I love this format!
I brought:
Bloodthirster /w/ exalted reward and greater reward
2 units of 11 daemonettes
The theory / experiment was supposed to be: They'll be too worried about the bloodthirster to bother shooting at the daemonettes for the first turn or 2, which actually might make the daemonettes actually make it into assault, since their big problem is that they're squishy if the opponent wants to shoot them. And, the thirster will usually take the portalglyph, dropping it off in a back corner, where hopefully it will get ignored for a while and pump out a couple extra units as the opponent shoots up the assaulty stuff.
Game 1, got mirror matched against Jared Sequeira's daemons:
320 point daemon prince (2 greater gifts, ml 3)
2 units of horrors
This was a weird and quick game... His prince got better buffs than my thirster (iron arm and re-roll invul saves, fleshbane attacks) making it an apparent threat to the thirster. He moved his prince forward, but we BOTH rolled a 4 on Winds of Chaos, meaning no daemons have any invul saves during my turn! So, I just charged the daemon with the thirster, thirster has I9 vs I8 so strikes first, I did 5 wounds, and there are no saves so the prince is dead.
Game 2, vs. Sir Prometheus’ Tau (he went on to win).
He had a skyray, which I knew in advance was probably the thing I LEAST want to see as it can reliably do about 3 wounds to the thirster in its “missile turn” even if he’s in flight. So, bloodthirster ALMOST lived to assault something, but not quite. The game actually got kind of interesting from there, as it was 2 relics…. my daemonettes had moved up to grab both relics and were dragging them back, plus I had managed to deposit the Portalglyph within grabbing’ range of both. So it was dicey with Matt trying to constantly table me before the game ended…. he just barely managed to do so.
Game 3, vs. Pat Holmes’ Orks
Lootas, Big Mek with Shokk gun, shoots boys, slugga boyz / w Nob.
I got first turn which was pretty important, there was nothing here to realistically threaten the Bloodthirster if he could get in the air due to the deployment. He had a gigantic ruin on his side and put his lootas on the top, but that let me fly up so that the lootas couldn’t even see the thirster as he was below it… so turn 2 he started chopping through Orks, as did daemonettes (who murder Orks if they’re not in area terrain).
Game 4, vs Dan Bunker’s Tau (he went on to win 2nd bracket)
Very similar to Bennett’s list except with a single broadside instead of Markerlights. Again the Skyray was a huge issue and took my Bloodthirster down to “finishing off range”. This time he actually survived to the point of declaring a charge, but didn’t make it through the overwatch. From there it was cleanup.
Game 5, vs. Roger Melo’s space Wolves
2 Pods, one with a Rune Priest in it, and a unit of Long Fangs.
I was pretty out of it by this point, and Roger is my buddy so I must not have been really focusing
The “Space matt” came out to play. The only way for the thirster to die is if he charges the Rune Priest through difficult terrain, thus letting the rune priest strike first with a wounding on 2+ Force Weapon… and that’s what I did. Hehe. I was actually still on the verge of winning, as my portal glyph pumped out a ton of scoring units, and he was hard limited to 2 scoring units, and some glyphed horrors combined with nasty warp storm tabling managed to eliminate one of those. But, at the end of turn 5, for some reason I just didn’t move my guys onto the objective (a frequent brainfart of mine), thinking in my head it was gonna keep going… game ended so it’s a tie on objectives and he had killed like 550 points of stuff.
Great times