OK. As we have discussed, I tend to believe that RAI>RAW (at least recently I have), bascialy because RAW involves interpreting GW rules in a technical manner...and the rules mostly weren't even written from a technical perspective, and even when they try, they often fail at it spectacularly.
BUt anyway, when you start saying thing like "heavily implied", well, you're actually making a RAI argument, not a RAW argument. Which is fine with me, but as soon as you go to RAI, I'm going to say it's pretty clear they would want anrakyr to be able to use his power out of a barg, cuz it's basically just silly and unfun if he can't.....and I mean, look at the guy, he's right there, staring at you.
RAW...there's nothing specifically saying he can't. RAI...c'mon.