Author Topic: H: age of sigmar chaos w: Eldar/harlequin or Csm/ various gw  (Read 2390 times)


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H: age of sigmar chaos w: Eldar/harlequin or Csm/ various gw
« on: February 27, 2016, 05:08:38 PM »
Hey guys I have the chaos half of the age of sigmar box I would like to trade all models primed khorne red only one model partially painted thin paint

I'd be interested in the following

Chaos space marines
20x blood letters
Nos chaos marines
Kharn the betrayer metal or FW

Prince yriel in metal
2x vypers
1x Lance platform

Shadows seer
Death jester

Chaos fleet or Eldar fleet

I play
WHFB- Dwarves
WH40K- Tyranids
Bolt Action- US Paratroopers
Super Dungeon Explore