Posts Tagged ‘Board Game’
Monday, May 4th, 2015
Asmodee has announced a new release for its Days of Wonder game studio, the first expansion for Bruno Cathala’s Five Tribes, according to hobby industry news website The Artisans of Naqala will release at Gen Con this August.

The expansion for Bruno Cathala’s “worker displacement” game introduces a new tribe to the game, the Artisans from the mountains of the Sultanate of Naqala. The Artisans are represented by purple Meeples, and their presence adds a new layer of strategy to the game. They can craft magic or precious items: some worth Victory Points, some which unlock special powers. They also bring new tiles (workshops, specialized markets, impassible chasm) and new Djinns to the game.

The box contains: 15 Wooden Tribe Meeples, 6 new Tiles (Workshops, Specialized Markets, and Chasm), 4 Tents, 4 Djinn cards (2 new & 2 revised), 6 Mountains, 18 Item Markers, 1 New Scoring Pad, 4 Summary Sheets and a rule booklet. As an expansion, it requires the base game to play. The game is for 2-4 players, ages 13 and up, and plays in 40-80 minutes. MSRP is $25.00.

Tags: Asmodee, Board Game, Days of Wonder, Expansion, Five Tribes, Gen Con, New Release, TableTop, The Artisans of Naqala
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Monday, April 27th, 2015
Fantasy Flight Games will release Bonds of the Wild Hero and Monster Collection, a new expansion for its perennially popular Descent: Journeys into the Dark Second Edition dungeon exploration game, according to hobby industry news blog, coming to Battleground Games & Hobbies in July.

Bonds of the Wild includes four heroes and 18 monsters that were previously available for the first edition of the game, but are new for the second edition. The unpainted plastic figures all have new sculpts and the game cards feature new artwork, as well as updated rules and stats for the second edition.
The four heroes include Lyssa, Challara, Vyrah the Falconer, and Ronan of the Wild. The new monsters include 12 kobolds, four hellhounds, and two deep elves.
The expansion also includes two new quests: One Man’s Trash and Bonds of the Wild, which challenge the heroes to locate the legendary Tree of Life and it’s healing powers.
As an expansion, the base game is needed to play. MSRP is $34.95. This will be the sixth Hero and Monster Collection for Descent Second Edition.

Tags: Board Game, Descent Journeys Into the Dark, Expansion, Fantasy Flight Games, TableTop
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Wednesday, April 15th, 2015
Coming soon to a Battleground Games & Hobbies near you later this month, Rio Grande Games has announce plans to release a new expansion for the popular deckbuilding game Dominion, called Dominion Adventures.

This is the ninth Dominion expansion. Supporting 2-4 players, Dominion Adventures can be played stand-alone or combined with other Dominion expansions. It contains 400 cards, 6 mats and 60 tokens, including 30 new Kingdom cards, with the return of Duration cards which trigger on future turns. In addition, Reserve cards, which can be saved for the right moment. There is also 20 Event cards that provide you something to buy besides cards, like tokens which modify cards.
Dominion Adventures is designed for ages 13+ with a approximate game play length of 30 minutes and a MSRP of $44.95.
Description of Dominion Adventures from the publisher:
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. You’re not sure which, but at least you’ve narrowed it down. You are rich with life experiences, but have had trouble trading them for goods and services. It’s time to seek your fortune, or anyone’s really, whoever’s is closest. To the west there’s a land of milk and honey, full of giant bees and monstrous cows. To the east, a land of eggs and licorice. To the north, treacherous swamps; to the south, loyal jungles. But all of them have been thoroughly pillaged. You’ve heard legends though of a fifth direction, as yet unspoiled, with its treasures conveniently gathered into troves. You have your sword and your trail mix, handed down from your father, and his father before him. You’ve recruited some recruits and hired some hirelings; you’ve shined your armor and distressed a damsel. You put up a sign saying “Gone Adventuring.” Then you put up another sign, saying “Beware of Dog,” in case people get any ideas. You’re ready. You saddle up your trusty steed, and head florst.”

Tags: Board Game, Deckbuilding, Dominion, Dominion Adventures, New Release, Rio Grande Games, TableTop
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Wednesday, April 8th, 2015
First reported by hobby news website, Tasty Minstrel Games announced Cthulhu Realms, a deck building game designed by Darwin Kastle at a hobby industry-only show two weeks ago called GAMA in Los Vegas.
“It’s built on Darwin Kastle’s Star Realms engine,” said Daniel Hadlock of Tasty Minstrel, referring to the outer space deck building card game from White Wizard Games. However, this deck building game is set in the realm of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu.
“The art takes a humorous horror approach, so it’s Cthulhu, but it’s got a family-friendly little twist to it,” said Hadlock. “It has a little bit deeper, a little more tricky game play than an average deck builder game.”
The game is for 2-4 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 25-45 minutes. MSRP is $19.95, release is tentatively set for Gen Con, but may be later in the year.

Tags: Board Game, Card Game, Darwin Kastle, Deckbuilding, GAMA,, Star Realms, TableTop, Tasty Minstrel Games
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Card Games, Featured Post | No Comments »

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015
Alderac Entertainment Group will release Game of Crowns in June, according to hobby news website

The game is designed by Remo Conzadori, with art by Pascal Quidault. Players control one of the nine noble houses of the Ruelen Empire, and with the ruler’s death, they are each attempting to gain enough control and influence to claim the crown. Players can exchange cards and favors through diplomacy, or attack opponents through warfare to gain what they need.
The box contains 90 House cards, 18 Vote cards, 11 Guest cards, 37 Raven tokens, 9 Reference cards, and a round track. The game is for 4-9 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 45 minutes. MSRP is $29.99, which is a great price point.
Does this sound familiar? If it does, perhaps that’s because it seems awfully similar in concept to Game of Thrones. Even a similar name.
What do you think of Game of Crowns? Let us know in the comments below or sound of on Facebook or Twitter! If you’d like to see this game on our shelves, contact us here!

Tags: AEG, Alderac Entertainment Group, Board Game, Game of Crowns, Game of Thrones,, New Release, Remo Conzadori, TableTop
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Featured Post, Store Related | 2 Comments »

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015
Brotherwise Games has announced they will release Boss Monster 2: The Next Level, the stand-alone expansion to its hit Boss Monster card game, in April, according to Brotherwise originaly announced plans for Boss Monster 2 last year at Gen Con along with a Kickstater for the game, as well as a iOS app.
Boss Monster 2 includes an all-new set of 160 cards, which can be played as a standalone game or mixed with the original set. There are 12 new bosses (pictured above), new hero classes (Dark Heroes, Hybrid Heroes), Epic Spells, new monsters and “cycling” rooms to add to the mix. The game is for 2-4 players, ages 13 and up, and plays in 20 minutes. MSRP is $24.99.
Look forward to this fantastic product to come to Battleground Games & Hobbies shelves in April!

Tags: Board Game, Boss Monster, Boss Monster 2, Brotherwise Games,, New Release, TableTop, The Next Level
Posted in Blog, Board Games, Featured Post, Store Related | 6 Comments »
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