I'm positive interest will be high. I expect 40k to pick up a LOT in the coming week and last through the end of January due to the college kids coming home for a month and the Megabattle coming in Feb.
Escalation seems to work pretty well if it increases every week. If you're planning to start at 500 points, maybe increasing by 500 each week is good?
Week 1 - 500
Week 2 - 1000
Week 3 - 1500
Week 4 - 2000
Week 5 - 2500
Week 6 - 3000
Also, if we were able to get this going by maybe... Jan 4th 2010 (first Monday of the year) then we could run the 6 week long league and have people ready to rock and roll on Feb 20th (Saturday), which is likely the date for the Megabattle.
What are the chances of 40k burnout by the end of a 6 week long league? Do you think it will hurt Megabattle attendance or help it?