Author Topic: Tank Shock: The Renegade Foundries Part III: Mechanized Strike - May 17th + 21st  (Read 2409 times)


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++++ May 17th in Plainville ++++ May 21st in Abington ++++

Tank Shock: The Renegade Foundries Activity Three: Mechanized Strike – This is a Multi Player battle using the Maelstrom of War rules.

Teams will split as evenly as possible between Imperium & their Allies vs the Renegade Foundries & Forces of Destruction. Each player will create a force between 500 and 750 points which must include your Command Tank/MC.
Slay the Warlord can be earned for killing the Warlord as well as destroying the Command Vehicle (For a total of two points). Linebreaker is worth double if achieved using the command vehicle.

We may split up into multiple games (we're thinking 3v3 is probably a good cap on games) where winning commanders can earn a point for their faction.

The winning faction walks away with the bragging rights.

For every TANK SHOCK event that players attend they will have a chance to win some swag in the form of TANK SHOCK related pins and tokens. They will also earn 1 roll on the Elite Vehicle Assets Chart for each event they attend.

Facebook Event Post and Full Details:
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel