That seems pretty legitimate...
One thing that I believe was a pretty good idea was for extremely small games (200-500pts) the warbands had some pretty interesting rules.
Unit sizes were dropped significantly...
US 1 only need 3 models to make a unit
US 2 needed at least 2
US 3 only needed 1
In order to purchase upgrades and command models the units needed to field their minimum unit size however.
Obviously this would be far too small for such larger game in comparison but that may be something to look at.
Also in those smaller games you could field up to 2 special and one rare (I think), but say you didn't want a rare choice you could use that rare to field another special. (Which I am totally in favour of because I don't like any of my rare for Empire
Theres also a points limit on characters anything under X amount of points you could only field one character with a total cost not exceeding X points.
I believe that the number of core should stay the same though. We can't all be High Elves
Would everyone like to try a Warband sized game league-type-thing? It would definately allow a lot of new people the chance to play a lot of small fast paced games while not going too overboard.
For a little while anyway. Maybe the first 2 or possibly 3 weeks we could use those rules and once people get acclimated into their army and how they feel then we up the points some.
Thoughts on any of the following?
I would like to try and come to this but my work schedule may interrupt. I will come as often as I can however.