Half of me wants to say "hey since we're doing forgeworld lets go one step further and allow super heavies!"and before everyone says "OH NOES! you cant do that, they're overpowered!"*you still have to pay 400 or 500 points for it hurting the rest of your list*stompas and baneblades still die pretty easy to chainfists and suchjust throwing it out there. Maybe allowed them at a event that has forgeworld or a stand alone event like TANKSgiving with a small cost attached to it such as TANKSeaster, TANKS flag day or TANKS memorial day to honor the troops.I think you would get people to jump at the chance to break out their superheavies they only get to use once or twice a year.
Think of the bitches you'll get with a pony.
I do not plan to make FW legal in a broad sense outside of Doubles... Unless BG can somehow order and sell the stuff off the wall.
I agree about running late, though it was the first event in the new store, and abington seems to run less large 40k events than plainville does, plus it is doubles. So I guess it can be forgiven. I had a great time, though I will say, the last scenario had one major problem with it. Whoever won the roll to place objectives was at a significant advantage considering the Hammer and Anvil deployment.
Did anybody think $40 per team was a little much?
Odd objective in the center, with rest player-placed I think is best. There is a tactical aspect to objective placement.