is back for Fate Reforged!
Fate Reforged (FRF) will be released on Friday, January 23rd and we will have a full line-up of events for you to crack packs, build decks and play Magic at both of our stores! The weekend will kick off with our flagship Sealed Deck style event.
The Battleground Fat Pack Challenge is taking place on Friday night, 1/23/15, at both locations (run as our FNM). These are the ultimate sealed events – where you open packs, build a deck and play with just the contents of a Fate Reforged Fat Pack!
The concept of a Fat Pack Challenge is pretty simple. Each player will receive an Fate Reforged Fat Pack with which to build a 40 card deck. Players may use ONLY what is inside of their Fat Pack to construct their decks. No additional land will be provided!
This time instead of awarding prizes randomly throughout the event, EVERYONE that enrolls into the Fat Pack Challenge will receive a Battleground playmat at the beginning of the event! (while supplies last) Player’s in the event will be competing for glory and a super sweet commemorative plaque. No other prizes will be award for this event.
We’ve got two of these events for you, one at each Battleground location:
Abington and Plainville:
Format: **Fat Pack Sealed**
Date: January 23rd, 2015 a FRIDAY
Time: 7:00pm
Entrance Fee: $40.00
Abington: 1423 Bedford Street Abington MA 02351 781.261.9669 | Plainville: 25 Taunton Street Plainville MA 02762 508.316.1195 |
Tags: Fat Pack Challenge, Fate Reforged, Magic the Gathering, MTG, Tournament, Wizards of the Coast
Posted in Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Store Related | 0 Comments
Thursday, January 22nd, 2015
Welcome back to another “This week in Magic.” For our time together we’ll be covering several topics. To start things off let me share my experience at the first PPTQ held at the Abington store on January 11. On a Sunday, I felt we had a pretty good turn out. I can’t remember exactly how many people showed up, but I believe the attendance was somewhere around 50. I can definitely tell you there were six rounds of swiss with a cut to the Top 8.
The reason I want to share my experience at the PPTQ is because I was reminded about something important. As Magic players, I think it’s safe to say that we’re mostly competitive players by nature. By this I mean losing is not an option we take lightly. Winning is obviously preferred. If losing does happen, we’d rather not talk about it and, sometimes, we’d rather just move on.
However, at some point or another, we’re going to have to accept losing and take it with grace. In fact, it’s the only way, as players, we’re going to get better at the game. Let me pose a question to many of you out there. This question doesn’t just apply to those who play Magic. This question applies to anyone who plays any kind of game.
What tends to be your initial reaction when you lose? Do you rage and flip tables? Are you the type that suddenly becomes quiet and refuses to talk to even your closest friends? Well, whatever happens, I feel like keeping it in is the worst thing you can do.
I lost a close match at that PPTQ. Actually, I felt I should never have lost that match. I admit I went into thinking I was going to win, or at least, I should win. However, I also reminded myself of terrible past experiences where I lost matches to players who had only been playing for a couple of months.
When I lost that match, time stood still for me. I imagined flipping the table at screaming at the top of my lungs. Of course, in real life this didn’t happen. I kind of just stared off into the distance. All the while my opponent had continued to talk to me expressing how he thought he shouldn’t have won that game and how lucky he was to get such a “great opening hand.”
It’s time like that which are the most humbling. I may have been a little bit distant at the very end of that match. When it was all said and done, and my slip was passed in, my friends had come up to me and asked how my last match had gone. Obviously I had replayed some of the table flipping I imagined, but, in the end, I laughed and said, “I just got my butt whipped.”
Take your loss and move on. Why is losing so important? Losing makes you such a better player both in terms of play and sportsmanship.
In other news, Wizards of the Cost released their latest changes to the Banned/Restricted list for all formats. For those of you who may have missed the daily memo here is a breakdown of what happened:
Standard players typically need not worry about these kind of rulings. Rarely have they been affected. However, as you can see, if you play an older format, then you may want to pay attention whenever these announcements come out.
I believe for a while we all knew out of Jeskai Ascendancy, Treasure Cruise, and Dig Through Time, that one of those was going to be banned. Right before the announcement was made, many people had made up their mind that the enchantment was most likely to get the axe. As we all know by now, this was not the case and the news certainly shook things up a bit.
Treasure Cruise is not a surprise. Like I said, it was one of three to be banned. Dig Through Time may have been a tiny bit surprising. I can see the banning of one card or the other, but to ban both at the same time caught me off guard. I can see it though. If you aren’t playing with one, you’re going to use the other. Each card has almost the same effect in regards to getting a player tons of information for a potentially small amount of mana. Banning both cards at the same time was probably the right choice.
As far as Birthing Pod is concerned, why wasn’t this banned earlier? Some may have felt that the people at Wizards needed a little more convincing. Well that certainly came in the form of Siege Rhino.
In the end, I understand why the bannings took place. It will definitely shake things up in Modern. As far as Legacy goes, I feel it just removes UR Delver from the equation. Which isn’t much if you ask me.
As a quick wrap up, I just wanted to remind you all that this Friday, January 23, is the Fate Reforged Fatpack Challenge. These have been a great hit and a wonderful reason to open up more packs. So, if you think you have what it takes to take on the challenge, click here for more information about the event.
Finally, on January 25, there will be another PPTQ held at the Abington store. The format will be Standard. Doors open at 10 AM, Registration at 11 AM, and Round 1 Pairings at 12 PM. For more information on this event, click here.
Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!
Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!
Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!
Tags: banned, Fat Pack Challenge, legacy, Modern, pPTQ, restricted, Simeon Cortezano, Vintage
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Author, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts | 0 Comments
Thursday, January 22nd, 2015
Only 24 hours left to pre-order the next set in the Khans of Tarkir block – Fate Reforged! Reserve products and single cards from this new set today and have then ready for you on January 23rd for either in-store pick up or shipped right to your front door!
Pre-order Fate Reforged Single Cards
Pre-order Fate Reforged Sealed Product
Fate Reforged pre-orders ship on Friday, January 23rd. Sealed product may not ship internationally. Orders containing pre-order items will not ship until the pre-order item becomes available.
Don’t forget to join us at either Battleground Games & Hobbies location TOMORROW for our high acclaimed Fat Pack Challenge event! Participants receive a Fate Reforged Fat Pack with which to build a 40-card deck and compete for some super-cool, exclusive prizes! Event begins promptly at 7:00 PM. Entry is just the cost of the Fat Pack. Join us! We look forward to seeing you there.
Tags: Event, Fat Pack Challenge, Fate Reforged, FRF, Magic the Gathering, MTG, New Release, Preorder, Tournament, Wizards of the Coast
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts, Store Related | 0 Comments
Saturday, January 17th, 2015
Only ONE week left to pre-order the next set in the Khans of Tarkir block – Fate Reforged! Reserve products and single cards from this new set today and have then ready for you on January 23rd for either in-store pick up or shipped right to your front door!
Pre-order Fate Reforged Single Cards
Pre-order Fate Reforged Sealed Product
Fate Reforged pre-orders ship on Friday, January 23rd. Sealed product may not ship internationally. Orders containing pre-order items will not ship until the pre-order item becomes available.
Don’t forget to join us at either Battleground Games & Hobbies location on Friday, January 23rd for our high acclaimed Fat Pack Challenge event! Participants receive a Fate Reforged Fat Pack with which to build a 40-card deck and compete for some super-cool, exclusive prizes! Event begins promptly at 7:00 PM. Entry is just the cost of the Fat Pack. Join us! We look forward to seeing you there.
Tags: Fat Pack Challenge, Fate Reforged, FRF, Magic the Gathering, MTG, New Release, Preorder, Wizards of the Coast
Posted in Blog, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Magic: The Gathering, Popular Posts, Store Related | 1 Comment