in terms of Comp thats something that has gone down the toilet. Far to often do i see lists that abuse special abilities of armies in tournaments. When I played Tournaments the winner was the best Sport, Had a good winning streak, and a fully painted and balanced army. This usualy was judged when more than 50% of the points were dumped into troop choices.
Now its very cut throat and people whine so much i see the WHAAAABulance go by gaming stores on a regular basis. Im tired of hearing people complain and moan about petty stuff. "oh I cant deal with fliers they are to over powered." To Quote Warmahordes Play Like You Got a Pair, but thats no excuse to be a jerk. If you enter a tourney with a list of 3+ fliers you deserve to get your arse throughly kicked. Back in the day taking that many fliers was like taking the best unit each codex presented like Terminators for Marines, Wraithlords for Eldar A really decked out Deamon Prince that can ignore all saves etc. I find it difficult to beleive that fliers are really that bad of a game changer. Sorry thats just my opinion I think every one has a means to deal with them and banning them out right is just dumb.