Author Topic: Daemon Factory Limitations  (Read 1009 times)


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Daemon Factory Limitations
« on: June 04, 2014, 01:33:58 PM »
I just posted this on my message board but I thought it would be a good thing to share: They've got a really excellent post on DakkaDakka about summoned daemons, with a list of weaknesses, limitations, easily-forgotten downsides, etc. They are good for knowledge purposes just to generally know the rules of how conjured stuff works. Check them out:

Quote from: Zagman on DakkaDakka
Daemon Factory definitely is something to be concerned about, but before we have too much fear lets make sure we are getting their limitations down and don't let the Daemons player unknowing gain any extra advantage. I've seen quite a bit of talk and misinformation regarding some of these points. Lets get it right so we can accurately address the threat that Daemon Factory represents.

Perils: Make sure that if they are a non Daemon that they Perils on any double, not just 6's and not just on successful castings.

One Power Attempt Per Unit: Only one attempt at any one specific power per unit per turn. No double attempts at the same power from any unit without a special rule allowing it.

Warp Charges: Make sure the player is not adding any Warp Charges to their pool from the Summoned Daemons. Yes, they generate their powers the turn they arrive and are able to manifest any non Conjuration power the turn they arrive, but they arrive after Warp Charges are collected and do not contribute to this turns Warp Charge Pool. They contribute normally the turn after they are summoned.

Arrive Via Deepstrike: Summoned Daemons arrive via Deepstrike and must follow all relevant limitations. "is treated as having arrived from Reserves for all rules purposes." They effectively have arrived from Reserves via Deep Strike and cannot Move in the Movement phase, and cannot charge in the Assault phase. They may run or shoot. This is very relevant for Summoned Flying Monstrous Creatures.

Objective Secured: Conjured units are Scoring unit, but summoned Horrors, Plaguebearers, Daemonettes, and Bloodletters are not Troops, they are conjured units and were not selected in a Troop FOC slot, and do not benefit from the Battleforged Objective Secured Special Rule. No permission is giving to assign a summoned unit to s FOC slot and therefore are a slot-less unit belonging to the Chaos Daemon's Faction.

Range of Summoning: Only Summoning and Incursion have a 12" range, measured from the Psycher. First model must be placed wholly within 12" and then scattered as normal. The range for Sacrifice and Possession is only 6". Note: If a unit suffers a DS mishap and goes into Ongoing Reserves it can be placed anywhere on the table when it arrives from Reserves in the following turns.

Cursed Earth only requires the first model be placed within 12" for No Scatter DS.

Solo Heralds: Heralds are summoned within 6". They cannot move and cannot join another unit the turn they arrive. They also cannot contribute to the Warp Charge pool the turn they arrive.

Summoned Bloodthirsters or Lords of Change: Bloodthirsters or Lords of Change are Flying Monsterous Creatures who have arrived from reserve via Deep Strike. FMCs who have arrived via Deepstrike are forced to be in Swooping mode and cannot change flight modes until the following turn as changing flight modes is performed at the start of its move, which it does not have. It has been forced to be declared as Swooping the turn it arrives. Therefore they cannot charge until two turns after they are summoned.

For example, a Bloodthirster is summoned Turn 2. It arrives in Swooping mode, cannot move or change Flight Modes turn 2. It can only run or shoot Turn 2. Turn 3 the Bloodthirster can change movement modes and begin Gliding. It can shoot or Run as normal. Turn 4 the Blood Thirster can Glide and charge.

Allies: One Eye Open Daemons still belond to the Codex Daemons Faction and if summoned by a Faction that is Comes the Apocalypse or Desperate Allies they are still subject to the One Eye Open rules laid out in Allies. Summoning and scatter may force this check at the beginning of the following turn.

Transports and Vehicles: Summoning from inside of a Transport or a Building is prohibited
"Really, the entire game is 'Opponent's Permission' if you think about it..."