So the new edition is out, and I've been devouring the book. There's a few big changes, and lots of little ones, but those are going to be covered amply in other threads. The topic I want to address now is how to take a game that seems to be more aimed at awesome explosions than at competitive play, and tweak it so that it can run well for tournaments.
Fortunately, 7th edition is written much more clearly than its predecessor, so finding the shaky spots is a bit easier. What I'd like is for anyone who's interesting in competitive play to offer feedback here, so we can start coming up with some ideas for making Battleground events compelling, challenging, and fun. So here's how I think we should start:
1. Point out a specific part of the new rulebook that might cause a problem in a tournament setting.
2. Briefly explain what about the rule makes it less than ideal for tournament play (too random, too unbalanced, etc.).
3. Offer a suggestion for a solution, or a general method of solving it.
Here's a few to get us started:
Daemonology (Conjuration powers)
1. The Malefic side of Daemonology, as written, allows for a Chaos Daemons player to generate a truly absurd amount of Warp Charge, then spend it to create ridiculous amounts of free models (potentially doubling an army's size).
2. Other methods of generating free units (such as tervigons) are limited and not especially reliable. This method, by contrast, can't really be stopped unless the opponent also has crazy amounts of Warp Charge (Daemons or Grey Knights), and even then the chance to Deny non-targeted powers is low. Players facing a daemon army will never know if they'll be up against 3000+ points of Daemons in a 1750-point tournament.
3. Warhammer Fantasy has solved this by limiting the number of dice that can be generated in the phase, and limiting how many dice can be spent to cast a power. I've also heard a suggestion that we limit the dice used for casting to Mastery level + 1; so a low-level psyker can only reliably cast powers that use 1 warp charge, unreliably cast ones that use 2, and are unable to cast anything more potent than that.
Tactical Objectives
1. These seem like a poor fit for tournament play.
2. Planning and strategy don't mean much if your objectives keep changing. One player could get lucky and be required to hold the same objective three turns in a row, while the other could be required to make his opponent fail leadership checks.
3. We should probably just stick to the Eternal War missions for serious tournaments, and leave tactical objectives to casual play and more laid-back formats (like doubles).
The Eternal War Mission "The Scouring"
1. This mission has objectives worth differing amounts, randomly placed.
2. One player could get completely hosed by objective placement, finding that 7 points worth of objectives are sitting in his opponent's deployment zone, while he's got 3. That's too divergent to make for a good test of skill.
3. Either change the objective rules so that they match Big Guns Never Tire, or just abandon this mission completely for tournament play.
That's what I've got so far. Comments on any of the above are more than welcome. And feel free to add any other issues that you've noticed, and ways we might fix them. Overall, I think 7th could be the edition that brings back competitive play, but it'll take a little work from us. Thanks, folks!