Author Topic: Army Transport or. Battlefoam?  (Read 1571 times)

King of the Elves

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Army Transport or. Battlefoam?
« on: November 23, 2012, 12:36:47 AM »
So I need a army case, I really don't like my painted models floating around in the army box. So i'm thinking about getting either army transport (sabol designs) or battlefoam. Now I really want to get a big case to hold both some treys of 40K and WHFB, so for AT, I would get the division or the battalion and for BF, the XL 1520. Does the quality outweigh the price for BF or is AT just as good? One more question, I know that the 1520 opens like a refrigerator and the division opens like a foot locker, how does the battalion open. And what is the biggest case? Thanks everyone!


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Re: Army Transport or. Battlefoam?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2012, 06:11:56 PM »
So I need a army case, I really don't like my painted models floating around in the army box. So i'm thinking about getting either army transport (sabol designs) or battlefoam. Now I really want to get a big case to hold both some treys of 40K and WHFB, so for AT, I would get the division or the battalion and for BF, the XL 1520. Does the quality outweigh the price for BF or is AT just as good? One more question, I know that the 1520 opens like a refrigerator and the division opens like a foot locker, how does the battalion open. And what is the biggest case? Thanks everyone!

I used to use army transport, but I (along with lots of other people) have since switched to battlefoam -- with my main armies at least, I'm slowly converting everything over. I think that the main reason I switched over is that the battlefoam tray is just a better product compared to the army transport pluck foam.

And with the tray dimensions for battlefoam being bigger than an army transport tray, in my opinion its ultimately going to be more space efficient -- I can field a 4k point space marine list (with vehicles and everything) just using the 1520.