On the topic of a league.
I am not sure how to start one up for this particular game. My first instinct would be to suggest starting at the 350 pt level. That is a little more than the battle boxes end up costing, but still a player can compete with just the box at that level. More so if we restrict the first few weeks to just Tooth and Claw/Mangled Metal, which is basically beasts/jacks and the caster. We can find a happy way to increase game sizes after that but we would need to get a realistic feel for the player base interested in involving themselves before we proceeding. As with everything I would think we are fairly safe running with at least 6 people.
So anyone interested post up here. Also post if Thursday is a good day for you. If not we'd need to find a more suitable date to hold this.
As for running MKII I would think that an option but it would mean that players with hordes could not participate. And since MKII is not offical till January sometime I would think that we would be ok not using that rule set yet.