It's true! They even got us guys in NH in on it.
Realistically, First Blood is a consolation prize, because the objectives are always worth more.
Realistically, all of the rulebook secondary objectives are mostly there to break ties on objectives in a straight win/loss game, as opposed to a battle point situation. As these missions have three levels of mission goals, with varying points, that function is not really needed. That said, I concur with Banosby that all three secondary objectives are part of every core rulebook mission in this edition, and as such folks should be accustomed to playing for them in any normal game. It does feel a little funny now to play a game without them, six months into 6th ed.
The missions overall look good. Definitely premiums being placed on mobility and lots of scoring. I like that the missions appear to have tried to use the concept of having two contrasting goals for the primary and secondary, which I think is generally a good design principle.
You definitely want to be clear and explicit about table quarters, especially since that hasn’t been a core book mission in two editions now, and you can’t assume folks know what it means or how it’s handled.