Interesting stuff there.
So, I've never done a warhammer league before, but I've witnessed many league-like game structures fall apart, and seen exactly 1 succeed.
The one that succeeded was a Magic the Gathering league where about 20 guys at a store agreed to "start over", go back to basics, buy a starter pack, and 2 boosters, and trade at will with each other only from among those cards, just like when the game was young and overall resources were limited. We recorded games played within the "bubble" and had a ladder system. Similiar to the ladder system you see at like Racketball clubs).
It worked because the organization was so loose. There was no one time when you had to be at tthe store. You could play as much or as little as you wanted but obviously to maintain your spot on or climb the ladder you had to play a decent amount. Games were self-arranged. This all made it very resistant to any sort of real-life encroachment / scheduling type issues. Some people became disinterested, and this had little effect on the people that were still interested.
The above and comments from the other thread ring very true for me. Requirements to play or meet regularly are my biggest concern. I'd love to see something where it is more of a ladder standings that is based off of win to loss percentage than number of games played, maybe with an adjustment for more games played, or different brackets for number of games played.
Also, with regards to a map to track territories and holdings, I would love for it to accommodate where people can play whomever they want however many times. Maybe an option to fight over a specific location gives the bonuses or a specific scenarios to encourage people to play against new players, but still allow for none location games on the map to affect the the standings.
This is something that I could commit tons of time to, but not scheduled pre-set times or a required weekly event even. Something with this kind of flexibility would keep me interested for a good while.
Also, very willing and able to help with the organization, map locations ideas, narrative, illustrations, custom painted models or help with scenery for map locations.