Hey guys,
I've spoken to some of you over the last few days and the following questions came up. So here's some more info plus Q & A.
The idea is to motivate people to learn WHFB by playing and get their armies built\painted. Ideally we meet on a Saturday around the middle of each month and spend an afternoon\evening playing.
We'll start with 500 points on January 16th, and add 500 points each month thereafter for six months.
Q. Do I have to start a new army?
A. No, work with what you have and paint\add as necessary, we're heading for 3000 points over 6 months.
Q. I always paint 500 points a month, my Army can be HUGE!
A. Don't worry about it, some months will be worse than others, we all have lives outside of gaming (well some of us do
Just get them built, paint what you can and turn up to play.
Q. Is there a fee?
A. No, this is a casual thing, the name of the game is bragging rights!
Q. What if I miss a month for Work\School\Sick?
A. Carry on, we'll see you the following month?
Q. Will beer be served?
A. Sorry Derek doesn't have the license, but if you can we'll go have a pint or two afterwards listen to war stories.
Q. What happens when we're done?
A. Good question, if we all enjoy it maybe we swap to 40k, or go again with fantasy.
Q. Will there be a finale?
A. Up in the air, let's see what we can come up with over the next 6 months
I know a bunch of you are looking forward to this, please keep in mind it's casual. If there are questions, or concerns just ask, we'll figure it out on the fly.