I expect this to get way off track really quickly, but figured I'd give it a shot. Please make posts listing anything in the game rule wise you feel needs to be addressed. Not how you think it needs to be fixed, we can make specific threads for that later. I think Mike's thread got way off track about specific rules, because he and the Dark Star folks have already gone through this exercise, which the rest of the BG community has done, but not really in an organized way. My plan is to gather the topics we should discuss in this thread. Vote on the most important ones to discuss, then come up with 3 or 4 threads to talk how we can address them as BG community. I know it will be hard and not a lot of fun to only state the topic without stating your opinions and ideas to fix it, but let's see what we can do. I'll start the ball rolling with the following.
2+/++ re-rollable saves
Allowing Allies
Allowing Data-slates
D Weapons
Super Heavies/Gargantuans
Battle Brother Allies (ICs attaching)
Ignores Cover
Blessings - Too strong/no counters
Jet Bike Turbo boost distance
Stormraven OP
Wave Serpent Shields
Helldrake 360 firing arc
Dread,knight shunt
Ignores cover
Vehicle survivability
Walkers in CC vs MC