Author Topic: Campaign Wrap Up?  (Read 2481 times)


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Campaign Wrap Up?
« on: October 21, 2013, 04:43:40 PM »
Given that the deadline for Campaign completion seems to be yesterday - based on this post from Paul Wyatt:

Hey guys, if we don't see this game get played by the 20th then we're just going to split the percentage among all players on the planet. Let me know if you need me to contact anyone. Nitoris is one of the last planets left to be resolved so I'd like to get this one wrapped up.

What is the timeline for getting results from Paul, and wrapping everything up?  I'd love to hear what our actions as a group mean for the sector, and the story going forward.
Too busy being AWESOME to listen to your whining.

Name: Brad Powers
Club Affiliation: BRAD CLUB
Where I play: Yes


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Re: Campaign Wrap Up?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 06:58:00 PM »
Good god Brad, Give a man a chance to get out of work and get a few details :P Update is going up tonight with the schedule for the end of the campaign, statistics of winnings, when payouts are happening and the Post Mortem.
Good men hear the call; Great men answer.