Finally some pictures of the Bane Knights.
Baggies of Bane Knights awaiting assembly:The contents of each bag:Each model had to have both shoulders and the neck pinned. This means drilling out the torso in three places and then drilling each of the arms and the head. After dry fitting I glued the pins into the arms and heads first before gluing them to the torso. The right arm of each model had to have the halberd built before I glued them on.
You can see the size of the pin in this photo:Probably the most interesting part of the Bane Knights is how the halberds were assembled.
The original very bendy halberds were cut into three peices, the right arm (seen above) the main blade, and the smaller tail blade.
These were then drilled out with a fine drill bit (#72) so a steel wire could be used to hold the halberd strait. Small brass tubing was cut out to go over the steel wire to get the handle back up to it's original size. The arm had to be through drilled.
These pictures use one of the #72 drill bit to show how the assembly will work.
Arm and upper handle:Upper blade attached:Ready for gluingThat's all for now. Time for some paint to get put on. Then the shoulder pads and shields can be installed and it will be play time.