Author Topic: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations  (Read 19785 times)


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #165 on: August 15, 2013, 09:56:49 PM »
I sure as hell hope people are considering playing Space Marines!  :)
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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #166 on: August 15, 2013, 11:14:17 PM »
I'm not.... haha.  I'll continue to play near every other army though Chase :)
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #167 on: August 16, 2013, 12:20:46 AM »
With Str5+, rending, poison, AP2, multi-shot, weapons and monsters becoming more common in the game.. the once legendary 3+ power armor has actually turned into a liability.

This codex will be good if marines get a massive points reduction(which I think they will), and also a huge boost in fire power. I think the Chapter tactics will MAKE the army. If you asked me(2 years ago) if the new chapter tactics were over powered, based on the rumors I might've said yes. But now there is so much high power stuff in the game that T4 3+ save is almost useless, and you pay the points for it to boot. Also compared to other standard weapons, the bolter is a piece of junk.

So with points reduction with more buffs and MORE firepower, I think it will be a good codex.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 12:27:09 AM by MM3791 »


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #168 on: August 16, 2013, 12:26:43 AM »
I am really looking forward to the codex. I won't lie I want some slightly OP stuff for them but who knows what is going to happen until the book hits.

Storm Raven, Assault Centurions, IronClad Dreadnought. :P
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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #169 on: August 16, 2013, 01:03:09 AM »
Well, if they add "form blazing sword" then you know some serious sh*t is about to go down  ;)

I can't get that music out of my head! Lol


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #170 on: August 18, 2013, 05:26:46 PM »
Newest updated compilation

General Information
 176 Pages
 Cover features Sicarius
 Less Ultramarine-centric (more chapters in the spotlight and then allowing for a proper expansion on the Ultramarines in a supplement)
    7 different Limited Editions, priced at $115 USD (regular edition is rumored to be $58 USD)
    Black Templars moved back into the codex. Confirmed
    Black Templars get special mention in the White Dwarf by Robin Cruddace on why they were moved, and are the Battle Report army vs CSM/Daemons Confirmed
    Black Templars are featured as one of the Limited Edition books Confirmed:

Space Marine Strikeforce $220 USD - 39 models

New Codex Rules
New codex focus is on synergies between units
Graviton Weapons are being brought into standard 40k Confirmed
Black Templars are in the codex. They retain unique access to the Emperor's Champion and Crusader Squads, their allies chart options and can take any option in the codex apart from Librarians. Their Chapter Tactic replaces Vows.

Chapter Tactics: (These still work even if the Space Marines are allied to another army, and, unless otherwise stated, apply to all models in the detachment)

No Chapter Tactics provide Fearless or Stubborn to the army.

Ultramarines: (May no longer elect to fall back from combat) Choose one of the following Doctrines: Tactical, Assault, or Devastator. The Tactical detachment re-roll ones while shooting, unless they're tactical marines and they re-roll all failed to hit rolls in the shooting phase. The Assault detachment re-rolls charges, unless they're assault squads, bikes, or attack bikes who get fleet. The Devastator detachment get to re-rolls on snap shots and overwatch shots, unless they're Devastators and they gain relentless as long as they're not disembarking from a transport in the movement phase

Imperial Fists: Bolter Drill, which allows them to re-roll any 1s with all Bolter weapons listed on page 56 of the codex (it does not work with Sternguard special rounds), additionally all Devastators and Centurion Devastators gain the Tank Hunters special rules and add a +1 to all rolls to damage buildings.

White Scars: +1 to jink save, auto pass on dangerous terrain, +1 to Hammer of Wrath attacks, Hit and Run on all units, except for Terminators and Centurions (both types).

Raven Guard: Stealth USR and the ability to use their jump packs in the movement and assault phase.

Iron Hands: Army wide 6+ Feel No Pain and It Will Not Die for vehicles and characters . Techmarines and Master of the Forge also get a +1 on their Blessing of the Omnissiah rolls

Salamanders: Re-roll any failed armor saves from flame based weapons, also with their flame weapons they get to re-roll any failed wounds or armor penetration that fail to cause a penetration or glancing hit. Additionally any character gets to master craft one weapon for free.

Black Templars: Crusaders (gives Adamantium Will and Crusader USRs) and Accept All Challenges, no Matter the Cost (Characters gain Rending and Re-roll To-hit Rolls in challenges).

Second Founding or Later Chapters: Use the rule of your Parent chapter.

Unknown Founding or Homebrew: Pick one.

Chapter Tactics can only be mixed by allying in a separate chapter (this implies a new rule allowing the codex to ally to itself).

Graviton Pistol: 12", S*, AP2, Concussive
Graviton Gun:  18", S*, AP2, Salvo 2/3, Concussive
Graviton Cannon: 24", S*, AP2, Salvo 3/5, Concussive
Grav-Amp: Re-Roll Wounds and Armor Penetration rolls with Grav-weapons
*Graviton weapons always wound on the same number as the target's armor save (example: against a Marine it's a 3+, against a Gaunt it's a 6+), against vehicles on a 1-5 it does nothing, on a 6+ it automatically Immobilizes the vehicle and removes 1 hull point. Rules are not yet clear how this applies to models without armor saves.
Graviton Pistols are available to almost any model that can take a pistol
Graviton Guns are a Special Weapon
Graviton Cannons are only available to Devastator Centurions
Flak Missiles available for +10 points
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher: 24" Rapid Fire
Chapter Relics include 2 swords, 1 Bolter, 1 set of armor, 1 Storm Shield, 1 banner.
Warlord Traits: 1 chart shared between all chapters.

New Captain Model Confirmed $30 USD - Plastic Clampack
New Librarian Model Confirmed $30 USD - Plastic Clampack
New Chaplain Model Confirmed $30 USD - Plastic Clampack
Reclusiam Command Squad 5 Man $90 USD - 5 Model Command Squad, Razorback, and Chaplain

Special Characters are no longer required to run a specific chapter. Some Special Characters provide bonuses to units from their specific chapter though.

Characters from chapters can only be chosen by those specific chapters. For example: an army with the Chapter Tactics (Imperial Fists) can not take Forge Father Vulcan He'stan as part of the main detachment. Characters can still be shared through the use of allying one chapter to another, however.

No Characters give Fearless or Stubborn to the army.

Captain Cato Sicarius:
15 point reduction in cost.
+1 to Reserve Rolls
No longer Seizes the Initiative on a 5+

Chaplain Cassius:
5 point increase in cost.
Gained Zealot USR (?)

Chief Librarian Tigurius:
65 point decrease
Mastery Level 3
Knows all disciplines
He can re-roll his dice when determining his psychic powers
He can re-roll reserves(even successful ones)
Helm of Hellfire is a psychic hood
He can re-roll failed psychic test
Statline is unchange

Forge Father Vulcan He'stan:
No change in points
Gives Meltas in the Salamander army Twin-Link.

Kor'ssaro Khan:
35 points cheaper
Moondrakkan 20 points cheaper
Bikes and Dedicated Transports in a White Scars detachment have the Scout USR
His bike does D3 Hammer of Wrath hits.

Increased cost by +30 points
Still retains Eternal Warrior
No longer has Bolter Drill instead allows all units in 12" with Chapter Tactics (IF) re-roll on morale and pinning test
Same  statline

Marneus Calgar:
Rolls for 3 Warlord traits (re-rolls duplicates) and keeps all three
Terminator Armor now allows him to Sweeping Advance
25 points more expensive than his current incarnation
may take his Terminator Armor for 10 points
It still has a Teleport Homer.

Pedro Kanto:
10 point increase.
Makes Sternguard Scoring,
Uses Chapter Tactics (Imperial Fists)
Retains 12" +1A Bubble
Has 4 Attacks, 4 Wounds

Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike: Can only infiltrate with jump infantry

Chapter Master:
Has 4 Wounds and 4 Attacks,
Still has Orbital Bombardment

Replace Black Templar Marshalls (and to an extent Castellans) for Black Templars
10 point decrease base
1 Bike squad of at least 5 models (of which one may be an attack bike) may be taken as a troops choice per Captain on a bike in your army.
No other real changes.
Chaplains: Has 2 Wounds, 2 Attacks and the Zealot USR.

No longer have codex powers, but retain same disciplines in rulebook.
Only unit not available to Black Templars
Mastery Level 1 cost 25 points less
Mastery Level 2 is a 25 point upgrade
Can only get Invunerable Saves through the Relics (one is stated to give a 6++) or Terminator Armor

Master of the Forge:
Still the "shooty" HQ option.
Only access to an Invulnerable save is through Chapter Relics.

Once per game gives Hatred and Fleet in the Assault phase. It only works on units with Chapter Tactics (Black Templars),
Can take an Honor Guard (he's a Chapter Master)
Does not get Orbital Bombardment.
W4, A4 like the generic Chapter Master
Has the Zealot and the "It Will Not Die" USRs.
Units within 6" of the servitors get a 6++ invulnerable save.
He has 3 Wounds and 3 Attacks.

Emperor's Champion:
Combat Tactics (Black Templar) exclusive
 Sword is AP2 (at Initiative), Master Crafted
Has 2 "stances", one gives +2 Strength (counts-as 2 handed), the other gives Rending
Always has a 2+/4++
Does not take up a FOC slot.
May be the army's Warlord

Command Squad:
May still take bikes.
No option for Jump Packs
No option for Terminator Armor

Honor Guard:
Honor Guard cost 10 points less per model
Retain Power Weapons, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Artificer Armor, Frag and Krak Grenades
No change to Champion, just points decrease
No listed option for Invulnerable save
Can not take Jump Packs

New Sternguard Kit Confirmed $50 USD - 5 Model Plastic Box
New Vanguard Veterans Kit Confirmed $50 USD - 5 Model Plastic Box
Assault Centurions Confirmed $78 USD - 3 Model box shared with Devastator Centurions

Legion of the Damned:
All weapons ignore cover
5 points less a model

Sternguard Veterans:
Special Ammunition is unchanged.
Sternguard went down 3 points a model.

Vanguard Veterans:
Heroic Intervention no longer allows the unit to charge from Deep Strike.
New Heroic Intervention:  No penalty for disordered charges and Sgt auto passes initiative check for Glorious Intervention.
1 point cheaper per model
Jump Packs cost 3 points per model
Now Elites

Assault Centurions:
Models come with Siege Drills, twin-linked flamers and Ironclad assault launchers.
Siege Drills are S9, AP2, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon and strike at Initiative.
Flamers can be traded for Meltas
Assault Launcher can be traded Hurricane Bolters.
They also have the following Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols (Can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, and ATSKNF.
They can purchase an Omniscope which gives the Night Fight and Split Fire special rules.
They can purchase a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
 They do not have an Invunerable save.
 The Assault Centurion statline is as follows: WS4 / BS4 / S5 / T5 / W2 / I4 / A1 / Ld8 / Sv2+
 The Assualt Centurion Sergent statline is: WS4 / BS4 / S5 / T5 / W2 / I4 / A2 / Ld9 / Sv2+
 Centurions gain +1 Attack for having 2 Specialist Weapons in close combat.

All Dreadnoughts:
"Basically the same"
Assault Terminators:
Thunderhammer/Stormshield Terminators now cost +5 points each to upgrade
Points cost unchanged.

 Heavy Flamer went up in points, while Assault Cannon and Cyclone Missile Launcher got the same points decrease.
No new wargear options.
Points cost for Terminators unchanged.

New Tactical Squad Box (with Graviton Pistol and Graviton Gun options in addition to everything else). Confirmed $40 USD - 10 model Plastic Box

Tactical Squads:
Tactical Marines cost 2 points less each.
Tactical Squads are similiar to the DA version, and the Marines now cost 2 points less each.
Tactical Squads may not take 2 Specialist Weapons
 Sergeants work the same as the DA codex

2 points less each
Can take Land Speeder Storm as a Dedicated Transport.
Telion remains the same points cost, but is updated to use the 6th Edition Sniper rules.
Telion is restricted to armies with the "Chapter Tactics: Ultramarine" special rule.

Crusader Squads:
Can take up to 2 Power Weapons/Fists in the Squad if a Sword Brother (Veteran Sergeant) is taken
Initiates cost the same as Tactical Marines and come with the same equipment (Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krack Grenades)
Initiates may trade their Bolters for CCW for free.
May take up to 10 Initiates and 10 Neophytes in a squad
May take a Land Raider Crusader as a dedicated transport
No special rules beyond ATSKNF and Chapter Tactics (Black Templars)
ONLY available to armies with Chapter Tactics (Black Templars)

Dedicated Transport

Land Speeder Storm:
Now a Dedicated Transport for Scouts
Cerebus Launcher is now range 18", S 2, large blast, Blind
Black Templars may take Land Raider Crusaders as Dedicated Transports
Drop Pods hold 10 models

Fast Attack

Assault Marines:
1 point cheaper per model
No access to melta
Can not be troops choices

1 Bike squad of at least 5 models (of which one may be an attack bike) may be taken as a troops choice per Captain on a bike in your army.
Max size is 8 models
Scout Bikes:
2 points cheaper per bike
Still lay mines as per current codex

Attack Bikes:
+5 points per model

Stormtalon Gunship:
Now an official part of the codex, Death from the Skies not required.
Same as the Death from the Skies version.

Land Speeder Squadrons:
May be taken in units of 1-3
No real chances

Land Speeder Typhoon:
15 points cheaper

Heavy Support
AA Tank: "the Hunter" Confirmed $65 USD - combined Kit with Stalker Tank
AA Tank: "the Stalker" Confirmed $65 USD - Combined Kit with Hunter Tank
Devastator Centurions Confirmed $78 USD - 3 Model box shared with Assault Centurions

Devastator Centurions:
Come equipped with twin-linked Heavy Bolters and Hurricane Bolters.
Hurricane Bolters can be upgraded to Missiles
Heavy Bolters can be upgraded upgraded to Twin-Lascannon or Grav-cannon and grav-amp.
They also have the following Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols (Can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, and ATSKNF.
They can purchase a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
They can be purchased in squads up to 6.
The Devastator Centurion statline is as follows: WS4 / BS4 / S5 / T5 / W2 / I4 / A1 / Ld8 / Sv2+
 The Devastator Centurion Sergent statline is: WS4 / BS4 / S5 / T5 / W2 / I4 / A2 / Ld9 / Sv2+
 Grav-Cannon is rumored to be AP2 (I am unsure at this time if this carries over to all Grav Weapons or not).
Grav-Amps allow you to reroll to wound rolls.
3 models with no upgrade cost the same as the current price of Predator with no upgrades

 Each gun is: 48" Range, S7, AP4, Heavy 4
Can Split fire at reduces BS
AV 12/12/10
Does not have Interceptor
10 points more than the current price of Predator with no upgrades

 60", S7, AP2, Armourbane, Heavy 1
AV 12/12/10
Does not have Interceptor
15 points more than the current price of Predator with no upgrades

Reduced points cost, close to the DA version
Signum still gives BS5 to one model in the squad

Thunderfire Cannon:
No change, same points cost.
Stormraven Gunship:
Official part of the codex, Death from the Skies no longer required to use.
Same points cost.

"Basically the same"

Predator Tank:
Dakka Pred (Heavy Bolters/Autocannons) +5 points
Las Pred (Lascannon sponsons/turret) -25 Points

20 point cost reduction, no other changes

Brother-Sergeant Chronus:
Remains the same with a points cost decrease.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #171 on: August 18, 2013, 05:34:09 PM »
So Chapter Tactics wise it looks like Ultramarines have the best options although Imperial Fists looks decent (even not getting to re-roll ones for scoring sternguard)

Cheaper troops and elites all the way around making them around the same point values as the DA book

The new AA tanks coming in at 70 and 75 points respectively MAY make them worth taking even without interceptor, only time will tell

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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #172 on: August 18, 2013, 07:17:38 PM »
Hmmmm, im really liking the stalker at 75 points, getting 8 str 7 shots. But what im liking more is that it seems you can take other chapters as allies
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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #173 on: August 18, 2013, 08:45:04 PM »
Looks like Ultramarines will be the most popular, I do like how they still retain their jack of all trade chapter while at the same time making their standard units more deadly. Tigiruis looks like an absolutely amazing pskyer and will probably rival the SW rune priests.

Although the other chapter tactics are specialist but still great for niche themed lists. I do think Black Templar are the weakest, but they are still good.. I predict only really good gamers will roll Templars.

Overall it does look like it will be a great codex
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 10:10:13 PM by MM3791 »


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #174 on: August 18, 2013, 10:55:25 PM »
There are definitely a few tricks in this new Dark Angels codex.


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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #175 on: August 20, 2013, 12:44:53 AM »
Well Chase, I think its safe to say that you can order a few dozen Chief Librarian Tigurius models..or librarians since some players might use those to represent him. Tigurius's psychic powers rival both Eldrad and Fateweaver, stick him with a unit of Centurians and the whole squad will test positive for PEDs.

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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #176 on: August 20, 2013, 03:13:29 AM »
unless they gave a chance for tigurius to swap out for better gear, dont expect to see him being fielded alot. I use him now and then and let me tell you, hes really weak.

3+ armor save, 2 wounds and no invu save. Your basically praying to roll on good pychic powers and hide him.

Granted the new rules for him and lower points make him very tempting to field, i find it best to hide him behind cover and just use defensive spells on allied units. Like Invisibility on your flyer.

But then again, evertime he died on me was because of perils of the warp and from the looks of his new rules i dont have to worry about that anymore  8)
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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #177 on: August 20, 2013, 03:40:20 AM »
Is anything still bad after a reducing it's cost by 65 points?  That's a massive swing.
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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #178 on: August 20, 2013, 07:07:02 AM »
depends on the price of the other space marine psykers. they dont look to expensive to upgrade to lvl 2 but they may get better customizable gear, like terminator armor
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Re: Space Marine 6th Edition Codex Speculations
« Reply #179 on: August 20, 2013, 01:07:18 PM »
The Librarians probably going to be 65 points like the DA codex 35 points to make them mastery level 2. Tigurius if this is right is 165 points. 100 Points from a regular librarian for 2 Mastery Levels, The Ability to reroll reserves, Rerolling Failed Psychic Tests, Access to all Psychic powers, The Ability to reroll those Psychic Powers. He is a really good pick if this is all true and probably a better pick over a regular librarian if you got Ultramarines.
I ride in on my Bike with my Hat of awesome and say Nay this place should be on fire.