Author Topic: Gloss Spray?  (Read 3753 times)

King of the Elves

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Gloss Spray?
« on: January 25, 2013, 03:49:27 AM »
Is there any good company to get a gloss spray can from? I want to give my eldar tanks a glossy "new" look, and don't want to ruin them. Also! Does it look well on minis too? Does it have any effect on basing? Thanks!


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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 04:15:56 PM »
I've never had a model that I wanted to make all glossy. When I want a really glossy pigment I use Testors. They make paint for model cars and its a very glossy enamel. I would assume their spray paint is the same way. Oh one word of caution. It's enamel so it smells bad and take a long time to dry.


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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2013, 04:45:05 PM »
I have used Testors paint to make glossy bits before they work great and work good along side GW black.  painted a Darth Vader mini years ago and mixed the GW chaos black for cloth with the Testors glossy black for his armor and it came out amazing
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Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2013, 10:43:18 PM »
Is there any good company to get a gloss spray can from? I want to give my eldar tanks a glossy "new" look, and don't want to ruin them. Also! Does it look well on minis too? Does it have any effect on basing? Thanks!

Real big fan of Testors Dullcote and Glosscote.  I use them on all my minis.

Step 1.  Hit everything with Glosscote spray.  Even if you do not want the mini glossy.  The reason that you do this is Glosscote (or any gloss spray) if that it gives the model a very nice protective coating, basically you are painting a layer of plastic on the model.

Step 2. Hit it with Dullcote spray after you give the glosscote 24 hours to completely cure.  This will kill all of the gloss since dullcote is a matte spray.  It is not as protective as a glosscote (which is why you do that first), but it gives you model a nice flat look.

Step 3.  After 24 hours, any part of the model you want shiny (power swords, fantasy armor, etc) hit it with a brush on glosscote.

I would stay away from GW's matte coat (I forget what it is called), I have used it before and I have had clouding problems.

I swear by Testors.  NEVER had any problems.

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Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2013, 10:47:39 PM »
I want to give my eldar tanks a glossy "new" look, and don't want to ruin them.

Nice thing about glossy and matte coats is that you cannot really ruin the model (even the clouding problem can be fixed).  If you do not like the gloss, hit it with a matte.  It kills the gloss.  You want it glossy again, spray it over the matte (the glosscote will basically dissolve the matte coat).

Just remember, like anything else, spray thin coats.  You do not want to lay it on too thick.

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King of the Elves

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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2013, 02:21:54 AM »
Does it come in a spray can? I have gotten the liquid gloss, but haven't seen/ been able to find the gloss spray?

Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2013, 08:03:10 AM »
You can get both dullcote and glosscote in a spray can at Micheals craft store.  Go online and grab the usual 40% off coupon before you head over there.

Warhammer 40k
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King of the Elves

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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2013, 05:10:15 PM »
You can get both dullcote and glosscote in a spray can at Micheals craft store.  Go online and grab the usual 40% off coupon before you head over there.

 Thanks man!


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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2013, 11:46:35 PM »
You can get both dullcote and glosscote in a spray can at Micheals craft store.  Go online and grab the usual 40% off coupon before you head over there.

Pff I got the app just for that reason Rob :P.
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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 07:26:54 PM »
this is a helpful thread. i was wondering how to make some parts on my model look more sharply colored , and wet/ gooey.

Mad Dok Rob

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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2013, 09:59:51 PM »
this is a helpful thread. i was wondering how to make some parts on my model look more sharply colored , and wet/ gooey.

For sharply colored, I would try a gloss cote.

As for wet/gooey, you might want to try some realistic water.  I know valejo makes some.  I have never used it, but I have seen some cool stuff done with it.

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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2013, 11:58:50 PM »
thanks dok


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Re: Gloss Spray?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2013, 07:48:11 AM »
What's all this about Goss spray?