Battleground Games & Hobbies in Plainville MA
Format: 100 points
Date: June 6th, 2015
Time: Round 1 begins at
10:00am, Doors open at 9:00am
Entrance Fee: $
25.00 if you preregister
or $35.00 at the door.Address:Holiday Inn Mansfield-Foxboro Area31 Hampshire Street
Mansfield, MA 02048
Phone:(508) 339-2200
Google MapsBattleground's Facebook Page TO REGISTER FOR THE EVENT:Please visit this link and use our online shopping cart to purchase your ticket. You will
not need to produce proof of purchase on the day of the event (you don't need to print out and bring the receipt).
Preregistration is NO LONGER REQUIRED to participate in this event.
We will be taking registration at the door for $35.00.Note: Online registration closes Wednesday night, 6/3, at 11:00pm.PLEASE preregister for the event ahead of time. It saves us time, allows us to be better prepared, and saves them money!
At checkout please select "Event Registration - X-Wing Regional Tournament" for your shipping method.
Please use a real email address when creating your user ID for the online store. We will be using this to contact you should the location of the event change (larger space) or to collect your squadron lists as the date approaches.
If you are registering multiple people please include their names in the comment section at checkout.
Contact:Please contact me at with any questions.
Schedule:9:00am - 9:50am - Check In and Registration
10:00am - 11:15am - Round One
11:30am - 12:45pm - Round Two
12:45pm - 1:45pm - LUNCH BREAK
1:45pm - 3:00pm - Round Three
3:15pm - 4:30pm - Round Four
4:45pm - 6:00pm - Round Five
6:15pm - 7:30pm - Round Six (if attendance exceeds 64 players)
There will be a small break after the final round of swiss before we start the single elimination rounds (top

8:00pm - 9:15pm - Top 8 Round 1
9:30pm - 10:45pm - Top 8 Round 2
11:00pm - 12:15am - Finals
We feel that this is a very conservative estimate and we anticipate being able to move the day along at a considerably faster pace. We find that the typical game of X-Wing does not last 75 minutes and the time in between rounds should be far shorter than 15 minutes. We are going to make every effort to move the day along as fast as possible.
The tournaments will follow the standard
Fantasy Flight tournament rules. Each round will last
75 minutes.
The number of rounds will be based on turnout.
There will be a cut to a top 8 after the final round of swiss pairings
Squad Submission:We will require people to submit squadron lists to by
Wednesday, June 3rd. We will varrify each list before the tournament begins in an effort to avoid any problems during the event. They will be kept confidential.
Prizes will come out of the Fantasy Flight Games Regional Championship Kit:• 1 card granting the winner a first-bye at your country’s National Championship - Awarded to the champion
• 1 Regional Champion trophy - Awarded to the champion
• 4 sets of acrylic maneuver templates - Awarded to the top 4 finishers
• 8 sets of dice - Awarded to the top 8 finishers
• 16 sets of shield tokens - Awarded to the top 16 finishers
• 64 Boba Fett alternate art cards - Awarded to the first 64 players to register for the event.
Also, Battleground will award a custom battle mat to the top 8 finishers upon conclusion of the swiss rounds. We think you'll be happy with them.
Additional prizes may be awarded based on turnout.