I haven't heard anything really with the exception of the harpy/crone seems pretty good. That being said; I hope my current list just gets better because I hate all the new models with the exception of the harpy lol
Well Bill, let's see...
- Zoanthropes: Nerfed. They can no longer cast Biomancy and now have Brotherhood of psykers, so can only cast 1 spell per unit now.
- Swarmlord: Nerfed medium-well. No Biomancy, no forcing rerolls in CC, price went UP.
- Gargoyles: Nerfed hard. No longer auto-wound on a 6 to hit, which was what made them scary.
- Tervigons: Words can not begin to describe how hard they were nerfed. They were nerfed in like 6 different ways!
- Doom in a Pod: Neither Doom nor Pods exist at all anymore. So that's "the ultimate nerf"?
- Parasite of Mortrex: Also doesn't exist anymore at all anymore.
Sooo what else was in your army?