Battleground Games & Hobbies - Plainville Format: Open Play!
Date: March 23rd, 2014 a
SUNDAYTime: 11:00am - 5:00pm
Entrance Fee: FREE!!
Address:25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762
Find us on Google MapsCheck out our Facebook PageContact:Please contact me at with any questions.
EVENT OVERVIEWThis event coincides with the release of WARMACHINE: Vengeance and allows players to earn Vengeance points over the course of the day in a casual, open-play environment.
The official event packet can be found here. Most of the relevant rules will be outlined in this post, but it's recommended that players read through the packet before or during the event.
This event will allow both Warmachine and Hordes armies but it's important to note that the awards (coins) will only be awarded to players representing Warmachine factions.HOW THE EVENT WORKS:This event uses a open-play format that awards players Vengeance points for accomplishments in games, army construction, and modeling. In an effort to keep the event "fair" all games must be played at the same point level; we're going to go with 35 points.
Score sheets will be provided to track points gained by fulfilling certain requirements (listed below). All games should be played using
the event scenario. There is no limit on the number of games a player can play during the course of the event. Come down, play some games, earn some points, meet new people, and win some brand new coins!
HOW CAN I SCORE VENGEANCE POINTS?There's a bunch of cool ways players can score Vengeance Points towards their factions coin. In no particular order they are:
UnlimitedA player can earn Vengeance Points for the following achievements multiple times during the event.
• Demo a game for a new player: 3 points
• Play a game with a player you've never played before: 1 point
• Play a game: 1 point for each completed game
• Win a game by assassination victory: 1 point
• Win a game by scenario victory: 2 points
LimitedA player can earn Vengeance Points for each of the following achievements only once during the event.
• Play with a fully painted army: 2 points
• Custom build a River Boat objective (120 mm base): 5 points
• Custom build a Precious Cargo objective (50 mm base): 3 points
• Custom build a 4´ x 4´ terrain table that includes the river as shown on the scenario map: 7 points
• Dress as an Iron Kingdoms character during the event: 4 points
• Have a Battleground Organizer take a picture of your fully painted army on your custom display board: 1 point
• Play against three or more different opponents: 2 points
• Play at least three games, fielding a different warcaster each time: 2 points
• (Raider only) Destroy the Precious Cargo: 2 points
• (Raider only) Destroy the River Boat with a friendly colossal’s melee attack: 2 points
• (Defender only) Win a game with an undamaged River Boat (including a River Boat that was damaged and then repaired to full health): 2 points
• (Defender only) Win a game by destroying your opponent’s warcaster while the Precious Cargo is base-to base with the River Boat: 2 points
• Cause an enemy model to suffer collateral damage from the River Boat or the Precious Cargo: 2 points
• Knock down two enemy warjacks in the river during a single game: 2 points
• Defeat an opponent who defeated you earlier in the event: 1 point
• Have a Battleground Organizer roll your dice on an important attack or damage roll aimed at destroying your opponent’s warcaster: 2 points
(Players may bring their completed River Boat, Cargo Objective, and/or Terrain Table to the event, they do not have to start and finish it while they're there.)
What You Should Bring With You:-Your miniatures
-Rulebooks and any additional books you need
-A pen / marker
-Cards for the models in your list
-Dice and templates
-Tape measure
Coins will be given out to:Champion coin - The Champion coin will be given to the player with the most Vengeance Points at the end of the day.
Faction coins - A faction coin goes to the player in each faction (Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate of Menoth, Cryx, Retribution of Scyrah, Convergence of Cyriss, and Mercenaries) with the most Vengeance Points at the end of the event.
Please post any questions or comments here.