I'm open to Tuesdays, as Chase suggested, if it works better for the store. I'd rather not have to compete with other events like FNM anyways.
I have a handful of ideas for a league or custom OP event, Including an idea I had a little while back for a Klingon Civil War league, where each player swears fealty to one of several houses (regardless of which faction they want to play), each with it's own bonuses, and each House would by vying for overall control of the empire. the league could have a set time to end, or end once one House or alliance of houses controls the majority of the empire. Preliminary thoughts of course.
There's also the custom OP event series I proposed to Chase a couple months ago based on the VOY episode "Year of Hell". We could also possibly organize a Borg Invasion league (unrelated to WizKids' current OP series), where the Borg players are trying to take on everyone else. Not sure how to balance that, but could be fun and fluffy.
EDIT: I know the last league setup I attempted to start fell apart and it was no one's fault but my own. My job dropped from under me and I was scrambling to get everything on track, and STAW fell to the wayside. Part of the reason was because Fridays had been the only day I had available, and since people had asked if any day other than friday was an option, I decided to wait and try to organize something that could be on the best day/time for everyone. I apologise for the confusion and frustration this caused.