Sorry This Took So Long
Begin Transmission
Sent 4/29/2145
Hello Cousin Billy! How is the big city life treating ya, fast cars and movie stars and all that!, Me boy Zakariah just loves tellin everyone he meets about his big city uncle and all the glitz and glamor of your life. the boy even takes after ya so good at his lessons. But I aint writen ya ta tell ya how great ya are because boy do I have a story for ya.
So me and the boy we was out in the west fields the ones just before the big old lake, ya know the one. So we was out there checking on so of the equipment we got out there when we saw the dambdest thing a real honest mech fight, and it wernt like those solaris fights your dad had on file this was two groups right ready to kill each other.
Ok so we was a good ways away and even with the binoculars it was a bit tough to make out the details the boys got better peepers than me and says one side had some sorta animal on it, said it was a possum or mabye a weasel!. Right so these two groups just barely met and they started attacking each other and they was furious and huge I swear on my mama's grave one of them musta been 100 meters tall!!
Those two they was fighting like nothing I ever imagined lazers and cannons we was a long ways off and even there it was almost deafenin. It didnt last long the two sides blasting away like there werent no tommorow. Zak Swears he saw one of them shoot the head off another they done tore each other appart a few minutes after it started they where all just smokein ash, and melted metal, we saw one or two of them run away but it didnt look like nether of them really won the day. Though I suppose me and the boy won seein somethin like that and livin to talk about it. Right after it was over me and the boy ran off to tell people, when we got back there a bit later someone had come and cleaned most everything up, we even went down to the battle field and most everything was gone, zak and a few of the local kids did find a few bits of scrap and some shells from some guns but that was all the proof we had, cept of course a few pictures the boy got, but there mighty far away and blurry.
well cousin figured you would want to hear bout something like this it was one heck of a thing to see, the boy's excited wants to be a mech driver when he growns up but me I guess I hope I never see a battle that close again.
Talk To ya Later
Cousin Jeb
End Transmission
So The first weeks battle was brutal to say the least a 100% kill ratio on both sides
I attacked Chris at Addicks.
Started with 2000 WCP
Attacking Cost -450 WCP
A Tie battle +500 WCP
Then Repairs and Healing
Goshocwk 2
Repair 112.5 SP
Repair 52.5 SP
Heal Warrior 250 SP
Increase Pilotig & Gunnery 800SP
Repair 125 SP
Rearm 20 SP
Heal Pilot 150 SP
Reconfigure 5 SP
Increase Piloting & Gunnery 800 SP
Repair 250 SP
Rearm 20 SP
Heal Pilot 200 SP
Purchase Elementals x 5 156 SP
Purchase Thunderbird BA x 5 156 SP
Hire Pilots for the above x 10 50 sp
Sell Wendingo -1250
Sell Tiburon - 875
Total 1022 SP
Started 2000 WCP
Cost of track -450 WCP
Tie +500 WCP
Repairs, Sales and Training -205 WCP
Ended 1845 WCP
Would have been alot worse but I deflected most of the cost of the repairs and upgrades by selling 85 tons of mech and replaceing them with 3 tons of battle armor.