Brad Powers:
Army S1 is attempting to seize tile 33 (Dependent on game).
Samuel Butler:
New Army S2 built at 42
Steve D:
Army S1 has dug in to their position, neither losing points nor seizing tile 10.
Dependent actions and pending games
Steve D. W1 has been targeted by enemy AA guns! (Dependent on pending strafing run)
Steve D. W2 has been targeted by enemy AA guns! (Dependent on pending dogfight)
Dogfight @ 9 between Steve D W2 @ 17 and Andrew S. W1 @ 9
Strafing run @ 3 between Steve D W1 and Andrew S. S1
Brad Powers Army S2 is behind enemy lines (waiting for resolution).
Brad Powers Army S3 is behind enemy lines (waiting for resolution).
CORRECTION: Due to an oversight, there is a pending game between Sam Butlers S1 and Brad Powers S1 over tile 33