I like it. I think that the rules are good but not broken good. The paladin and the errant versions have 6 hull points. That's not alot. It's a superheavy walker. So what... it can shoot at multiple targets. Riptides can do this too. Personally i think all vehicles should be doing this already. It does get Stomp which is a little much but fairly easy to avoid. Unstoppable Behemoth basically means it can't be one shot killed. Again so what.. A S-D ccw, powerful yes, broken no. Don't assault it with your bloodthirster assault it with a large squad of peons. It can only kill 3 a turn. The weapons we know about aren't overpowered. The shielding is good kinda like the eldar holo field on one facing which is nice since it doesn't get an armor save or invulnerable save.
I may have to get 2 when tax money comes.
i agree with pretty much all your points fallen
6hp on a av13/12 chassis: big whup, you don't bubble wrap it, it's still getting meltad and all it takes is a explodes result and a lucky roll on the additional D3
shoot at multiple targets: it's got a gun that's actually good for something then it has heavy stubbers... oh noes!
D CC weapon: sure it MIGHT insta kill something, but theres so much STR10 in CC already nowadays if you get in CC with this thing your either going to lose it or get bogged down and taken out of the game
they are cool as hell there is no denying, but a Riptide is half the price and properly buffed and kitted out has better durability and "cheating" like twin linked and ignores cover
i'm still gonna run 3 at some event in the future, sure i won't win but ill have FUN not winning!!!