This event was a lot of fun, and thanks to the BG crew for putting it on!
I've got two pieces of feedback I'd like to give towards mission design. Most missions (where were adapted from the NOVA missions) required us to have a unit from each team on an objective to score it, which basically meant we were playing 1500 points on each side with only half as many units that could get objectives because it took two per player. Also, with things like Come the Apocalypse restrictions, it can be very difficult for players to score the objectives (especially since nobody knew what the missions would be like beforehand, so you couldn't plan for it). In the singles tournament, each mission had a separate track you could choose (typically one that scored per turn, one at the end of the game). Maybe you could do a track where both players being on each objective works, and you score points like was listed in mission one, and maybe a 2nd track where you need one additional objective before scoring any VPs, but you can do it with only one unit from either player instead of one from each?
Another thing is, since BG doesn't use the win/loss box, each team can get max points in a mission and winning or losing doesn't affect their placement for the next round. Unless both teams checked first blood, because only one team can get that, it's possible to have a max point game on both sides. You could make checking the win box worth 3 or 5 points or something (not sure what works best for the math, but you should get more for winning than the guy who lost gets), to factor in that these missions were typically meant to be played in a longer event than one that goes 3 rounds.