Author Topic: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations  (Read 19790 times)


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #180 on: August 20, 2013, 01:19:03 PM »
Tigurius batting average will be better then A-ROD Lol. Divination will give him and his squad rerollable 4+ Invulnerable saves, put him with the Centurions and the squad majority is still T5 2+.. I don't see any problem here. Oh and he basically rerolls everything including psyker powers and reserves. He's Batman


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #181 on: August 20, 2013, 03:17:45 PM »
Tigurius batting average will be better then A-ROD Lol. Divination will give him and his squad rerollable 4+ Invulnerable saves, put him with the Centurions and the squad majority is still T5 2+.. I don't see any problem here. Oh and he basically rerolls everything including psyker powers and reserves. He's Batman

Is Tigurius going to get banned from tournament play if he allies with Dark Eldar and takes performance enhancing combat drugs?


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #182 on: August 20, 2013, 06:57:47 PM »
Is Tigurius going to get banned from tournament play if he allies with Dark Eldar and takes performance enhancing combat drugs?

Are you being sarcastic?

1: Space marines and Dark Elder aren't battle brothers so he can't join or cast spells on a DE unit.
2: DE combat drugs only work on DE
3: Eldrad can already cast Dividation spells at almost the same efficiency as the new Tigiruis(since 6th hit shelves) and he can join a DE unit, but no Eldar players would waste his  Div spells on weak DE units.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #183 on: August 20, 2013, 07:30:25 PM »
Is Tigurius going to get banned from tournament play if he allies with Dark Eldar and takes performance enhancing combat drugs?

Are you being sarcastic?

1: Space marines and Dark Elder aren't battle brothers so he can't join or cast spells on a DE unit.
2: DE combat drugs only work on DE
3: Eldrad can already cast Dividation spells at almost the same efficiency as the new Tigiruis(since 6th hit shelves) and he can join a DE unit, but no Eldar players would waste his  Div spells on weak DE units.

lol yes i was,

you mentioned A-Rod and his batting average, so i made a baseball/40k crossover joke about him and his steroid / performance enhancing drug use.

apparently i'm not as funny as i think lol


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #184 on: August 20, 2013, 07:33:22 PM »
Oh lol, yea it is actually pretty funny.. I was just hyper focused on strategy that the joke went right over my head haha

Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #185 on: August 20, 2013, 11:40:14 PM »
Is Tigurius going to get banned from tournament play if he allies with Dark Eldar and takes performance enhancing combat drugs?

Are you being sarcastic?

1: Space marines and Dark Elder aren't battle brothers so he can't join or cast spells on a DE unit.
2: DE combat drugs only work on DE
3: Eldrad can already cast Dividation spells at almost the same efficiency as the new Tigiruis(since 6th hit shelves) and he can join a DE unit, but no Eldar players would waste his  Div spells on weak DE units.

lol yes i was,

you mentioned A-Rod and his batting average, so i made a baseball/40k crossover joke about him and his steroid / performance enhancing drug use.

apparently i'm not as funny as i think lol

I thought it was hilarious.

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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #186 on: August 22, 2013, 08:57:28 AM »
Q and A from 40k Radio.

Some good tidbits in here, such as confirmation the new AA tanks will not have interceptor and can only shoot at flyers. Sternguard combi weapons are now 10pts instead of 5 (damnit).

And this shocker, oh look the codex isn't even out yet and already needs an FAQ lol

Q: how do Grav weapons work on models who don't have armor saves (like Daemons)?
A: I would say a 5+, might be FAQed.

Q: Is it true that what you guys have is an early playtest material, not the actual printed C:SM codex?
A: I have the final print copy.

Q: Are their any new Special Characters?
A: No.

Q: Is honour guard still 3-10 models, or only available as 5 models similar to command squads or BA honour guard?
A: 3-10

Q: Is relic blade still S+2 AP3 two-handed?
A: Yes

Q: Do Legion of the Damned get Soulblaze like in Apoc?
A: No

Q: Can the LotD still Deep Strike?
A: Yes

Q: Does the LotD still have Slow and Purposeful?
A: Yes

Q: Can the LotD be joined by characters?
A: No

Q: Does Cassius have the Zealot rule?
A: Yes

Q: Do the AA tanks have an alternate fire mode that lets them shoot at ground targets?
A: No, only one firing mode

Q: Can child chapters take the SCs of their parent chapters?
A: No (those are unique to their chapter)

Q: Can Pedro and Lysander be in the same army without using allies?
A: No (CF is one chapter, IF is another)

Q: Are Techmarines slotless HQs like the DA book?
A: Yes

Q: Can Captains still take Artificer Armor?
A: Yes

Q: Do Sternguard combi-weapons still cost 5 points?
A: No, they're 10 points

Q: Does Helbrecht have any other special rules besides the once a game rule that gives fleet/hatred?
A: No

Q: What is the cost of a five man scout squad with a Vet Sergeant?
A: 65 Points

Q: Any changes on Kantor's rules?
A: Basically the same (will be covered on show)

Q: Do bikes and centurions get combat squads rule?
A: Bikes yes, Centurions no.

Q: Is there is any vehicle able to get grav weapons?
A: No

Q: Are neophytes of crusade squad an independent squad that can join the main unit as it was rumoured, or crusade squads are a full unit option?
A: No, like last BT Dex.

Q: Is there option for crusade squads of getting two special weapons?
A: No.

Q: If one crusader squads takes a CLR as transport, it has any point cost reduction?
A: I don't have the BT Dex to check.

Q: Have black templars access to biker scouts?
A: Yes. They have access to everything except Librarians.

Q: Marneus Calgar "God of War" rule is still in there? Has it been replaced by the 3 warlord traits rule?
A: It's different and cool (will be covered on the show).

Q: How many points cost a grav-gun as special weapon on a tac squad?
A: 15 points.

Q: How many points are the lascannon and missle launcher upgrades on the Centurion Devastators?
A: Lascannon is 10, Missile is 10

Q: How much do Relic Blades Cost?
A: Chapter Master and Captain get it for 25 points.

Q: Does the codex include a Power Field Generator (DA Wargear that generates a 4++ for a unit)?
A: No

Q: Can Tactical Marines take a Special Weapon at 5 models?
A: A Squad of 5 can have a special weapon or heavy weapon.

Q: Can Calgar still take up to 3 units of Honor Guard?
A: Yes

Q: Additionally, does his still have the rule that lets him choose to pass or fail morale checks at will?
A: Yes (more in the show)

Q: Are Black Templar Characters required and/or accept challenges?
A: Not required, but they will be sick in challenges

Q: Bikes squads that can be made troops, a minimum of 5 models or 5 models max? there is some conflicting sounding information so people just want to confirm.
A: At least 5 (max 9 with Attack Bike) and if your Captain or Chapter Master is on a bike you make take them as troops.

Q: So Chapter Masters on bikes can unlock bike squads of at least 5 models as troops too?
A: Yes.

Q: Do LotD still have their 3++ save?
A: Yes

Q: Can the Bikers take the grav gun options?
A: Yes

Q: Can Scout Squads take locator beacons or teleport homes?
A: Teleport Homers.

Q: Does Shrike have any other rules?
A: No.

Q: Do Chapter Tactics cost anything?
A: No.

Q: The Stalker, does it have 4 shots total that it can split fire with or does each gun fire 4 shots each?
A: 4 shots each (this will be covered on the show)

Q: Do any of the SC's have Stubborn or Fearless?
A: No

Q: Does the Emperor's Champion take up an HQ slot?
A: Yes

Q: Does Sicarius still re-roll his Sieze Initiative attempts?
A: No

Q: Any change to Razorbacks?
A: I believe they went up 5 points

Q: Does the Ultramarines Tactical Chapter Tactic affect Sternguard special ammo?
A: I believe so.

Q: Also, are bike upgrades for Space Marine Captains cheaper?
A: I think the upgrade stayed the same.

Q: Are normal bikes cheaper?
A: Yes

Q: Are all these answers from an early rendition or playtest and subject to change? Or are these concrete answers from a full codex?
A: The book I have looks like the final. If this is a fake then a ton of effort has gone into this.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #187 on: August 22, 2013, 08:58:49 AM »
Part 2

Q: Is there any way to assault from vehicles besides assault ramps on land raiders and stormravens?
A: The Land Speeder Storm.

Q: How do Successor Chapters work exactly?
A: This will be covered on the 1 Sept show. The answer is really long and it's easier to just explain it verbally than type it out.

Q: If you have two different chapters that use the same chapter tactic, can they ally to each other?
A: This will als be covered on the 1 Sept show.

Q: How do Camo Cloaks work?
A: +1 to cover, or 6+ cover if not in cover

Q: Can any of the HQs get Camo Cloaks?
A: No

Q: Is there a way to get Eternal Warrior?
A: Yes (will be covered in show (Zion's Speculation: It's a Relic))

Q: Can any of the HQs buy any special rules?
A: No

Q: Do the HQs still have access to Hellfire rounds?
A: No

Q: Can we get a rundown on what Grav Weapons will cost?
A: Grav will be on the show.

Q: In 5th Edition you were encouraged to use SCs as "Count-As" special characters to give you some new/interesting combinations. Is there anything in the new book that allows you to do this?
A: You can no longer do that due to Chapter Tactics.

Q: Just to confirm, this means the Camo Cloaks and the Raven Guard Chapter Tactic stack, right? +2 to their cover saves for having both?
A: They do stack, but there is a caveat to the Raven Guard rule that will be covered on the show. All Chapter Tactics will be covered on the show.

Q: BT High Marshal (Chapter Master equivalent?) Helbrecht has no Orbital Bombardment, but BT can take a "regular" Chapter Master and get the OB from him?
A: Correct, Helbrecht does not have it, but regular Chapter Masters do.

Q: Have Razorback weapon upgrades gotten cheaper, more expensive or stayed the same?
A: Some went down.

Q: How much do Relic Blades cost for Honor Guard?
A: 10 points.

Q: You mentioned that the Raven Guard Chapter Tactics have a caveat. Do all the Chapter Tactics have special caveats in how they can be used?
A: No, there are other rules for RG we didn't mention.

Q: Do these caveats require certain minumum requirements of units or wargear?
A: No.

Q: Are the Drop Pods priced like the DA ones (to include upgrades)?
A: Similiar.

Q: When making an army, are you required to take a chapter trait?
A: Yes.

Q: Is the Exorcists Chapter covered in the list of different Marine chapters/successors in the book?
A: Yes, there is a small blurb, but the do not have a parent chapter.

Q: Are any of these caveats negative things (like the old 4th edition flaws)?
A: No. The caveat is we have not revealed all the abilities for some chapters.

Q: Is there any clue you can give us on the nature of these caveats?
A: There are many layers to the CTs (no negatives).

Q: Did the points cost change for Power Weapons?
A: Generally the same, per units choices.

Q: Did the points cost change for Power Fists?
A: PF same.

Q: How much do Crusader Squads pay for Power Weapons?
A: 15.

Q: Can the Initiate in a Crusader Squad take a Power Fist?
A: Yes at 25 points.

Q: How does the limit for the extra power weapon in the Crusader squad work. Is it just 1 Initiate or is it 1 per X number of models in the squad?
A: 1 Initiate and then upgrade one to Sword Brother and you can get another.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #188 on: August 23, 2013, 08:37:48 AM »
Are Templars getting Blessed Hull again?

Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #189 on: August 25, 2013, 09:44:49 AM »
Looking at the latest batch of rumours...I may have to get this codex since White Scars run sooo much a better Ravenwing army than the Dark Angels Codex does.  Cheaper, better support units, and an actually reasonably priced/effective flyers and really only loose black knights, banners and combat sqauds.

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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #190 on: August 25, 2013, 01:20:15 PM »
Looking at the latest batch of rumours...I may have to get this codex since White Scars run sooo much a better Ravenwing army than the Dark Angels Codex does.  Cheaper, better support units, and an actually reasonably priced/effective flyers and really only loose black knights, banners and combat sqauds.

seriously, DA already weren't great and now they just got another nail in the coffin


This is a massive information dump on what is coming in a few short weeks in the Space Marine codex. If you are still doubting they are coming..... I have read the White Dwarf with my own two eyes, they are coming.

A huge thanks to Zion for throwing all of this information into one format from 40k Radio. 40k Radio has a print copy of this codex, and on their show went through it in detail.

Thanks again Zion (and for sending me the link)

via Zion at talkwargaming and 40k Radio
General Information:
*240 Points for 3 Centurions with Grav-Cannons/Grav-Amps and Hurricane Bolters (for those who hate math, that means it's a 20 point upgrade for Grav-Cannon/Grav-Amps each).
*Assault Centurions have Move Through Cover
*Codex: Space Marines is largely in line with Codex: Dark Angels points wise.
*176 Pages in their copy of the codex (same as rumored)
*Hunter has "Savant-Lock". When shooting at a flyer you put a marker on it for each miss. The markers stay on the flyer until it leaves the table or is destroyed. At the beginning of every friendly shooting phase you roll for those markers. On a 5 or a 6 that missle hits.
*Artwook is nice, and book is Space Marines more in a general form. More updated fluff, not just the rehashed fluff.
*Some of the classic Black and White was colored, but a lot of new art too.
*Book is in sections for each founding chapter (plus the Black Templars)) and a large number of the *Successor Chapters to help players know who should be using what rules.
*Salamanders don't really have any successor chapters because their chapter had suffered a large number of casualties so they have a larger number of Marines in their chapter.
*"Equivilant to Forge World background" in terms of fluff.
*Forgeworld fluff included in the codex.
*Warlord Traits (Only One Chart for the Codex):

1. Angel of Death - Warlord and his unit have the Fear special rule.
2. Imperium Sword - One use only. Declare that your Warlord is using this at the start of one of your assualt phases. The Warlord and his unit have the Furious Charge special rule until the end of the turn.
3. Storm of Fire - One use only. Declare that your Warlord is using this at the start of one of your shooting phases. For the duration of that phase a single friendly unit from Codex: Space Marines within 12" of the Warlord may re-roll any failed to-hit rolls.
4. Rites of War - When taking morale tests friendly units from Codex: Space Marines within 12" of the Warlord use his characteristic instead of their own.
5. Iron Resolve - When determining your assault results add +1 to your total if the Warlord is locked in that combat.
6. Champion of Humanity - If your Warlord causes the enemy Warlord to be removed from play in a challenge he scores D3 extra victory points in addition in the usual amount of points given for slaying the enemy Warlord in this scenario. Note that killing the enemy Warlord in a sweeping advance does not reward these extra victory points.
Chapter Tactics

*Successor Chapters - You use whatever chapter tactics of your parent chapter. The ONLY Exception is the Black Templar.
*Homebrew - You can pick any tactic you want and use the Special Characters of that chapter. Those characters have to use the same Chapter Tactics as the same Chapter their from.
*Allies - "A Space Marine Detachment that has one set of Chapter Tactics MAY ally with another Space Marine Detachment with a different set of Chapter Tactics, Ultramarines and Raven Guard for example. For purposes of the Allies rules these allies are treated as being from two different codexes and are treated as Battle Brothers. Note that you may field models from two different chapters that have the same Chapter Tactics, such as Ultramariens and Praetors of Orpheus in the same detachment. These chapters are so closely affiliated that they count as a single army on the battlefield."
COUNT AS: If you want to use Vulkan in a Ultramarines army you have to play use the Salamander Chapter Tactics. So you CAN do "count-as" but you lock yourself into their Chapter Tactics. In short, Special Characters are locked to their specific Chapter Tactics

Ultramarines - Combat Doctrine: This detachment can utilize each of the following combat doctrines once per game. To do so at the start of your turn you state which combat doctrine you wish to use, if any, until the start of your next turn. You can only use one combat doctrine per turn.
*Tactical: Units in this detachment re-roll ones while shooting, unless they're tactical marines and they re-roll all failed to hit rolls in the shooting phase.
*Assault: Units in this detachment can re-roll their charge range. Assault squads, bikes, or attack bikes instead have the fleet rule.
*Devastator: Units in this detachment may re-rolls to-hit on snap shots, including overwatch shots, in addition models in this detachment's Devastator squads have the relentless unless they disembarked from a transport in their movement phase.

*Born in the Saddle: Models in this detachment with the Bike Unit Type automatically pass Dangerous Terrain tests, and recieve a +1 to their Jink Cover Saves. In addition add 1 to their Strength when resolving their Hammer of Wrath hits.
*Fight on the Move: Models in this Detachment have the Hit and Run Special Rule. Note that this does not include models in Terminator Armor, Devastator Centurions or Assault Centurions.

*Bolter Drill: Models in this detachment may re-roll all to-hit rolls of 1 made with a bolt pistol, boltgun, stormbolter, heavy bolters, or combi-weapons that are firing as boltguns. This rule does not apply to Helfire, Kraken, Vengence or Dragonfire rounds.
*Siegemasters: Models in this detachment in Devastator squads and Centurion Devastator squads have the Tank Hunter special rule and add +1 when rolling on the building damage table.

Black Templars - BOTH RULES ALL TIME
*Accept Any Challenges, No Matter the Odds: When engaged in a challenge, Black Templar Characters reroll all failed to-hit rolls, and have the Rending Special Rule.
*Crusaders: Black Templars have the Crusader and Adamantium Will Special Rules. In addition Black Templars have access to a special unit called a Crusader Squad.

*The Flesh is Weak: Models in this detachment have the Feel no Pain on a 6+ Special Rule. Note that if they benefit from more than one instance of Feel no Pain they use the best version available.
*Machine Empathy: All vehicles and characters in this detachment have the It Will Not Die special rule even though vehicles do not have Chapter Tactic special rules. Furthermore, Techmarines and Masters of the Forge in this detachment add +1 to their Blessing of the Omnissiah rolls.

*Flamecraft: Models in this detachment can re-roll their saving throws against wounds caused by flamer weapons as defined by the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Furthermore, flame weapons used by models in this detachment re-roll failed to-wound rolls and armor penetration rolls that don't cause a glancing or a penetrating hit.
*Master Artisan: During the army selection each character in this detachment may upgrade on of his weapons, even one they have purchased as an upgrade, to have the Mastercrafted Special Rule at no additional cost.

*Strike from the Shadows: Models in this detachment have the Scout Special Rule. In addition, on the first game turn, models in this detachment have the Stealth Special Rule. Note that units that include models with the Bulky or Very Bulky Special Rules do not benefit from either rule.
*Wings of Deliverance: Jump Infantry Models in this detachment may use their Jump Packs in both the movement and assault phases of the same turn. Futhermore, they must re-roll all failed to-wound rolls caused by their Hammer of Wrath hits.
Special Characters:

Marneus Calgar:
+25 Points
Artificer Armor standard (2+)
God of War: May use a single Combat Doctrine twice per game
Titanic Might: Re-rolls all armor penetrating hits in close combat. He may reroll glancing hits to attempt to get a penetrating hit. Must accept the second roll even if it is worse than the first.
Weapons and Ammo still the same. Terminator Armor still has Frag and Krak Grenades. Retain his Teleport Homer.
Terminator Armor is 10 points and doesn't prevent sweeping advances.Warlord Trait: Rolls 3 times on the Warlord Table, rerolling doubles, and chooses a single Warlord Trait.

Captain Cato Sicarius:
-15 points
Surprise Attack: +1 to Reserve Rolls
Weapons still the same
Battle-forged Heros: Pick a Tactical Squad and they gain Counter-Attack, Infiltrate or Scout.
May still use the Coup-de-Grace with his sword.
Lost Rites of Battle
Warlord Trait: Imperium Sword

-65 points
+1 Wound
Master Psyker: May re-roll any or all of his rolls to choose which powers he knows. He has access to all the powers.
Hood of Hellfire: Psychic Hood that allows you to re-roll failed psychic tests
Rod of Tigiruis: Same as before with the addition of Soulblaze
Gift of Prescience: If your army contains Tigirius you may choose to re-roll reserves and apply the result to units of the same attachement.
Warlord Trait: Storm of Fire

All equipment the same
Warlord Trait: Angel of Death

Chapter Tactics: Ultramarines
Same points cost
Same rules

Sergeant Chronus:
-20 points
His vehicle gains It Will not Die

-35 points (bike is still 20 point upgrade)
Bike does D3 Hammer of Wrath hits
Furious Charge
If Khan is your warlord friendly models with the Chapter Tactics White Scars special rule that are bikes or have dedicated transports have the Scout special rule.
Khan makes all bike squads who are 5 bikes or more count as troop choices.
Warlord Trait: Champion of Humanity

The Forgefather: If Vulkan is your warlord, all meltas, multi-meltas and combi-meltas in this detachment become twin-linked.
Lost Digital Weapons
No longer Master Crafts Thunderhammers
Warlord Trait: Iron Resolve

-10 points
Before deploying Shrike can only join a Jump Infantry unit
Lost Fleet
Weapons stayed the same
Warlord Trait: Angel of Death

+30 Points
No more Bolter Defenses
Icon of Obstinancey: All models with the Imperial Fist Chapter Tactics re-roll failed morale and pinning checks
Same wargear
Warlord Trait: Champion of Humanity

Chapter Master Pedro Kantor:
+1 Attack
Oath of Rynn: If Chapter Master Kantor is your Warlord all models in Crimson Fist detachments have the Preferred Enemy (Orks) Special Rule. Furthermore, all such models within 12" of Kantor have +1 Attack while he lives. This bonus does not affector Kantor, and is not cimulative with the similar bonuses that the
Chapter Banner gives.
Still has Hold the Line: Crimson Fist Sternguard Veterans are scoring
Same Wargear and points
Warlord Trait: Iron Resolve

+5 points
+1 WS
Rites of Battle - Gone
Crusade of Wrath: Once per game, during the Assault Phase, all models with the Black Templar Chapter Tactics gain Hatred and Fleet until the end of the phase.
Sword of the High Marshalls is the same (+D3 attack on the charge)

-10 Points
-1 BS
+1 Wound
-1 Attack
It will Not Die (replaced "Only in Death Does Duty End")
Relics of Hellsreach: Any Black Templar of a servitor in 6" gains a 6++ Invunerable save.
Unmatched Zeal: Black Templar models within of 6" of Chaplain of Grimaldus have the Zealot special rule.

Emperor's Champion:
Uses HQ Slot
+50 Points
Black Sword: AP2, Mastercrafted
Combat Stances: Smite the Unclean - +2 Strength, Black Sword is two-handed and unwieldy; Slay the Heretic - Rolls of 6s to wound are Instant Death
Bolt Pistol gives extra attack (unless using Smite the Unclean)

A Quick Summary of what Black Templars Gained and Lost (this list may not be complete):
- No More Vows
- No More Marshalls or Castellans
- No More Terminator Command Squads
- No More Master of Sanctity/Reclessiarchy
- Sword Brethren are no longer units
- No More 2 Heavy Weapons in a 5 man Terminator Squad
- No More special rule upgrades (Tank Hunter, ect)
- No More Storm Shields on Assault Squads
- No More extra power weapons in bike squad
- No More Fearless in Close Combat
- No More Righteous Zeal
- Some Flavor
- Most Heavy Weapons +5 more
- No More Power of the Machine Spirt upgrade

+ Chapter Master and Captains
+ Honor Guard
+ Regular Chaplains
+ Master of the Forge
+ Tactical Squads
+ Scout Squads
+ Land Speeder Storm
+ Vanguard
+ Sternguard
+ Ironclad Dreadnoughts
+ Centurions (Assault and Devastator)
+ Scout Bikes
+ Devastators
+ Whirlwinds
+ Hunter
+ Stalker
+ Land Raider Redeemer
+ Thunderfire Cannon
+ Crusader Squad keeps Land Raider Crusader as a Dedicated Transport
+ Initiates are 5 points cheaper (counting Frag and Krak Grenade upgrades)
+ Sword Brother option in Crusader Squad
+ Keep Initiate Power Weapon/Fist option
+ Neophyte leadership increased to Ld 8
+ Neophyte Shotguns S4
+ Crusader Squad keeps Pistol and Chainsword option
+ Crusader Squad Organization stays the same

Quick thoughts from looking at this,

The AA tank looks a little more useful but i still don't see anyone taking it because if your opponent doesnt have any flyers you just wasted 70pts

Centurions: 3 with Grav cost as much as a land raider and they're only T5 with 2 wounds and no Invuln?

warlord traits aren't blowing my skirts up

combat tactics seem nice and diverse, the Ultramarines ones seem to be the best but are also one use only

Tigurius: -65pts and +1 wound? GREAT! oh you don't know EVERY psychic power anymore... nevermind. On the otherhand he gets to re-roll for powers, and his Psychic hood is pretty amazing

I'm glad all the units are getting in line with the DA book (cheaper)
a little bummed combi-weapons doubled in price but it won't slow me down much
new tank kit is going to be the Lemon of the book without interceptor
new centurion model is a very expensive terminator without an invuln save... i dont know
i'm glad for the Imperial Fist chapter tactics, will work well with my Kantor list

« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 01:25:46 PM by PhoenixFire »


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #191 on: August 25, 2013, 02:00:02 PM »
I know I'm in the minority on this point, but wow.

What they lost:
Almost everything that makes them unique.

What they gained:
Being called Space Marines behind their back.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #192 on: August 25, 2013, 03:05:11 PM »
All of these Rumors have been confirmed as coming from the "Final" Playtest version of Space Marines and not a print copy of the Codex.

They should be very close to the Codex but we may some differences. Just a heads up.
I ride in on my Bike with my Hat of awesome and say Nay this place should be on fire.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #193 on: August 25, 2013, 04:22:53 PM »
Wow, those are the worst warlord powers yet.  I'm shocked.
Maybe each chapter will get an awesome chapter-specific chart in the supplements?
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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  • Posts: 1180
Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #194 on: August 25, 2013, 04:26:30 PM »
White scars.
*Born in the Saddle: Models in this detachment with the Bike Unit Type automatically pass Dangerous Terrain tests, and recieve a +1 to their Jink Cover Saves. In addition add 1 to their Strength when resolving their Hammer of Wrath hits.
*Fight on the Move: Models in this Detachment have the Hit and Run Special Rule. Note that this does not include models in Terminator Armor, Devastator Centurions or Assault Centurions.


..... this is really crazy good.    Hit and Run on everything, for free?  Skilled rider and stealth on bikes for free?   Wow... 
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.