Posts Tagged ‘Board Games’
Friday, July 24th, 2015

Welcome to a special edition of this “This week in Gaming.” For this week, we’re going to take a break from our usual Magic: The Gathering discussions and talk about something special to me. This week we’re going to talk about Extra Life 2015. If you remember last year, I wrote a little article about my intentions to join the Extra Life 2014 campaign. If you weren’t around for any of that, then you’ll be happy to know that we ended up raising over $2500. However, that was all done last year. This is a new year. A new year means new goal and a new goal means a new story.
I was off to the races the moment I registered for Extra Life 2014. I took to Facebook and posted about my campaign, my goal, and all that jazz. I was so ready, I even had contests ready to go to start raising money. I was like a kid in a candy store. There were all of these opportunities and feelings of excitement that I was getting ahead of myself. Almost every month leading up to the Extra Life 2014 Game Day, I was trying to give something away. This year, things are going to be different.
For starters, last year, I tried to run almost a year long campaign. This year, I decided to wait a little longer before I got things started. I only recently sent out Facebook invites to the Game Day. In case you didn’t get one, don’t worry. It’s not a private event that only my friends are allowed to go to. Everyone can come! In fact, I encourage everyone to come. Oh what’s that? You have no idea what Game Day is?
First, let me start off by explaining what Extra Life is all about. Extra Life is a charity that was started several years ago by a bunch of gamers. Their purpose was to help make life a little bit easier for kids who are in hospitals for extended stays due to illness, treatment, etc. It started out as gamers donating games to keep the kids entertained. In the following years, with the help of Twitch, gamers took to the internet to stream themselves play video games for 24 hours. Now, thanks to the tabletop boom, Game Day has evolved into a 24 hour gaming marathon of people broadcasting and gathering in real life to play games.
Last year, both Battleground Games & Hobbies locations took part in the Extra Life 2014 Game Day. I honestly have to say I was surprised. I was grateful that the Abington store was gracious enough to open it’s doors, but to have both stores was somewhat overwhelming. This year, we plan on doing the same thing – both locations will be hosting a 24 hour gaming marathon. One thing that will be different though will be the starting time.
Having been the first year, I thought it would be a good idea to have Game Day fall directly after Friday Night Magic. On paper, the idea made sense. Why go home only to come back and open the store for 24 hours? Just get it all done right then and there! Somewhere in the world, someone is hitting a big red buzzer. I was wrong and many people reminded me throughout the day as kindly as they could. I totally forgot that some people live normal lives and have jobs. Some of those people came straight from work and stayed as long as they could. This year, we’re shooting for a 10 AM start time and a 10 AM end time. This should give people enough time to go home, get some sleep, and gather enough energy to stay awake for the next 24 hours.
The change in time is probably the biggest change we’ll be making for the the 2015 Game Day. Something minimal I’d like to see is a corner we can call home base. This is a set up where we can stream live on Twitch. I’d like to either broadcast a board game being played or someone playing a video game. This would allow us to extend our reach and allow those who couldn’t make it in person to be there digitally. Did you know that that Twitch has an app? So if all goes according to plan, if you can’t make it to the event, you’ll be able to at least watch us via the internet.
One more piece of important information you’ll need before we part ways. The Extra Life 2015 Game Day will be celebrated on November 7, 2015 and will carry over into November 8, 2015. For more information, you can click on the banner at the top of this page.
Well that’s it for this week. I hope you’ve been motivated to help out with an awesome cause. If you’d like to help out in some way, don’t be afraid to get in contact with me. You can always e-mail me at Until next week…
About the author
Simeon is now the Community Manager for Battleground Games & Hobbies. If you have any questions or inquiries, then you can reach him at He is also an avid gamer who loves to play board games and video games. He graduated college with a degree in Political Science, and now serves the public by writing about games. You can check that out here. Don’t forget to “like” him on Facebook as well. It’ll update you on all of his newest content. Best of all, you can follow Simeon on Twitter (@SimeonCortezano) for some real time hilarity. Thanks for reading!
The Extra Life 2015 campaign is underway. Donate today!
Join the Battleground Games & Hobbies community forums!
Please don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @battleground_gh!

Tags: Board Games, Card Games, extra life 2015, games, Simeon Cortezano
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Events, Featured Author, Featured Post, Popular Posts, Role-Playing Games, Store Related | No Comments »

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015
Fantasy Flight Games will release three new Ally and Villain Packs for its popular Star Wars: Imperial Assault miniatures and adventure board game in Q3: Wookiee Warriors, Hired Guns and Stormtroopers, according to hobby industry news website
The Wookie Warriors Ally Pack adds two plastic Wookiee miniatures with new command cards as well as a new skirmish map. MSRP is $12.95.

The Stormtrooper Villain Pack reinforces the legions of Stormtrooper armies with three new stormtrooper figures with an alternate sculpt. The pack also includes the new Vader’s Fist Agenda set, which allows the player to goad the Rebels into an attempt to sabotage a 501st Legion training facility. The skirmish upgrade offers two new abilities to any stormtrooper squad, representing the training of the 501st Legion. MSRP is $14.95.
The Hired Guns Villain Pack introduces mercenaries which will fight for either side, whomever the highest bidder may be. There are two Rodian miniatures to represent the mercenaries. The pack adds a three-card Agenda set that includes a new side mission campaign, as well as adding muscle to skirmish armies. There is a new skirmish map that includes two new missions in the sewers of Nar Shaddaa, and four new Command cards. MSRP is $12.95.

Tags: Board Games, Expansion Packs, Fantasy Flight Games, Imperial Assault, Star Wars, TableTop
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Featured Post, Miniature Games | No Comments »

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015
UK-based miniature manufacturer Spartan Games, makers of Dystopian Wars, has announced a new license to produce a miniatures combat game based on the military sci-fi video game franchise Halo. Halo: Fleet Battles, The Fall of Reach will release in Q3, according to hobby industry news website
Halo: Fleet Battles, The Fall of Reach is a two-player tactical battle game that recreates pivotal space battles between the United Nations Space Command and the Covenant armada. Players will command massive fleets of warships which clash over the human colony of Reach. The game is being produced with Halo video game developer company 343 Industries.

The box will contain: a full color, 100 page rulebook; a Fall of Reach campaign guide; 49 highly-detailed plastic ship models; 25 custom dice; Fleet Commander Data Sheets, Flight Stands and Overlay Cards; Punch-out Scenery and Token sheets; and a quick guide reference sheet. MSRP is $140.00.

Tags: Board Games, Halo, Spartan Games, TableTop
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Featured Post, Miniature Games | No Comments »

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015
Editor’s Note: “This Week in Magic” by Simeon Cortezano is taking the week off to enjoy this weekend’s Anime Boston convention. So instead, we have a super-cool announcement for you!

Battleground Games & Hobbies is proud to announce that we will be once again happy to host Geek & Sundry’s International Tabletop Day Saturday, April 11th. Join us at either our Abington, MA location or Plainville, MA location beginning at 11:00 AM until we can’t see straight for a fun, family-friendly day (and night!) of non-stop tabletop gaming excitement!
More details, including featured games, demo’s, and more coming soon! Please click here or the image for more details.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Tags: Board Games, Geek & Sundry, International Tabletop Day, Special Event, TableTop
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Miniature Games, Role-Playing Games, Store Related | No Comments »

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015
Stone Blade Entertainment has announced the release of Bad Beets, its first physical card game product outside the popular Ascension deck-building game, for Summer 2015.

Designed by famed Magic the Gathering player Justin Gary (Ascension, Redakai), Bad Beets is a family-friendly, bluffing card game where players must eat their vegetables. Players start with eight Beet cards that they must finish before they can leave the dinner table, and they can get rid of them in a variety of creative ways: Feeding the Dog, Sharing, or Eating Them. The first player to successfully finish their beets wins.
The game is for 2 – 5 players, ages 8 and up. The game plays in 10-15 minutes. MSRP is $14.99.
Stone Blade Entertainment’s other non-Ascension release is the digital-only trading card game SolForge, which it produced with Richard Garfield in 2012. Stone Blade’s latest Ascension release, Dawn of Champions, will arrive to Battleground Games & Hobbies this month.
Tags: Ascension, Bad Beets, Board Games, Justin Gary, SolForge, Stone Blade Entertainment, TableTop
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Featured Post | No Comments »

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Battleground Games & Hobbies will be at this weekend’s PAX East convention in Boston at the Boston Convention Center Friday, March 6th thru Sunday, March 8th. Please be sure to stop by and visit our amazing booth (#C902) in the Tabletop Hall and try out some fantastic FREE game demo’s! And who knows, perhaps demo participants may even receive a special reward for demoing a game with us.
Plus, this year, we’re featuring all kinds of amazing board games in stock; no one carries as deep an inventory at PAX East as Battleground Games & Hobbies! However, in the event we sell out of an item – no problem! We’ll special order it for you at the show and have it shipped directly to your home. This is a new feature for this year’s show and one we’re really excited about. Please see show staff for details about having a game shipped directly to your house!
Need a little extra cash for the show? Have a lot of cards you wish to trade in? We will be buying Magic the Gathering single cards at this year’s PAX East! Turn those unwanted cards into cash – all weekend long!
Finally, our retail stores will have amended hours during PAX East, as follows:
Abington 4:00pm – 12:00am
Plainville 4:00pm – 12:00am
Abington 2:00pm – 11:00pm
Plainville 2:00pm – 11:00pm
Abington 11:00am – 7:00pm
Plainville 11:00am – 7:00pm
Regularly scheduled events, such as Friday Night Magic (FNM) will be run as normal.
Please stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr all weekend long for all kinds of wild and crazy pictures and updates from the show. And don’t forget, please make sure to stop by our booth #C902 in the Tabletop Hall and say hello!
We look forward to seeing you all there! And most of all – HAVE FUN!

Tags: Board Games, Booth, Boston, Boston Convention Center, Convention, PAX East 2015, Show, Special Event, TableTop
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Events, Featured Post, Popular Posts, Role-Playing Games, Store Related | No Comments »
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