I usually post in the X-Wing Miniatures section of the board, but last week I bought a copy of the Sons of Anarchy Men of Mayhem board game and I'd like to play it. And the only place I can find people interested in playing board games is at Battleground.
I plan on bringing it Wednesday night when I come to play D&D. I'm part of the 5 p.m. D&D crew, so I'd be free around 7 or 7:30.
Sons of Anarchy is a territory control and worker placement game with some interesting mechanics. You can check it out on the
Gale Force Nine website. It has a pdf of the rules, in case you want to read them over before the game.
So, if you're interested, I'm thinking 7 or 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 17. I could also stop by for a game on Tuesday night, if that's better. Just let me know.
- Paul