Were back at it again on monday Below is the Mission if anyone has any questions let me know. Also before hand we ae going to be doing the repair and requistion from last month. If you lost a mech let me know what you want your new ride to be and I'll ok it or not and we can get a sheet ready.
Use a mix of Light and Heavy Urban (see p. 263, TW) and Industrial (p. 11) terrain. Half of the buildings have suffered 1D6x10 CF damage. Buildings destroyed from this damage are converted
into Rubble hexes. For each Woods hex, roll 2D6; on a result of 10+, convert the hex into Rough terrain.The Attacker selects one of its starting edges before the Defender chooses their home edge.
Attacker (Player)
The Attacker is a combination of the player’s force and the Grave Walkers mercenary unit.
The player may use up to 50% of their total force. The Grave Walkers are an additional force that equals 25% of the player’s deployed force. The mercenaries are Veterans and roll on a mix of any Lyran, Combine, and Mercenary RAT.
The Attacker enters 60% of its deployed force from any two battlefield edges at the start of the track. The remainder of the force enters during the Movement Phase of any turn after Turn 5; the force must enter all at once at that time as long as one unit from the original group remains functional on the battlefield.
The Defender consists of elements from the Lowbräu mercenary command and is 75% of the Attacker’s deployed force. The mercenaries have Regular experience and use any Word of Blake
and Mercenary RATs.
The Defender sets up 75% of their force anywhere on the battlefield but must be a minimum of 7 hexes from their home edge.
The remainder of the Defender’s force enters the game from the edge opposite the Defender’s home edge at the beginning of Turn 4.
Track Cost: 600
+150 Veteran Defenders: Increase the skill of half of the Defender’s units from Regular to Veteran rating.
+100 Sensor Interference: Use the Electromagnetic Interference rules (see p. 55, TO).
+400 Fire! Use the Fire and Smoke rules (see p. 43, TO); during initial setup, roll 1D6 for each building and Rubble hex. On a result of 6, that hex is considered to be on fire.
Hammer. Destroy/Cripple 50% of the Defender’s force. [300]
No quarter. Destroy/Cripple 80% of the Defender’s force. [200]
Cut off retreat. The Attacker must position at least half their force within six hexes of the Defender’s home edge for a minimum of four consecutive turns. Units may move within this six-hex area, but if at any time less than half the Attacker’s force is within this area, reset the turn count. [300]
The following rule is in effect for this track:
Forced Withdrawal
The Lowbräu is spread thin elsewhere and follows the Forced Withdrawal rules (p. 258, TW) after half of its force is destroyed or crippled.