Just going to throw about my .53 cents in here...
Wood Elves are about the most disappointing army book ever read. A "competitive" WE build is more like a joke that nobody quite gets. The army is pretty cool, and if they catch your eye, then by all means I (nor anyone else) should have the right to stop you. But if you want to win a tournament (or even a more serious game) they are not the army for a human.
Heres a few reasons why we are taking the time to dunk on WE:
-Characters just plain blow across the board for their points.
-Severe lack of a dedicated character
-Options that were good... 6 years ago
-Spells that are really made moot with the new edition
-Lack of a variety of units (by archetype and sheer number)
When someone says they have won with wood elves, take it with a grain of salt, the Browns win a few games of football every season, but nobody counts them as going to the super bowl.
Yeah, they may not be quite as awful as bretonnians, but every army does what they can do better.
NOW, with all that dunking... If you like the models and style and want to play games with your buddies and not care about winning or losing, then you should pick them up and keep saying:
"I play Wood Elves, YOLO!"