It was a good tournament, so please don't take my following complaints as whining--I'm not unhappy, I just see room for improvement.
Generally speaking I wasn't fond of using the old adepticon missions as it made it fundamentally 5th ed-ish. Of course, there just haven't been that many 6th ed big tournaments yet so maybe you're just stuck -- but for instance, kill probably were more prominent than they should have been. "Marked for Termination" seems a little dated as both "first blood" and "kill the warlord" take up some of those roles.
I'd like to see mysterious objectives instituted in at least one mission, as well as Big Guns and the Scouring, too.
Also -- and this is my big objection -- can we put a full stop on counting on board buildings as impassable terrain? I never liked it even in 5th but these things have rules, now. An on board building counts as it's bought equivalent -2 AV. So a Bastion would be AV 12.
Moreover, if you're going to insist on counting buildings as impassable, something I am very much against, you just can't have the fortress of redemption on the board. It's just WAY too big a chunk of impassable.
However you do it, it's important that boards be roughly radially symmetric -- including ruins, forests, impassable, dilapidated buildings, whatever.