Personally, I do not like the new codex. The morale system and the whole "no way to get invul saves in CC" kind of kill it for me. Dakkajets getting more expensive (seriously?), Ghaz getting worse, Kanz getting much worse, trukks getting much worse (even though I do not use them), etc. And then the supplement looks really bad too...having to challenge, even worse morale system, etc. Was just going to shelve the boyz because they did not look like fun to play...not really interested in "forging the narrative" and being an NPC to let SM players feel good about watching the way my LD7 hordes kill each other off...
Then, I started seeing some snipits about the formations in the Ghaz book. Scouting battlewagons, Snikrot Commandos, and a possibly effective green tide. Ok, GW, you have piqued my interest a little bit.