So we are going to wrap the League up with a good, ol' fashion beat down!
Start Time: Monday night right after we wrap up the "Build" phase of week 5 and distribute the prizes support. Dice will probably roll around 8:00pm.
Entrance Fee: $5 - All of which will go out in prize support.
So bring the finest warrior from your faction... following these rules of course:
A Non-character that costs no more than 250 points before upgrades.
You can equip him/her with no more than 200 points of magic items.
The Hero can total no more than 400 points.
No multi-wound mounts.
No additional models can be brought to the table through any means. (No Zombies, sorry
If you fail to take an aggressive action (moving at least your speed in the direction of combat) you take a d3 wounds.
Some of these rules are subject to change....