Author Topic: Some spring cleaning... updated, now with 6 magic cards!  (Read 3745 times)


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Some spring cleaning... updated, now with 6 magic cards!
« on: February 03, 2014, 11:20:15 AM »
Hey All,

Going through my massive piles of stuff has yielded a lot of miscellaneous things- If anyone is interested in anything let me know.  We are talking CHEAP AS FREE.  Or, if you are feeling generous, credit is always great, as are bits for: Any GW army (I like having a good bits box!  Also good for terrain, etc.) or Cygnar.

First, GW Transfer sheets.  Lots of them.  Anyone use these?  Space marines, chaos, imperial guard, Eldar, Tau, undead, high elves, and wood elves. 

Second, a bunch of the Decipher Lord of the Rings CCG cards.

Third, a bunch of the original Warlord CCG cards. 

Fourth, I have a bunch of good paperback novels, mostly old Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and Star Trek novels.  If there is any interest, I will list titles!  Also, as an aside, I know some games stores do a shelf of such as these as a "lending library," with the general idea being "have a book, leave a book" and "need a book, take a book."  I know shelf space is always a premium, but if there was interest in this, I have a good seed collection to start it!  If not, we can arrange it on line or something.

I found 6 Magic cards... which is odd as I have never really owned any. They are presumably from the "Weatherlight" set, as each flavor quote is said by someone "of the Weatherlight."

They are:  Touchstone (artifact), Uktabi Efreet (green creature), Veteran Explorer (green creature), Vitalize (green instant), Vodalian Illusionist (blue creature), Volunteer Reserves (white creature).

No idea if they are worth anything (anyone know?) but I am open to offers of credit, bits, or being told to piss off... seriously, if someone wants them let me know.  I'd probably trade 'em for a used GW Paint (anyone have a Nightshade?  anyone remember Nightshade? that color was awesome), a headless guardsmen, or even some magic beans...

More random stuff to follow!

« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 08:00:07 PM by NateT »


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Re: Some spring cleaning... And a question for Chase...
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2014, 06:50:01 PM »
Whenever the Ork codex is released.

Of course, now we'll only have about a week's notice, but the rumor guys are pretty accurate, so...
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Re: Some spring cleaning... And a question for Chase...
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2014, 10:50:21 PM »
Do you have any 40K novels?
Real Name: Noah Francke
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Re: Some spring cleaning... And a question for Chase...
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2014, 10:55:47 PM »
Also, as an aside, I know some games stores do a shelf of such as these as a "lending library," with the general idea being "have a book, leave a book" and "need a book, take a book."  I know shelf space is always a premium, but if there was interest in this, I have a good seed collection to start it!  If not, we can arrange it on line or something.
This idea once floated around Plainville. I think it'd be neat, another reason to get people in the door. :)


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Re: Some spring cleaning... And a question for Chase...
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2014, 02:01:37 AM »
Sadly, and oddly... no 40K novels!


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Re: Some spring cleaning... And a question for Chase...
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2014, 11:06:20 PM »
Also, as an aside, I know some games stores do a shelf of such as these as a "lending library," with the general idea being "have a book, leave a book" and "need a book, take a book."  I know shelf space is always a premium, but if there was interest in this, I have a good seed collection to start it!  If not, we can arrange it on line or something.
This idea once floated around Plainville. I think it'd be neat, another reason to get people in the door. :)

i would be stokked about this
Name: Bryan "spoon" Dupuis
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Re: Some spring cleaning... updated, now with 6 magic cards!
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2014, 08:06:37 PM »
Any interest in a lending library shelf, Chase?  Seems a few people would be into it... or I could bring 'em in a box one day.  Free book day!  Reading is fundamental!  I'll post a partial list of titles soon, though the full list will have to wait... I still have a MASSIVE tote of books at my parents house they finally want me to get rid of...

I don't know why they are complaining though, I only left them there when I moved out.  In 1998.


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Re: Some spring cleaning... updated, now with 6 magic cards!
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2014, 02:20:50 PM »
I found 6 Magic cards... which is odd as I have never really owned any. They are presumably from the "Weatherlight" set, as each flavor quote is said by someone "of the Weatherlight."

They are:  Touchstone (artifact), Uktabi Efreet (green creature), Veteran Explorer (green creature), Vitalize (green instant), Vodalian Illusionist (blue creature), Volunteer Reserves (white creature).

No idea if they are worth anything (anyone know?) but I am open to offers of credit, bits, or being told to piss off... seriously, if someone wants them let me know.  I'd probably trade 'em for a used GW Paint (anyone have a Nightshade?  anyone remember Nightshade? that color was awesome), a headless guardsmen, or even some magic beans...

The Veteran Explorer is worth about a dollar. As for the rest, just keep hoping someone will show up with some magic beans ;-)

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Re: Some spring cleaning... updated, now with 6 magic cards!
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2014, 07:52:46 PM »
Hey All,
First, GW Transfer sheets.  Lots of them.  Anyone use these?  Space marines, chaos, imperial guard, Eldar, Tau, undead, high elves, and wood elves. 

If you are looking to dump off the transfer sheets, I will take them.

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Re: Some spring cleaning... updated, now with 6 magic cards!
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2014, 04:49:46 PM »
Sure!  You want them all, or just certain ones?  I can leave them at either store, though Abington is quite a bit easier now.  You can take 'em all, or just the ones you want, and I'll pick the rest back up.

As an aside, any chance you have a cool power sword (preferably right handed, but either would do) that looks "master crafted?"  Still looking for a replacement for the Throne of Judgement guy... Or any bits to make cool alcolytes or priests...

Either way, the transfers are yours, just let me know where you want 'em!