Author Topic: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build  (Read 827 times)


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Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:26:41 PM »
Now that I have a base list to go off, I decide after each battle I will come on here and give thoughts and ideas about the list that may help and future Dakka players! I have spent weeks studying forums and fine tuning my army hopefully I can save people the trouble by posting this, I would love to help out fellow Dakka Players
(Fyi I apologize for my grammar ahead of time but I do play orks for a reason I often talk like them!)

As you might know for the last few weeks I have tried dramatically different Ork army's, I went from Speed Freaks (This was ok but not that competitive, Though in all fairness I could have played it much better and edited my build.. but it just did not feel right)  Then I read about The Killa Kan Wall (I think this army has potential but it was still not really what I was looking for however I did find it fun to play), this week I decide to go with something different. The green Tide that I am calling Loota'em up! I feel this army is strong not that expensive to build and according to most of the forums I have been reading is the last tournament competitive Ork army Left.   Of course I had to put my own spin on it to make it mine and I will talk about that too.

Here is the list I took into battle this week it is a 1500pt list

HQ: Ghazghkull Thraka   (My warboss, he was a beast and something i added to this build, most people think he is over priced at 225pts)
Meganobz x 4   (I took these as a troop choice)         
Trukk   (Meganobz can not run so you need to put them in some kind of transportation to get them across the field or they get there late. I put the Meganobz and thraka in the truck) 

I took 2 sets of 3 big gunz (all were Kannons)

I took 2 sets of 30 Shoota boyz with a nob. they both had 3x big shootas, and the nobz have boss pole.

I took a big Mek with a Kustom Force Field

I took 3 sets of 10 Lotta boyz

My list is pretty strait forward, I have 3 troop choices, 3 elite choices, 2 heavy and my warlord and hq. I am not going to get into much detail about who I was playing and what happen during the game, as a battle report was posted.

I will say I did play Dark Angels this week and here are the notes I took on this weeks match

I took 30 Loota's, I felt this was a very nice count in the 1500 point army. They were able to accomplish everything I needed them to do without to much issues.  Right now Loota's are the MVP of ork army everywhere! So lets talk about that, I went with 3 sets of 10 over 2 sets of 15. I found a few schools of thought on this as I pored over forum after forum all week preparing for this weeks battle. One thing about loota's is going to ground behind an Defense line gives them a +2 cover save and they can still snap fire.. Having 2 sets of 15 would make them fearless "mob Rules" and not let them go to ground losing that +2 cover save.  They will be much harder to make run at 2 sets of 15 when they do take hits though!  So this is more of a personal call and if you are going to run a defense line or not. I did not this week only because I do not own one yet (its ordered)  The other reason I went with 3x10 is because the enemy now has to split up his fire. His units can only target one group if there is 3 sets of 10 that means it will be harder for him to kill them in a turn as he can only target one group of 10 instead of one group of 15. This works the other way too, now you can target 3 different units if you wanted instead of 2.  I think at the end of the day this will be a personal decision for all of us Dakka Players, and will give each of us a little way to finesse our army.

Shoota Boyz

Let talk about the Shoota Boyz, I ran two sets of 30 with a Nob in each, The nob had a boss pole, and I had 3 big shoota's. I chose to go shoota boyz over regular boyz because I find them much more useful. I am not sure why someone would take reg boyz over shoota's to be honest being able to fire 2 shots at range 18 before charging into battle is pretty good.  This gives each unit 54 shots from the Shoota's and 9 Shots from the Big Shoota's for a total of 63 shots. Now before you get two excited thinking of how many hits that is remember Orks BS is 2.......  But still very effective.  After firing you then charge in giving you an extra attack Shoota boyz have 2 attacks naturally so you get 3 on the charge, that is 90 attack on the charge. The turn you charge you now have a total of 153 attack from one unit assuming you can shot before charging that's pretty respectable against any unit.  Reg boyz can shot 1 once at range 12 before they charge, they still get the 3 attacks on the charge, but they have a better weapon in melee, I am giving up the better weapon for the extra shooting attacks. (again this is preference to me for a few reason).. One you might not always be charging you might be holding an objective and at that point the two shooting attacks at range 18 is far superior then the one shot from reg boyz at range 12.  The best part is this is a free upgrade!

Ghazghkull Thraka and his Meganobz

This was something I chose to do on my own. I had read a few things about these guys in other army builds but never really payed to much attention to it.  I chose to put this unit in a trukk over a battlewagon because of the amount of points I was working with. I had to shave points some place and I figured I need to only get them to about half field point not all the way. The trukk did its job made it half way before stunned and I unloaded after that the trukk was fairly useless as expected. The Battle Wagon would have got them further and still been pretty beastly after they left the unit. I chose the trukk so I could add the Big Gunz something I have play with in the future.

Now to the unit themselves, one of the reason I ran them is because for the last few weeks I have struggled with Belial and his Terminators. I wanted an HQ that could possibly end Belial and that is what he did, They met about mid field and Thraka had 2 wounds already absorbing a few shots for his unit and Belial had one from a volley of shoota shots. They fought and Thraka did his job and ended Belial and his terminator squad in one round. At this point my unit made line breaker. Over all I have only used them once and it was for a specific goal in mind, they did there job, hopefully I will make the right decisions like this in the future and be able to alter my army based on who I am fighting. I would not think twice about cutting this unit out for something else against a different army.

HQ Big Mek

I had one Big Mek with a Kustom Force Field, This guy is fantastic he gives any unit with in 6 inches of him a 5+ cover save and it worked great as he protected 3 units for me. Not only do the characters get the save that he is in contact with but the entire unit so as long as one ork boy is in 6 inches the other 29 get the cover too Its fantastic

The Big Gunz

I added these to my unit mostly because I did not have many ways to deal with Tanks or armor vehicles. I chose to go with strait Kannon big gunz on this one and all and all they were OK at best. I am not 100% sure they are worth the points, I will field them again I would like to see them in action one more time as I am on the fence with them.  I will keep you guys posted on this, I also think against something other then DA they might have been very GOOD but there was a tone of cover on the map and DA has great armor saves.

The Break Down

All and all the army's core was the Loota's, SHoota's, and the Big Mek.. The rest of the stuff was put in to deal with the opponent I was playing this week. The Thraka/meganobz worked pretty much how i wanted them to, The big Gunz were very iffy at times but still took out a tank. I give the army build a A- rating against the Dark Angel Build, It was aggressive and had just as good range and it really showed what Orks can do! I am happy with my choices and would not think twice about fielding it again in a heart beat. I am confident in the build but as its only been in the 1 game like anything else, time will tell!

Future Thoughts

In the coming weeks i have a few things I intend to add to this army. A Defense life with a quad gun, and I have read a lot on Dakkajet and do plan to add them to this build as well. It will probably be against an army that has flyers as well but maybe not. I will probably remove the Meganobz and Thraka to fit them, however nothing is set in stone on this and I will have to play it by year depending on who I am playing!

Hope this helps anyone thinking about Dakka or looking for a competitive strong build

Joe The Ork Guy
"In Life the road to darkness is a journey not a light switch." - Lex Luther


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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 01:40:13 PM »
I love posts like this.
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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 07:31:38 PM »
I think it's a fair start. All that's left to do is build it, play it, learn from it and make changes as you go.

I do think it's a mistake to think it's the only competitive build Orks can make, because that limits your creativity. (Weirdboyz and Dakkajets is still a thing, far as I know.)


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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 08:21:48 PM »
If you can find points for an Aegis you can stick your big gunz behind it and you use the the grot crew's not pathetic ballistic skill to fire the gun emplacment. I personally prefer the Las cannon over thethe quad gun because its cheaper and gives you access to a 96" range str 9 AP 2 gun. Lootas can do pretty much the same thing a quad gun can.
Should the miserable Grot crews survive for long they will soon become deafened and have to resort to a rudimentary system of sign language. This is rarely successful as there are only so many signs a Grot can carry around with him.


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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2013, 01:20:27 AM »
I did not mean to make it sound like I thought it was the only viable competitive list for orks, its just what i have been reading. I think its still possible to take the list that everyone is running and make it your own as I tried to do here!  Also I am 100% on board with the dakkajets I have read nothing but good things about them and will try them soon as stated above!

That is a really good point about the big gunz I will have to try that out! I guess the Gretchin actually are to short to get targeted behind a defense line from what I read on a forum but I will actually have to find a rule somewhere about this.  :) I am not sure if that means i would not beadle to fire out either.. I read you might need to take lobbers for that to work.

Joe The Ork Guy
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 01:27:49 AM by cobrajml »
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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 11:32:25 PM »
I did not mean to make it sound like I thought it was the only viable competitive list for orks, its just what i have been reading. I think its still possible to take the list that everyone is running and make it your own as I tried to do here!  Also I am 100% on board with the dakkajets I have read nothing but good things about them and will try them soon as stated above!

That is a really good point about the big gunz I will have to try that out! I guess the Gretchin actually are to short to get targeted behind a defense line from what I read on a forum but I will actually have to find a rule somewhere about this.  :) I am not sure if that means i would not beadle to fire out either.. I read you might need to take lobbers for that to work.

Joe The Ork Guy

The line of sight with my big gunz has never been an issue for me. My opponent and I just agreed before the game starts that the gretchen can see over it and they can be targeted. If you can see the gunz or runtherd you can shoot them is a good rule of thumb to go by. If people still give yu a hard time about it you can always mount your grots on  tall decorative base or glue grots on top of other grots. You could also take the defense line and drill holes in it. If you want to be really Orky you can use the the old Ork barricade terrain as a defense line.

Unfortunately Games Workshop doesn't make it any more so it's a little tough to come by. I found mine completely by accident. It's the same length as a defense line and it's slightly shorter too.
Should the miserable Grot crews survive for long they will soon become deafened and have to resort to a rudimentary system of sign language. This is rarely successful as there are only so many signs a Grot can carry around with him.


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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2013, 11:42:02 PM »
OK Round 2 Of Loota'em Up! I went up against Imperial guard tonight, I found this army effective against my Ork for many reason.  The game went 5 turns and at the end of turn 5 there was a chance I could have made the game a draw but that did not happen so I lost.

The Army List was the exact build I ran against The Dark Angel army.. I had a few changes in mind but I wanted to see how this list would hold up and went with it.. I am not going to re post the build here as there were 0 changes you can however scroll up and to see if you would like.

Lets talk about The units

Ghazghkull Thraka and His MegaNobz.

This unit again made it as far as I needed him to,  They were able to take out two units before falling. Point wise they did not kill there value in points, however they were such a big threat that they did tie up his army for two rounds trying to stop them from caving in his left side.. All and All I feel they are over priced for the unit in a 1500 point game at a combined 425pts (Including the trukk.)   The trukk worked as well as expected it blew up like it should! but not before getting my guyz up to his! 

Big Gunz 

These guys actually never fired a shot... They were taken out by the end of turn one and I am pretty sure unless I can find away to keep them alive longer they will be removed from my army all together.. I would rather have had another set of ork boyz.  This unit was not the lynch pin in my defeat but also did nothing but take hits.   

The big Mek

Last game this guy was amazing, this game he was ok, against Imperial guard there were a lot of shots I could not use cover save against.. This made him a bit under powered, however he did give saves against other units and he would not die! All and all I will still field him probably in every build I run with lots of green tide on the board.

Loota Boyz!

These guys stayed home tonight... I mean they were on the field of battle but I do not think i rolled a 3 on a d3 for there shots per round all night long with them.. (maybe once.. Maybe) They pretty much sat there and killed one unit here and one unit there... I still think they are the mvp of most army's but tonight they just fell a bit short for me.)  Even great warrior's need the night off every now and again.  Despite my opponets hate for Aegis Defense line I think they will really improve this unit over all!

Shoota Boyz

These guys sadly were probably my mvp and they just did what I wanted them to do. They held two objectives and killed some guys, plus got line breaker!   You seen my break down on them early about the shoota over the reg  So I will not rehash that..

Since there was no battle report, My opponent was all and all a good guy who taught me a bit about the game, He was also very knowledgeable about other Gamer Workshop games as well and we had a great conversation about Regular War-hammer and Lord of the Rings.  Best part was he did not flip the table over even though he kept saying he might :p

Manny Thanks for playing and showing me the finer points of how the Imperial guard can wreck your face with out moving! :)
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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2013, 01:18:30 PM »
I have a rule question Maybe someone can help me out, The gretchin manning the big gunz would they be t7 over t3?  I only ask because a few people have said this on a different forum and that might have made a small difference in this game probably not but I would love to know for the future!

cobrajml (joe)
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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2013, 05:23:25 PM »
I have a rule question Maybe someone can help me out, The gretchin manning the big gunz would they be t7 over t3?  I only ask because a few people have said this on a different forum and that might have made a small difference in this game probably not but I would love to know for the future!

cobrajml (joe)

Artillery units use the toughness of the guns which is 7. However this is only against shooting attacks. During assaults the toughness of the crew is used and the guns are ignored completely. So you would have t7 grots but only against shooting attacks.
Should the miserable Grot crews survive for long they will soon become deafened and have to resort to a rudimentary system of sign language. This is rarely successful as there are only so many signs a Grot can carry around with him.


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Re: Orks, A New Players, and a review of my "Loota'em Up" Build
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2013, 12:36:43 PM »
Thanks, That makes sense! 
"In Life the road to darkness is a journey not a light switch." - Lex Luther