Author Topic: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines  (Read 7209 times)


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2013, 03:17:12 PM »
Yep, I can definitely see myself taking a Nid detour for a while.  I'm kinda glad that I never built my nid army up past 1000pts, who knows what'll be good in new dex.   Based on previous GW history, it ain't gonna be Tervigons (what everyone already has).
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2013, 10:53:12 AM »
Nid playtest rumors, supposedly 6-7 months old but as they codexs are finalized and printed months before release they still may be somewhat accurate

Please remember that these are rumors of a playtest set.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
He states these rules are BETA and are around 7 month old

Hormagaunts :
may add an additional 20 Hormagaunts

Equipment: scything talons & adrenal glans

toxic sacks : (remain the same)
piercing talons : (+1 strength)
tyranid warrior (squad leader):

special rules:
leap, they just keep coming,synaptic back lash (tyranid warrior only) synapse creature (tyranid warrior only)

leap: may charge +6'' extra & do not lose initiative while charging through difficult terrain 

they just keep coming: enemies firing at models with this rule suffer -1 bs
models with BS 1 must re-roll any successful hits on a model with this target.

synaptic back lash: after a model with this rules dies then all friendly units within 6'' of the models death suffer a single strength 3 AP - hit.

Old one eye to have his toughness increased

tyranid warriors
may add an additional 3 models
 5     5  4+

piercing talons, leap, synaptic back lash,
special rules: will of the hive mind

toxic sacks: (read above)
adrenal glands:  (read above)
range biomorph exoskeleton:  (+1 bs)
increased exoskeleton:  (+1 sv)
barbed strangler: (remains the same)
venom rifles: (tyranid rifles with poison) 18'' range (under re-testing)

will of the hive mind: while the squad remains with the full 3 models then the synapse range increases to 12''

may add an additional 2 models
  T   W
  6    5 

scything talons, piercing talons
special rules: rampant rage, living battering ram, natural disaster

Toxic sacks:
range biomorph exoskeleton:
armoured shell:  (2+ save)_
crushing claws:  (+d3 attacks & +1 to range AP)
reinforced plating:  (reduced strength of weapon being fired at you by 1)
heavy venom cannon: (strength 9 AP 2 heavy 2)
barbed strangler: (strength 5 AP 5 large blast, pinning)
twin linked devourers: (strength 4 AP 6 assault 4)

rampant range: when charging units the carnifex gains rage & furious charge)
Living battering ram: the carnifex deals d3 hammer of wrath hits
natural disaster: if the carnifex forgoes its turn in a piece of terrain (ruins ect) it can destroy that terrain and remove it from play


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2013, 10:10:33 AM »
They rain down from the Hiveships, gelatenous bags of vile ichor and malevolence.  Here's the latest word on the Mycetic Spore said to arriving with the upcoming Tyranids.

-Mycetic Spore is coming with the new Tyranid release
-Plastic combo-kit that makes the Spore and another large bug.
-It is an enormous creature, with an immense abdomen/transport sac, that spills over the sides of a standard oval base.
-It has tiny vestigial arms similar to a Zoanthropes, and a head with a tentacle ringed maw.
-The giant abdomen/sac looks swollen, and has internal protuberances looking like Tyranid creatures are stretching the skin from within, about to rip their way out... ~EWWWWW!!!
-It has forward arms options that can be upgraded for various biomorph/weapon options.
-The secondary creature build option replaces the abdomen/sac with something entirely different.


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2013, 10:50:04 AM »
more rumors!

via 4Chan
Crawling Plague (named Venomthrope), Finecast
- Like the other named tyranids is taken as a brood upgrade.
- Three rows of vents on its back, tail is much longer and coils itself around a piece of scenery. Mouth tendrils are shorter and spread open around its mouth like it's trying to spit out something, with liquid dripping out of it.
- Torrent weapon, AP- Poison 4+. Gimmick is on a 3+ place a marker anywhere on where you placed the template. Following turn place the small end of the flamer template on the marker and aim it in any direction, roll again on 4+ every subsequent turn to see if it stays on the field.
- Grants stealth to all models within 6" and shrouding to itself. Venomthropes create 5+ cover, so they synergize.
- It Lurks in the Mists: Special deployment gimmick instead of deploying on the board, at the start of any movement phase except the first you can deploy the Crawling Plague within 6" of any venomthrope.
- Mutation from the new Hive Fleet Karkinos, which is specialized in toxic weaponry and the usage of venomthropes.

Tyranid Prime, plastic clamshell
- Larger Warrior, head crest has four prongs, additional shoulder plates that interlock down over part of the chest, armor in general is sharper and extends farther out with a slight upward curve. Looks like you could impale a guardsman on its back.
- On foot, devourer and scything talons, dead easy to switch out components with Warriors and Raveners.
- Details of the fluff are quite a bit different. The Prime is designed as a perfect hunter, created to fit any battlefield and seek out and eliminate enemy commanders while supported by evolved broods in this regard.
- Apex Brood: The Prime can take a single retinue of "Apex" Warriors, Raveners or Shrikes. They receive T/WS/BS +1 and the Prime auto passes LOS! rolls while attached to the Apex Brood. Somewhat more expensive than their normal counterparts (+5 to +10 pt each depending on the creature)
- No more +1WS/BS when attached to regular warriors, that's replaced by the retinue.
- Hunter-Killer: Enemy characters cannot refuse challenges from the Prime.

Older stuff from the same source on 4chan
Army-wide notes
- No FOC and ally table changes
- Devastation and Adaptation are new power tables with 3 powers each + primaris.
- Primaris for Devastation = Warp Blast, Adaptation = Onslaught (similar to battle-focus)
- All Tyranid powers can be used with either one or two charges to increase the effect.
- Ravenous Advance: Units with this rule can run & assault in the same turn.
- The Ground Trembles: All MC cause d3 Hammer of Wrath hits.
- Red Terror, Deathleaper and Old One Eye are unique upgrades to their respective broods.

Mycetic Spore/Mycetic Hive Node, plastic dual kit
- Spore is a Dedicated Transport, notable changes are that SC can join and MC broods can all opt to get spores.
- Hive Nodes are bought by HQ models (1-3 choice for Tyrants, 1 for every other HQ), no transport capacity.
- Nodes provide Synapse and can be configured in one of many ways. Grants poison or shrouding to nearby units or terraforms (Dangerous Terrain) the surroundings.

Harpy/Erinye, plastic dual kit.
- Harpy is designed to kill infantry hordes/provide support via its special vector strike.
- Vector striking it can either use Spore Mine Cyst to create blasts along the path or Sonic Screech to halve initiative and cause a pinning test.
- Erinye is an AA variant in Elite, very different front torso/head piece with gribbly tentacles.
- Increased Swoop speed and its gimmick is grappling other flyers.
- Vector strike -> dice roll 4+ -> the enemy flyer is dragged directly behind where the Erinye ended its move, including a new facing.
- Both can buy broods of Gargoyles that can drop off in the movement phase when not vector striking.

Zoanthrope (Doom)/Genethrope, plastic dual kit.
- Zoanthropes are ML1 psykers, have access to the Devastation, Telepathy, Telekinesis tables.
- Genethropes are similar, but have access to the Adaptation and Biomancy tables.
- New unique biomorphs. Increased Shadow in the Warp range, Deny the Witch boost aura, two others.
- Both types can upgrade up to ML2 but only ever get 1 power, each Elite choice is a unit of 1-3 that can contain mixded Zoan and Gene.
- Doom has access to all the above tables and comes with Essence Leech and 3 powers.
- Consumes a wound every time it uses a power (except for Leech), but can keep casting until a Perils roll or its down to 1 wound.

- Old unused bimorphs in the box are options again.
- Base cost the same but upgrades are much, much cheaper overall but lots of "only buy 1 out of this list" kind of choices which greatly limits what a fex can have.
- Tusked gives HoW an AP value, Thornback increases the number of HoW hits.
- Enhanced Senses gives Night Fighting.
- Tail Scythe & Tail Mace each deliver a single hit to all models in BtB at Ini 1, with different stats.
- Living Battering Ram rule: Changed to allow the Carnifex to assault the contents of a building/transport on a 4+ if it was destroyed by its charge, rolled once for the brood.

Whatever else
- Trygon Prime can taken as HQ/HS
- Trygon tunnels can be used by all infantry/beasts but Raveners can be held until a tunnel is available.


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2013, 04:09:59 PM »

Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2013, 05:20:37 PM »

tyranids seem to be delayed untill january

Yeah, that means no Orks until next summer....oh wait...that is not a good thing.

Well, I guess it gives me more time to play warmachine until GW gets off their butt and fixes my army so it is actually a little bit fun to play....

I wonder if they would throw the boyz a boy and get us a quick wd update like the deamons got....

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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2013, 05:48:32 PM »
GW books are never delayed, they arrive preciously the time they mean to arrive. It just means the original rumor was wrong.

As for Orks, GW is releasing about 1 new army book per month, so I'd be optimistic to see them relatively soon. Next weekend Dark Elves go on preorder so I'm actually kinda excited for that release too.


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2013, 06:11:44 PM »
GW books are never delayed, they arrive preciously the time they mean to arrive. It just means the original rumor was wrong.

As for Orks, GW is releasing about 1 new army book per month, so I'd be optimistic to see them relatively soon. Next weekend Dark Elves go on preorder so I'm actually kinda excited for that release too.

well the original few rumors was IG or Orks in Jan then the other one in March. Latest rumors are leaning more towards IG in Jan and Orks in March. So.... if this whole shebang gets pushed back for whatever reason we may be looking at an Ork June


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2013, 08:30:36 PM »
Phoenix, I suggest you "like" 40k Radio on facebook.. they are very accurate. Right now they have:

Oct: Dark Elves
Nov: Holiday boxes
Dec: Hobbit
Jan: Tyranids
Feb: Dwarves
March: IG


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2013, 11:26:59 PM »
Phoenix, I suggest you "like" 40k Radio on facebook.. they are very accurate. Right now they have:

Oct: Dark Elves
Nov: Holiday boxes
Dec: Hobbit
Jan: Tyranids
Feb: Dwarves
March: IG

i'll check it out thanks, i guess GW has been spoiling us with so many releases lately. But Nids/IG/Orks pushed from Nov/Jan/March to Jan/March/June still isn't too bad


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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2013, 01:52:30 AM »
I was really hoping for bugs in November.  This new schedule basically says, "We're giving up on Q4 2013."
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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2013, 07:47:20 AM »
This new schedule basically says, "We're giving up on Q4 2013."
No reason to put exciting new products on the shelf for the holidays. Best to enjoy that time with friends and family, and remember the true meaning of the season.

Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2013, 11:11:41 AM »

i'll check it out thanks, i guess GW has been spoiling us with so many releases lately. But Nids/IG/Orks pushed from Nov/Jan/March to Jan/March/June still isn't too bad

Unless you play Orks....

*shrug* It just gives me time to play Non-GW games.

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Re: Tyranid Rumors! likely next after Space Marines
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2013, 11:47:24 AM »
GW wants us to receive our holiday cash gifts first, so we can blow it in January.. surrounded by pork fried rice and bugs  ;)