Hey all, still got this Eldar stuff...
Eldar Army (best offer might take whole army, but I will split!)
Dire Avengers (10), NIB
72 Eldar guardians, assembled and primed w/some paint
5 squad based weapon platforms (3 plastic, 2 metal)
1 metal heavy weapon platform (might be incomplete?)
6 metal guardian weapon crew members
Bunch of potential armament bits for these and the wraithlords
6 warp spiders, painted
6 striking scorpians (5 plus exarch) the way oop metal ones
8 WAY OOP Harlequins, including solitaire-painted
2 of the OOP metal wraithlords-painted
5 metal rangers-stripped
1 way oop ranger-free with other rangers!
1 warlock with spears
3 warlock with sword
5 oop farseers with spear-couple need some TLC
1 pointing Farseer
1 Finecast Avatar (base coated, minor conversion)
1 falcon grav tank - needs minor repair and armaments, turret glued in place, primed
painted Maughan Ra (spelling?)
painted Jain Zair (missing throwing weapon, sadly)
Barroth (spelling?)
Trade possibilities:
Brets: trebuchets, questing Knights, grail Knights, Pegasus Knights, characters
High Elves: Phoenix (frost or fire, prefer NoS), sky chariots (again prefer NoS), sisters of averlorn, sea guard (new plastics or old metals, oop maiden guard, special characters, lords, heroes, old metal mages, etc
Wood Elves: any of the newer plastics, newer metal war dancers, any of the new or old lords, heroes
Empire: open to some offers, especially newer stuff...
Cygnar: storm wall, ol' rowdy, storm guard, trencher commandos, tempest Blazers, merc units that work for Cygnar,other stuff... Open to offers
Hordes: open to offers, I don't have a hordes faction yet.
Malifaux: any starter boxes, especially guild or Arcanists
Store Credit: make me an offer! I want to pick up some new games (super dungeon explore, boss monster, etc.)