Author Topic: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread  (Read 37525 times)


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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2008, 07:51:35 PM »
12k a player is a bit nuts (and all but impossible save for the few crazies among us) but 5-6k player would be more manageable.


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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2008, 07:54:57 PM »
Why not set a goal size per team and then divide that up by the likely number of players for each team.  Then see if the players who intend to sign up for each team have enough (or can get enough in time) points to fill that out.  If not then another team member could fill the void.

For example, say the game will be a 100k game.  Each team gets 50k.  If it looks like each team will have 10 players then each player would get 5k.  If a player can only muster 3k then the team gets 2k to divide up as wanted.

I thought, but am probably wrong, that was the original behind the scenes train of thought for the last game.
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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2008, 08:43:23 PM »
Well im in of course with my guard (probably around 6000pts) i just need to get painting.

As for ideas for the next megabattle, i do like pauls idea of simple grassy areas, with some buildings, sorta "farmlandish". It seems like every game involves someone attacking a city or something involving a ruined city. Its starting to get a bit boring.


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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2008, 08:47:14 PM »
Well im in of course with my guard (probably around 6000pts) i just need to get painting.

As for ideas for the next megabattle, i do like pauls idea of simple grassy areas, with some buildings, sorta "farmlandish". It seems like every game involves someone attacking a city or something involving a ruined city. Its starting to get a bit boring.

Steve D and I were talking about this yesterday.  I said that for gaming you only need hills and forests for terrain.  He countered that's only in Fantasy and in 40k you need buildings/cities too.  He said he's never seen a 40k table that didn't have at least a ruined building on it.

I think the Operation Market Garden theme is quite good actually.  Lots of potential and different types of terrain.  Would be really interesting and I bet it'd look incredible.
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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2008, 09:01:30 PM »
the original and current plan is to set a point limit per side and then divide amongst the player.  But there are those that could field the 12k and sadly if that happens they would have a tuff time dividing their attention between opposing players for combat and shooting purposes.  I think everyone has a story from the last mega battle about waiting for a player to get to them.  Not having one guy bulk the points in a way cuts that down.


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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2008, 09:29:45 PM »
I'd also like to see the occasional open field battle.    Different stores have different terrain collections.  BG seems slanted towards city fights more than most, perhaps because the hill and forest terrain pieces are beat up pretty bad.  An effort to create an interesting woods and hills mega battle might be good for the terrain collection.

I'll also second a notion to avoid a few players with many more points than other players in a hope to keep the game moving. 

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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2008, 01:19:08 AM »
I completely agree with you guys.  I'd love to see a more open area.  The terrain for open lands is fairly damaged, but a few days of repair would fix that right up.  Just a repaint of the brown on some the stacking hills and a bit of flocking on some messed up ones.  There's quite a few War Torn Worlds pieces that go great with the "random hills" terrain (Probably because they're the same type.  Heh).

A full out farm/valley fight would be awesome, but failing that what would also be cool would be a thinning of terrain from a central point.  Most of the last megabattle was a dense city and everything outside was very light.  If we started at a dense city and gradually opened the field up I think it would make for a cool effect, even if one side wasn't just assaulting the city.

On the topic of points, I also agree that many people having smaller points would be great (and means I don't need to buy more titans... though I could always build some Skitarii).  Preparing now is definitely a good idea.
It's the throwing phase now.

i was on the receiving end on occasion

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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2008, 02:06:11 AM »
This is why saturdays or fridays Ide like to launch operation terrain club.


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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2008, 02:14:36 AM »
I know terrain club discussion belongs in the terrain club thread but I feel the need to pipe in and say that I don't see how terrain club can work on Fridays or Saturdays.  Fridays are FNM and Saturdays are the busiest day of the week at the store when Derek makes all his money.

I think, and am probably wrong, that Derek recommended a different day for terrain club.  But, I agree that a terrain club could greatly help with the terrain for the mega battle and all other major events at the store.

EDIT Found it

People who feel like they would like to participate should post here in this thread. At the moment I think that Monday nights or Thursday nights would be the most conducive for productivity at the store. The goings-on for those two nights should not be disruptive to terrain club meetings.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 02:32:20 AM by Jonathan »
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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2008, 09:42:46 AM »
What about something like a WWI ish type battle where there are trenches going everywhere, lots of open field with debris of dead tanks/men in it.

The biggest issue I have with these "big open field battles" is that it really caters to the really big stuff so they can wipe out infantry by units at a time while their void shields and structure points give them a leg up in the battle.

Personally I really like the super heavies, but I would like to see the next megabattle (not jan one) be just datasheets and stuff from the regular old codecii.  A massive battle like that would be great and more fulfilling because everyone has the units from their codecii but not everyone has super heavies


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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2008, 02:35:29 PM »
im glad noone listened to my sentiments about super heavies earlier, and now that i have some, people dont want them to be used. i manned up, everyone else should too. c'mon people

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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2008, 03:19:10 PM »
Impressive looking but way to stretch the board.  Maybe resize pic please?

What is that thing anyway and where is this event, shown in the pic, taking place?
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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2008, 12:07:46 AM »
im glad noone listened to my sentiments about super heavies earlier, and now that i have some, people dont want them to be used. i manned up, everyone else should too. c'mon people

Disagree. As long as it does not go crazy like imaged above I see no problems. Apoc was made so people could use Super heavies freely and VDR with concent. Besides this coming from the dude who ignored other things to make 2 Titans, 2 Orbital Lasers, and a cannon of doom?


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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2008, 12:18:16 AM »
I know where you can put that thunderhawk Steve and i'd tell you to  but it probally wont fit. So i shall devise some nefarious SpaceWolf Like thing of doom. RILEY! get over here! We must plot
I do have a problem with Vulcan twin-linking every non-UltraMarine whatever-gun on the table.
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Re: Bigger, better, stronger? Unnofficial Annual Megabattle Hype Thread
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2008, 12:22:21 AM »
I know where you can put that thunderhawk Steve and i'd tell you to  but it probally wont fit. So i shall devise some nefarious SpaceWolf Like thing of doom. RILEY! get over here! We must plot

You forget Murf.  Steve will be playing Chaos, right Steve?, in the next mega battle.  There is no thunderhawk for him this time.  It'll be unfortunate because I remember the good guys relying on it quite a bit in that sector last game.
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