to the 3 pilots that lost their mechs (Riley, Murph and Chris i want to say) on the last mission Command has come to a Dissension as to replacements.
Please pick out new mechs. You may pick out any mech you like, with any load out. You will not be receiving pay from the previous mission, as your pay is going into the purchase of a replacement mech. Now you are 1 mission past green pilots please put some thought into wich mech you are going to pilot and to remember how the rest of the company functions. Remembering we get paid as a team will keep you from having to forfeit your pay for a replacement and/or heavy repairs.
Also this is a one time deal, on the next mission if you lose your mech you will have to pay out of pocket to replace your mech, AND you will only have a chaise out of whatever small amount of mechs that are available for sale to us at that moment.
and to EVERYONE remember by the start of the next mission please have your personal 10 tons of cache picked up and written down to hand to Command and to Earl