I'd agree with Keith, I don't like comp or support it in any way but if you have to go that route, you definitely can't consider fluff. For some armies fluff is definitely the way the power builds lean (5E GK, 5E SW, and early 6E Necrons were victims of this, for example). For others it hurts.
The most important part of this Komp system is that it basically gives people a way to rate the armies against each other army to army in terms of their actual (or at least, perceived) on-table effectiveness. if it only gives points for things which make your army stronger, than that is a good metric. (As soon as you add ways to shrink it back down people will just game it, it's definitely better additive).
So your answer to people scoring it on butt hurt is just to hide it from the recipient? Good plan.
Rubrics are desired because it is transparent to everyone.
Also, can you please explain why i shouldn't act "like a nice guy" because I took a hard build? Shouldn't we always be "nice guys" while we are playing the game and be gentlemen?
Nah, I don't mean to hide it. But it should be the tally shown, not a full breakdown. You don't want people to know exactly what they got from exactly who, in a player-voted environment...it just breeds contention. It is prone to being challenging from the more aggro types of guys (That is how Matt and I first crossed paths, actually).
Rubrics are a thing I don't like personally, but obviously they are a necessary thing a lot of the time. The reason I don't like rubrics is because they can be gamed and are always prejudiced. (Also, you can do player voting and still be transparent: I tell people up front how it works and that they can gain X more points by getting good marks on the player voted stuff. But it's clear BG and the national overall scene don't need to go that route so I'll stop talking about it. It's just, to me, the only person who it matters to how you are playing is the guy across the table).
As for being nice, well, let me put it to you this way: you ever play a game with a jerk? It sucks, no? Think back to it and think if it would have been any better if both you and he had weaker armies. Comp rubrics don't address this, they just deal with bad lists, not bad players or bad games. That's my angle, though, as a person who isn't looking to the bigger 40k scene.
I prefer the player rating experience, but I can see how a scoring mechanism like this would benefit BG in-game and in terms of rep.