Author Topic: [Plainville] Warhammer 40k 1850pt Singles Tournament - 8/22  (Read 1742 times)


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Battleground Games & Hobbies in Plainville MA

Format: Singles (1v1) 1850 points per person
Date: August 22nd, a Saturday
Time: Please be here no later than 9:15am. Set up at 9:45am. Dice roll no later than 10:00am.
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person

25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02351

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Battleground's Facebook Page         

Please contact me at to sign up if and only if you can commit to playing on August 22nd.


This event will be capped at 24 players.

1.   Army Comp, other rules, and scenarios will be played in accordance with the 2015 NOVA Primer, found here.  This entire document will be in play for this event.

2. All models must follow “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG). All weapons, war gear, and so forth must be represented on the model unless otherwise approved.  Your models do not need to be painted but they do need to be FULLY assembled.

3. Please email pictures of conversions or "counts as" models to  Please do not send pictures of toys or legos.

4. Please email your lists to when they are finalized.  We'll do our best to check all of them.


• Competitors will participate in three (3) games over the course of the day. In each game, you will play a scenario and record the outcome of the battle on your results sheet. Each round you will play a different opponent.

• Each round will last 2 hours.  Players may begin playing as soon as they have finished deployment.

• In the first round, teams will be matched up randomly. After the first round, teams will be matched up according to current rankings in the tournament (based on the number of points they've scored) e.g., the team in first place will play the team in second place and so on. We will try our best not to pair teams that come to the event together or regularly play each other in the first round. If a team receives a BYE they will be awarded max points.

• You will not play the same team twice.

• We will do our best to prevent a team from playing on the same table twice.

• The pairings for each round will be posted as soon as they are determined. Please be sure to arrive at your table ready to play right away.

• Slow playing will NOT be tolerated.  Players are expected to complete at least 4 rounds.  If you suspect your opponent is slow playing PLEASE notify a Battleground staff member as soon as possible as we can not do anything about alleged slow play after the fact.


The SEVENTH Edition Rulebook and all FAQs will be in use for all games and will be the definitive guide for all rules, unless otherwise noted. The time limit for each game is 2 hours and players will have 10 minutes to deploy their armies. At the end of this time limit, the round will be called; players will need to finish the round as quickly as possible.

THE SCENARIOS WE ARE USING FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE FROM THE 2015 NOVA PRIMER  They may be SLIGHTLY modified to fit into a 3 round event / schedule.

What You Need to Bring with You:
-Your (hopefully painted) miniatures
-At least TWO copies of your army list
-Rulebooks and any additional books you need
-Pen and paper
-Dice and templates
-Tape measure
-Something to transport your army from table to table

Store Credit Awards will be given out to:
Store credit is good for any product in the store and all subsequent events. It never expires and will be saved for you.

Best General
Second Best General
Third Best General

Best Appearance - Army
Second Best Appearance - Army

Smokin' Boots - You got crushed... and you deserve an award for your epic failure.

• A note on the Appearance award - We will award the individual who we feel has the best looking army. We will use a scoring rubric that looks at painting, basing, display boards, and various other "extras" to determine the winner.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 02:22:36 PM by Chase »
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel